no sm57+mesa tones...stop limiting yourselves

(I'm really digging this marshall clip)

This is great! My favorite one by far.

Do you think I could get similar tones with my Marshall TSL100, Orange 2x12 cab, and TS7? I think maybe the first step is replacing my TS7 for a higher quality/more organic OD pedal though.

What would you recommend? The Maxon OD820? OD808? Some people say I should just mod my TS7 but I don't really know what will give me the best sound/what I'm looking for.
TS10+Mesa Studio Preamp+Peavey6L6+Fathead

Tubescreamer TS10 > Mesa Studio Preamp > Peavey Classic 60/60 > HB V30 > Cascade Fathead.

Ola > same setup

Same setup, altough I'm not sure I used the TS10 this time. I just love the part from 01:50 on where Ola is soloing. In the clean part I did a lot of fiddling the gainknob on the mesa to get a dynamic solopart. Ola has always got some killerchops :grin:

I do al kinds of shit with the MB Studio Preamp, it's very tweakable.:Smokin:
Two days ago I tracked the Mesa Os with an sm57 on the top left and an e606 on the top right. Does that count :)

The e606 on its own is not usable for the sneapster metal tone, but combined with the sm57 and like 5dB lower in level it realy gives the guitars something the sm57 isnt capable of.

Didnt used that mic in like 2 years on guitars.
I tracked our guitars for our next album with the following:

My guitar - Fryette Sig X w/Zilla Cab 4x12 - Celestion Vintage Century speakers. Neodymium magnets, 60watt rated.
Adams guitar - Laney VH100R w/Marshall 1960A 4x12 - Celestion G12-T75 speakers.

Used a Senn 421 and SM57 on each cab. But ended up using the SM57 for Adam's guitar, and the Senn421 for my guitar - mixing in the other microphone slightly in certain sections.

Example of the tone:

I've also used an Audix D6 before on guitars to capture the low-end chunk. It works pretty well in combination with another microphone. I used to use a Rode M3 as it was all I had access to at the time, and it's great for cleans. Not good for high-gain as the microphone gets grainy the more you blast it. The T-Bone SC400 is quite nice on clean or crunchy guitars too, but again... not for high-gain. Saturates too much.
Some of the clips sound really nice, I love the m160 clips. I really want to get a ribbon microphone somewhere soon. I'm curious about the proximity effect of those. I hear alot that take EQ easier than most other microphones. This would make them also perfect for blending, as how much I love the clips on itsself, I still like some Sm57 edge on it. It's crazy, because I usually hate the Sm57 recordings if I make them, but they always end up better sounding in the mix.

I did a clip too, no Mesa or Sm57. But I have to say I miss the Sm57 grit here too, the E906 is nice but I cannot get a really suitable tone with it on it's own. Maybe if I would have used my Marshall cabinet it would be better.
Yeah, the 906 is a bot weird, it's a good mic and many people like it, but something always sounded wrong for me, that mic never really clicked with me for some reason.
Maybe I should give it another chance.
Also: I'm gonna post some m201 clips tomorrow, that is one fantastic mic for sure, blends very nicely with a 57
I'm curious about the m201, never seen or used it.

I took it one step further, also removed the OD808 (another 'the usual thing' I think). I'm gonna see what the E906 does on the Marshall cab later, I fear the worst but...


And a clip with Marshall 1960A cab (with little modifications):

I like it on the E906, it's still not very good on it's own though.
Could you also upload a separate bass for the song mago?

Well yes I could, but I dont know if it would be of much use, because I only have a drummix from Lasse to which I recorded, and it has a pretty loud snare iirc...also I dont know if Lasse wants the drums to be floating around?
I have been getting some cool tones lately by introducing phase issues. Not enough to destroy the signal but enough to change the guitar tone in a way that you could not otherwise get. I have a really cool one I'm working with right now. I'll see if I can post a snippet later.