nihilism and hate in metal

Yes, nihilism and hatred are predominant themes in metal. The people of would even argue that nihilism is an essential element of death metal. I however think that ideology and music are not inseperable, and that many extreme metal bands simply chose to express nihilism and hatred in their music. Extreme metal is not merely a vehicle for conveying hatred and nihilism.
I don't give a fuck about hatred in metal. I don't even listen to the lyrics in most extreme metal - for instance, I've no idea what Glenn Benton is singing, until it comes to a chorus. And I couldn't give a shit either as long as I like the MUSIC.
Does anyone over the age of 15, who isn't a psycho loner, actually listen to, and take on board, the lyrics of black/death metal bands?
I've found that a bit of fresh lime juice can be delicious on regular cheesecake, but if you drip that stuff on lemon cheesecake, what you're left with is not only horribly acidic, but also quite painful to the tongue when you eat it.
But that's only if you have an aversion to citrus fruit.
*to TakinTheMusicBack*

dude!! ian anderson inspired me to play flute. I've never met another metaller who liked him.

Um, yeah, so what your saying is that the thought or inspiration behind the music doesn't interest you.

*to Life Sucks*

So, in your view nihilism and hate are not nesserccery, but their pretty common.....

TakinTheMusicBack said:
I don't give a fuck about hatred in metal. I don't even listen to the lyrics in most extreme metal - for instance, I've no idea what Glenn Benton is singing, until it comes to a chorus. And I couldn't give a shit either as long as I like the MUSIC.
Does anyone over the age of 15, who isn't a psycho loner, actually listen to, and take on board, the lyrics of black/death metal bands?

I don't care about lyrics for the most part in death/black metal bands. Since for the most part they're illegible. Hell, I wouldn't care if the growling was telling me which fabric softener to buy, as long as it sounded good. Although, I do prefer good lyrics in doom metal, it just fits better.
icilian fenner said:
*to TakinTheMusicBack*

dude!! ian anderson inspired me to play flute. I've never met another metaller who liked him.

Um, yeah, so what your saying is that the thought or inspiration behind the music doesn't interest you.

Ian also inspired me to play flute, he's a fucking genius. :worship:

The thought and inspiration behind the types of music mentioned HERE means nothing to me. A song like "Skating Away On The Thin Ice" by Tull, yes, I can take that on board and enjoy the music and lyrics. Same with songs by bands like Opeth, Maiden, even some Judas Priest! But "Satan Spawn The Caco-Daemon"? Who gives a shit was he's saying? It's nonsense but the music's alright so I listen to it.
Barnolde said:
I don't care about lyrics for the most part in death/black metal bands. Since for the most part they're illegible. Hell, I wouldn't care if the growling was telling me which fabric softener to buy, as long as it sounded good. Although, I do prefer good lyrics in doom metal, it just fits better.
:wave: You hit the nail on the head there - that's exactly how I feel generally.

Don't get me wrong - I've read the whole fucking booklet that comes with "In Their Darkened Shrines", but I've always been into Egyptology so Nile interest me musically AND lyrically. I've never been into Satanism, so black/death metal bands singing about it mean nothing to me, although it doesn't stop me listening to Deicide.
I too don't really care about lyrical content except that it should fit the music. Death metal isn't very nice and flowery sounding so it shouldn't have nice happy lyrics. The music sounds pissed off and hateful, so the lyrics naturally have to fit the music. Could you imagine a Suffocation song with lyrics about picking flowers or something, it just wouldn't work. Immolation are a great example, as repetive and beaten into the ground as their lyrics are I don't think anything else would sound right with their music, they sound evil and their lyrics are evil/blasphemous it just fits......
Barnolde said:
I don't care about lyrics for the most part in death/black metal bands. Since for the most part they're illegible. Hell, I wouldn't care if the growling was telling me which fabric softener to buy, as long as it sounded good. Although, I do prefer good lyrics in doom metal, it just fits better.
It's a common mistake to believe that ideology is expressed through lyrics alone. Read my post in the 'faggoth' thread.
i usually dont read lyrics to many bands, but a band has to have something to go fore or the music isnt good. take that shitty ICP band for example, they just put they music together for money and their music sucks. then there are bands like emperor who are satanist nazi's and they make kick ass music. a band IMO needs to have something to play for besides money.
GoD: I can't be bothered to read what you said in the 'faggoth' thread again - so this might not be relevant - but only so much can be expressed through music alone. Mood doesn't clarify ideology.
Well i for one sure the hell hope nihilsm and hate becomes the dominant theme instead of silly satanism, vikings, nazis, gay powermetal bikers, and whatever idiotically stupid gore lyrics so many bands use.

Doesnt nihilsm and hate bond us all together?
Satanism and Nazism are linked to hate, not nihilsm. How does Nazism have anything to do with nihilsm- it is merely the culmination of the german idea of the supreme power of the state that was first popularized by the antichrist Hegel- weltschamung; well i forget the actual spelling of the german word. What does it have to do with nihilism- the rejection of everything? Surely if one reads Nietszche one would get the rather messianic idea, that some willfull caesar is the Superman the world awaits; yet Hitler, and his ideas of German peoples total subserviance to the state and a renewal of good old fashioned prussianism is hardly what old Friedrich had in mind.

I was sort of joking here dude, but I am a bit of anarchistic nihilst within reason of course; perhaps just a classical liberal is the best description. Anyhow, I think nihilism is a important topic that everyone has pondered. Nihilsm and metal have a strong relationship, just because of the subject matter- a need or a emotion of apocalypse if you will ( except for the power and prog boys who like to show off to a world that doesnt care how many notes they can play).