Haha. Pop singer voice getting weak already. LOL.

Easily the most informed opinion of the thread...

In other news... Nightwish destroyed HoB Chicago tonight! Flawless setlist. Annette and the band quite simply bid adieu to Tarja and her foolishly lingering naysayers by opening with Bye Bye Beautiful. Afterwards, they proceeded to play a blistering set to a sold out crowd that, as a majority, didn't seem to miss Tarja one single bit. And for good reason. All the sudden, one could actually decipher a bit of diction in the vocals of the older material. One almost gets the feeling that it's meaningless to debate the subject of Annette vs. Tarja at this point. Basically, if you were actually sitting around looking for any shred of Tarja meanderings, you were in the vast minority. The crowd welcomed a new era of Nightwish, and the naysayers will be left to wallow in their own nonsensical bs.
Easily the most informed opinion of the thread...

In other news... Nightwish destroyed HoB Chicago tonight! Flawless setlist. Annette and the band quite simply bid adieu to Tarja and her foolishly lingering naysayers by opening with Bye Bye Beautiful. Afterwards, they proceeded to play a blistering set to a sold out crowd that, as a majority, didn't seem to miss Tarja one single bit. And for good reason. All the sudden, one could actually decipher a bit of diction in the vocals of the older material. One almost gets the feeling that it's meaningless to debate the subject of Annette vs. Tarja at this point. Basically, if you were actually sitting around looking for any shred of Tarja meanderings, you were in the vast minority. The crowd welcomed a new era of Nightwish, and the naysayers will be left to wallow in their own nonsensical bs.

Well, I have to disagree somewhat.
Annette sounded great, the band was on, but they played like 4 or 5 ballads. When Marco said I think you guys are bored, I was! 1 maybe 2 ballads I can take, but come on! They played, it seemed, like the entire new album and personally, I think they should be playing at least 50% old songs to, in fact, show that Annette can handle the older stuff. Not a single song off of Century Child. I think they played 3 or 4 older songs total. Nemo, I Wish I Had An Angel, Wishmaster and I can't remember any others.
I doubt we'll be seeing them again the next time they come around, frankly I found them to be boring musically, compared to how they've been in the past. It didn't help that I was surrounded by 10,000 yuppies that were generally rude and wanted to dance like they were in a dance club. The couple standing behind me swaying back and forth the whole time, insisting on rubbing against my ass didn't do loads for my musical experience either. Even when I put my leather jacket behind me to block them and give them the hint that they were being WEIRD, they continued to rub against me. FREAKS!
I was really entertained to see the one chick standing by us be completely pissed off and insulted by the guy that was headbanging.
Well, I have to disagree somewhat.
Annette sounded great, the band was on, but they played like 4 or 5 ballads. When Marco said I think you guys are bored, I was! 1 maybe 2 ballads I can take, but come on! They played, it seemed, like the entire new album and personally, I think they should be playing at least 50% old songs to, in fact, show that Annette can handle the older stuff. Not a single song off of Century Child. I think they played 3 or 4 older songs total. Nemo, I Wish I Had An Angel, Wishmaster and I can't remember any others.
I doubt we'll be seeing them again the next time they come around, frankly I found them to be boring musically, compared to how they've been in the past. It didn't help that I was surrounded by 10,000 yuppies that were generally rude and wanted to dance like they were in a dance club. The couple standing behind me swaying back and forth the whole time, insisting on rubbing against my ass didn't do loads for my musical experience either. Even when I put my leather jacket behind me to block them and give them the hint that they were being WEIRD, they continued to rub against me. FREAKS!
I was really entertained to see the one chick standing by us be completely pissed off and insulted by the guy that was headbanging.

Wow, you got a bad setlist didn't you?

For older songs, we in Mass got Dark Chest of Wonders, Ever Dream (there's a Century Child song for ya), She is My Sin, Sleeping Sun, Slaying the Dreamer, Nemo, Wishmaster, and Wish I Had An Angel. 8 songs out of 16 song set, so 50% of the setlist.

So we did get, in fact, 50% old songs.
Okay, as you all know (if you've read my posts) I went into this concert feeling rather hostile.

I ended up actually enjoying myself. Anette did a good job, though I didn't like how she sung some of the Tarja-era songs. She's very charismatic and has good stage presence, and all the band seemed to have a good time on stage. I might just go to the May show.
I had the opposite experience of Orb Weaver. I went in expecting them to be great, and was horribly let down. As YardleyBates said, the setlist sucked. They only played 4 old songs: Nemo, Wishmaster, I Wish I Had An Angel, and one other. The rest were from the new album.

I didn't mind the way she did Wishmaster and IWIHAA, but I couldn't really hear her because the crowd was singing. However, on Nemo and the other one, I did not like her vocals. Especially on the other old song they played. She sounded off key.

On the new stuff her voice got annoying after a while. She sounds like a little kid. Her voice has very little range. For me, that sucks, but for Nightwish, it's great. As somebody said, she has a great pop voice. The band lacks identity now IMO. I kept thinking they sounded exactly like Within Temptation.

Ballads: The played, ballad, fast song, ballad, fast song, ballad. COME ON! You get the crowd going, then you play a ballad. Ok. But to do it three times in a row? Insane.

What was with Empu sitting on the drum platform during one of the faster songs? Was he tired?

Some people said that Annette had great stage presence and was a great front woman. I disagree. IMO, she barely interacted with the audience at all. She was into the music, but she kept doing this little skip step thing, which is cool, but again, looked very pop.

The crowd was very into the show. It was an odd audience though. Very yuppy.

So it was interesting to compare this show to the WT show a few months back. Roadrunner does a great job promoting acts apparently. However, I can't help but notice what happened to WT's sound on the their most recent album, and the same with Nightwish. Both had a radical sound change that moved them closer to a pop metal sound. Very radio friendly (less so with Nightwish though as their music hasn't changed much, just the vocals). Both bands had great audiences: Nightiwish was sold out, and WT had to be very close. However, both audiences were not your normal metal audience, but were both very different from each other.

Overall, the band sounded great, but I've learned since seeing them live, that I'm not a fan of Annette. I used to really like them too. :(
They only played 4 old songs: Nemo, Wishmaster, I Wish I Had An Angel, and one other. The rest were from the new album.

Hmm, maybe you guys were still worn out from the Therion show? :) In addition to the three mentioned above, they played "Ever Dream", "Dark Chest of Wonders", and "Sleeping Sun". So, six pre-DPP songs, which is probably as many as any band has ever played when touring on a new album with a new singer.

They might have even played one or two of the other ones mentioned ("She Is My Sin", "Slaying the Dreamer"), but I've ignored Nightwish between 'Oceanborn' and 'Once', so I don't really remember. And if they did cut them from the normal setlist, it was probably so they could make it in under the Chicago curfew (which is also the reason that Paradise Lost played most of their set while I was still outside waiting in line).

Okay, as you all know (if you've read my posts) I went into this concert feeling rather hostile.

I ended up actually enjoying myself. Anette did a good job, though I didn't like how she sung some of the Tarja-era songs. She's very charismatic and has good stage presence, and all the band seemed to have a good time on stage. I might just go to the May show.

Did they already release dates for their 2nd show?
funny that the yppie thing was Within Temptation in Chicago at the House of Blues it was full of yuppies and sorority girl types. It was real sickening that this has happend at a show I was waiting years to happen for me. This is what happens though when a band crosses that line and gets popular. This is one of the main reasons that I dont go and see larger shows like In Flames, COB, and so on. I have a hard time dealing with the knucklehead factor at shows. What I experienced at Within Temptation turned my stomach. I am glad to see they are getting recognition but this is the type that can hurt a band too....once this trend is over this is the same crowd that will leve them in a heart beat and move on...then you also just alienated your old fanbase and are left with nothing.....kinda like Lacuna Coil. They were the flavor of the month and now there is rarely talk of them anymore.

I figured the Nightwish show would have the same kind of crowd. One of the reasons that I stayed away. Plus I am not a fan of the new disc. Plus after an amzing Therion show...I didnt want my weekend tainted.

it seems that the hype is doing wonders for the band and this tour but I wonder how the next tour will do once the newness is over for them.
....What was with Empu sitting on the drum platform during one of the faster songs? Was he tired?...... She was into the music, but she kept doing this little skip step thing, which is cool, but again, looked very pop.

Seriously? We're judging bands based on how they move around on stage? Seriously?
funny that the yppie thing was was full of yuppies and sorority girl types.

Hey now, I'm in a sorority! :Smug:

Actually, I'm making a big push to bring some friends to the Nightwish show in Atlanta. This is indeed a band that can reach out and make a big impact. Nightwish has been huge in Europe with all audiences - not just sweaty men with long hair. Now, I dislike the hardcore dancing crowd as much as anyone, but I see nothing wrong with a varied crowd attending a metal show. What about the 'yuppies' pisses you off, exactly? What about more chicks makes you mad? I'm not trying to jump on your case, but I find it sad you avoided a potentially good show because 'yuppies' (please define?) might be there. Please fill me in.

And to bring more fully on topic: Nightwish getting popular here in the USA like they are elsewhere is a good thing. They deserve to reap the fruits here of their hard work. If that means that their music appeals to sorority girls - so be it.
Yuppies / frat boy / sorority girls are the type that show up at metal shows every once in a while and act like asses. The guys are the ones who think it is cool to start knocking into everyone, pushing thier way up front with handfuls of beer ignoring the fact that others have gotten their much earlier then them and have had a good spot for a while, high five thier buddies and get excited for the "hit" songs. The girls get mad when people are in thier way, get mad when people bump into them (at a crowded is going to happen), think others should move out of thier way because they wore a nice outfit to the show. These are the people who think they are "slumming" because they are at a metal show. Do I sound bitter??? yes. I have seen this pattern with music for a long time and seen it destroy and ruin the music and shows I enjoy very much. When the frat boy / sorority girl element is bought in, there is definetly a different vibe...more potential fights when some guy thinking he is at Ozzfest thinks its cool to randomly hit people who are near the pit or these are the guys with there shirts off thinking it's the big game and knock into people who are enjoying the show.

Sure I think it is great that bands are broadening thier horizons and gaining new fans but when the wrong element starts to ruin something I like...that is when I get vocal. The past few bigger shows in my area have been not much fun due to this new crowd coming in. Call me jaded or bitter. that is fine. I am not trying to be elitist or saying this is my music. I just take it very serious and there is nothing worse than looking forward to a show and to have it ruined by some guy / girl who is just there on a passing phase and not realizing that they could be wrecking a good time for people who take metal serious and it is a big part of thier life. I dont want to say people shouldnt go to shows but it is usually the people who have no idea they are doing wrong or annoying others at shows who are the ones who are doing it.

I am all for more girls at shows....I am tired of the sausage fest at shows.
Hey now, I'm in a sorority! :Smug:

Actually, I'm making a big push to bring some friends to the Nightwish show in Atlanta. This is indeed a band that can reach out and make a big impact. Nightwish has been huge in Europe with all audiences - not just sweaty men with long hair. Now, I dislike the hardcore dancing crowd as much as anyone, but I see nothing wrong with a varied crowd attending a metal show. What about the 'yuppies' pisses you off, exactly? What about more chicks makes you mad? I'm not trying to jump on your case, but I find it sad you avoided a potentially good show because 'yuppies' (please define?) might be there. Please fill me in.

And to bring more fully on topic: Nightwish getting popular here in the USA like they are elsewhere is a good thing. They deserve to reap the fruits here of their hard work. If that means that their music appeals to sorority girls - so be it.

It also mean that Nightwish may start changing their music in order to appeal to their new demographic, and therefore alienating the people who brought them to where they are today. Lacuna Coil anyone?
It also mean that Nightwish may start changing their music in order to appeal to their new demographic, and therefore alienating the people who brought them to where they are today. Lacuna Coil anyone?

that is what I said in a earlier post....look at In Flames. They really changed thier sound to gain a newer audience. Lacuna Coil too an extent. I think it is good when bands advance thier sound and mature but when it is for the wrong reasons....that is when I stop supporting them. Same goes for older bands that changed and lost fans but are now back doing "classic albums" live. Kinda like saying...Wow!!!! We realized that people dont like our new direction but we want to have crowded shows and make money again so we are going to cash in on you guys. Then once that well is dry we will go back to our new style again and hope you still come out to our shows....maybe we will play some old stuff near the end of the show to keep everyone there.
I had no issues with the crowd. Keep in mind that the Nightwish show was sold out, and now we already have another date scheduled for next year. Therion's tour probably isn't drawing nearly as well, and now we hear rumblings of them not returning to the U.S. So take your pick... A sold out show with a few bad elements walking around, or a miniscule crowd featuring you, a few friends and some fellowe forumers, but maybe that band does'nt come back due to poor ticket sales.