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I suppose it was the more pissed off feel Century Child had to it.
Pissed off feel?! Have you and I been listening to the same album? Of course such things are entirely down to personal opinion, but neither the lyrics or music suggest anything 'pissed off' to me. Certainly some of the older material has been far more so, although in general, 'pissed off' music is hardly at the top of Nightwish's agenda.

I also subscribe to the thinking that Century Child is their poorest album to date. When you comoppare it to any of the maerial that has gone before, it really is a far less consistant listen, and generally seems to leech from far too many other artists.

havent heard nightwish's material but it tends to piss me off when a band takes their image very seriously, half the time you get all these pseudo-goths who listen to cof and say they like nightwish but blatantly because of their image
I can't say I've ever considered Nightwish as a band who have taken image any more seriously than any other. Of course they put Tarja out front in whatever they do, as nearly all female fronted bands do, but really I don't see how you can suggest they take their image any more seriously than any other band.
I have all their albums besides Angels Fall First and I think they're pretty cool, they don't sound very different from each other, but each of their albums has some pretty rockin' songs.

(Well, "have" as in, I own Oceanborn, my sister owns Wishmaster and a friend of mine burnt me OTHAFA and Century Child)

The only thing that pisses me off about them is that my favorite song by them is some bonus track from the Japanese version of Century Child: "The Wayfarer". That Song positively owns.
i've seen Nightwish live, they were very good although starting very late, and missing the signing session that i missed 20mins of Masterplan's set for :( because i was queuing and the bastards didnt turn up..
it was a prety good show
i have the century child CD. it's ok. i love power/fantasy metal, but nightwish isnt too high up on my list.

you should check out logar's diary. that band rules. and lost horizon, of course.
I said what i said about their image because its true, i mean look at all the promo pictures of them in adverts for their albums etc... All "gothed" up, especially the singer with about 10 inches of make-up on and a corset, leather everywhere etc... Hense why i point out that i think their image is just as important to them as their music. But yes there are loads of other bands who are the same, personally i prefer a band just to not give a shit about their image and just play music, even goes as far as death metal bands all doing that "hardman" pose in their photos, pretty lame really and then black metal bands trying to look all "grim" and "necro" in a forest or something lol

Ive lost what im talking about now, ive only just woken up
Malicious Misery said:
For instence, check out the guys (yes guys) on my signature. they have a different costume for every single they've ever produced. The pic is from thier Beast of blood single, Gooooooooooood song.
Everyone of them are male? What kind of music they are playing?
None_So_Vile said:
I said what i said about their image because its true, i mean look at all the promo pictures of them in adverts for their albums etc... All "gothed" up, especially the singer with about 10 inches of make-up on and a corset, leather everywhere etc... Hense why i point out that i think their image is just as important to them as their music. But yes there are loads of other bands who are the same, personally i prefer a band just to not give a shit about their image and just play music, even goes as far as death metal bands all doing that "hardman" pose in their photos, pretty lame really and then black metal bands trying to look all "grim" and "necro" in a forest or something lol
I agree with your last sentence, but I really do wonder how someone can call Nightwish an image band? :confused: What kind of clothes are musicians allowed to wear, if they want to stay a no-image band in your opinion? Just jeans, t-shirts and sneakers? Just because Tarja dresses up a bit, doesn´t make Nightwish an image band. I´ve seen Nightwish live three times (and I´ve also got their DVD "From Wishes To Eternity = Live" - and yes, Tarja does wear leather-pants and also puts on some make-up (but definitely less than you see on their promo-pictures), but what kind of image should that be? And Tarja is just one of five bandmembers. As far as the other four musicians are concerned, there is nothing extraordinary about their clothing. Well, the drummer usually wears some kind of bandana which might remind of a pirate, but if that´s the way he likes to dress? Have Nightwish a pirate-image then? I can´t see that Nightwish pretend to be something which they aren´t. They are musicians who really enjoy themselves when they play live and that´s it. In all the interviews with the musicians of Nightwish I´ve read so far (and I have read quite a lot of them), they´ve always been absolutely down to earth. You should watch the interview with Tuomas on their "End of Innocence"-DVD, in which he talks very openly about himself, the band and their career. Sorry, but there is no image!

@Tool: "The Wayfarer" can also be found on the "Bless The Child" CD-single, so there´s no need to buy an expensive Japanese import. This single also contains another non-album track - "Lagoon", though this one isn´t a must-have IMO. There´s also a DVD-Plus version of this single, which contains - on the DVD-side - the videoclips of "Over The Hills And Far Away" and "Bless The Child" plus a short interview.

@Malicious Misery: Have you already checked out Within Temptation? As you said you like costumes, at least their vocalist Sharon den Adel might appeal to you. (If you should like their music and have got a DVD-player, you should get their "Mother Earth Tour"-double-DVD.)
I hope I´m not giving away too much (:grin: ), but even though I haven´t heard anything by Slipknot so far, I can tell by what I read about them that they are anything but a brutal death metal band!
...nothing wrong with wearing 10 inches of make up...though I wish they'd wear it all the time, like in thier albums and stuff instead of dressing a plain and blah (this coming from the girl who loves to see men in pretty renisance-victorian clothes) Frilly = pwitty :-p
they were very good although starting very late, and missing the signing session that i missed 20mins of Masterplan's set for :( because i was queuing and the bastards didnt turn up..
It should be noted however, that the band were not to blame for either their taking to the stage late, or the problems with the signing session that day.
Get some Battlelore like the other guy suggested MM. Great metal with lyrical-themes from Tolkien's Middle-Earth. :)

I was really big on Nightwish's music a year or two ago,but now I'm more interested in the band itself than the the documentary DVD and so on. Somewhat grown out of their music,but we'll see what happens with the new album...they're still one of my favourite bands.

And yes there is lots wrong with wearing 10 inches of make-up. 90% of goths look like they've been thrown paint at.
Originally Posted by SculptedCold
Your tastes are an anomaly; Century Child to me is beyond a shadow of a doubt their poorest album.

I find it curious how you can say that... I have been listening to Nightwish since 96, and purchased their album Angels Fall First when it first came out, and all albums following, listening to each of them thousands of times each... I am still a huge fan of them, and I personally think that Century Child is their best work.. are my tastes anomoly??? It is extremely arrogant for you to think that because you think that Century Child is the worst, then it must be so. As a seasoned Nightwish fan of 8 years, I can say that they have only increased in skill and musical creativity. But this is of course, my opinion, and I am allowed to have it, as is everyone else. So quit fucking bashing others for their preferences :rock:
Perpetual Demise said:
I personally think that Century Child is their best work.. are my tastes anomoly??? It is extremely arrogant for you to think that because you think that Century Child is the worst, then it must be so. As a seasoned Nightwish fan of 8 years, I can say that they have only increased in skill and musical creativity. But this is of course, my opinion, and I am allowed to have it, as is everyone else. So quit fucking bashing others for their preferences :rock:
:lol: Why don't you quit fucking being a retard? The reason his taste (and yours) are an anomaly is because the vast majority of people who listen to Nightwish consider Century Child to be their worst album. Statistically, your preference is an anomaly mr fanboy.
Perpetual Demise said:
I find it curious how you can say that... I have been listening to Nightwish since 96, and purchased their album Angels Fall First when it first came out, and all albums following, listening to each of them thousands of times each... I am still a huge fan of them, and I personally think that Century Child is their best work.. are my tastes anomoly??? It is extremely arrogant for you to think that because you think that Century Child is the worst, then it must be so. As a seasoned Nightwish fan of 8 years, I can say that they have only increased in skill and musical creativity. But this is of course, my opinion, and I am allowed to have it, as is everyone else. So quit fucking bashing others for their preferences :rock:

You total faggot.
Perpetual Demise said:
Originally Posted by SculptedCold
Your tastes are an anomaly; Century Child to me is beyond a shadow of a doubt their poorest album.

I find it curious how you can say that... I have been listening to Nightwish since 96, and purchased their album Angels Fall First when it first came out, and all albums following, listening to each of them thousands of times each... I am still a huge fan of them, and I personally think that Century Child is their best work.. are my tastes anomoly??? It is extremely arrogant for you to think that because you think that Century Child is the worst, then it must be so. As a seasoned Nightwish fan of 8 years, I can say that they have only increased in skill and musical creativity. But this is of course, my opinion, and I am allowed to have it, as is everyone else. So quit fucking bashing others for their preferences :rock:

Is it possible for anyone to be a bigger douche?

I thought he had a valid point. His opinion should be respected.

However, he IS an anomaly by the definition of the word.
Wishmaster is by far their best. I was not moved by Century
Child. One thing is for certain the musicianship and melodies are
awesome. The production quality is top notch. They are
a very unique and talented band.

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