No more Velvet Cacoon?

I think they really broke up. But even if they did they'll probably be in other projects that are more than likely going to end up being more or less the exact same style as VC.
and by exactly the same as VC you mean another gay ass hippie band.

hippies do not = metal, no matter how much they disguise it as black metal, it will always be Phish to me.
Gallantry over Docility on a previous VC thread said:
I am absolutely 100% fucking sick of Velvet Cacoon. I will explode and lock every thread on the board if you start discussing whether Genevieve is overrated or underrated, I will also hunt down and kill all involved. Uber-kvlt band on FMP ====> a trend of VC-fellatio to the point of madness ====> a trend of hatred for VC to the point of madness ====> LOTS AND LOTS OF FORUM-AIDS. STOP TALKING ABOUT VELVET CACOON. GET ON WITH YOUR LIVES.

You don't say.
They're not exactly the type who would make April Fools jokes are they? Anyway, fair enough, could care less, Genevieve is still a good album
Genevieve sounds like a fucking far cry from black metal to me. The more I listen to it (which hasn't been in a really fucking long time, 'cause it's kinda boring unless youre in the mood), the less it sounded like metal at all, more like a dense, insane layered ambient kind of thing.
It's on the outer fringes of metal, certainly, but on the outer fringes has always been where all the interesting things happen :)
I'm getting minor urges to listen to it again now. too bad i never bought the fuckin thing!

oh well.. lately listening to "fringe" things like that just gives me the urge to spin some RIGHT HEAVY FUCKING METAL!
Erik said:
It's on the outer fringes of metal, certainly, but on the outer fringes has always been where all the interesting things happen :)

Yeah, like Faith No More, Mors Principium Est, Dragonland, Soilwork, and Matchbox 20.... :lol:
Either way, Velvet Cacoon still sucked.

I hope all the members die, in case they have any lingering musical inclinations.
If they're going to get the same amount of hype that Velvet Cacoon receive, I'm inclined to agree, though I find Genevieve decent and Music For Falling Buildings quite cool.