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I'm none too fond of Slip knot. Not sure the music just dosn't do it for me, The insain clown posse would have been cool if thier music hadn't been rappish. Haahaa, you should see the way some of my bands dress, you'd be like "Is that thing male or female!?" O_o

EDIT: Ocean born is great! I think Wishmaser if my favorite though.
Century Child is my favorite as well. I like the song "Bless The Child" and I thought the video was cool as hell too. I had Wishmaster and that one didn't do it for me. I suppose it was the more pissed off feel Century Child had to it.
Psychonaut said:
Century Child is my favorite as well. I like the song "Bless The Child" and I thought the video was cool as hell too. I had Wishmaster and that one didn't do it for me. I suppose it was the more pissed off feel Century Child had to it.
Your tastes are an anomaly; Century Child to me is beyond a shadow of a doubt their poorest album.
I havent heard nightwish's material but it tends to piss me off when a band takes their image very seriously, half the time you get all these pseudo-goths who listen to cof and say they like nightwish but blatantly because of their image.......maybe im just being an elitest cunt :lol: Dont get me wrong though, im not writing off nightwish as ive never heard their stuff, i just dont like their image. Its the same with black metal, i love the music, hate the image.
Meh, I don't follow images and such, just the music. I hate ti when metal heads or "true goths" critisize me for listening to what I listen to, calling me the "P" word and such. its especially stupid becuse I've never claimed to be anything in the first place :Smug:
Blade Golem said:
Nah, I just think that everyone that got it is waiting for the other people to catch on.
Good point. Still waiting, I guess...

I like Wishmaster the best. It's the most, I don't know, complete-sounding. Oceanborn sounds more like regular power metal, and CC is...I just don't like it.
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