Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

Yeah I know, sadly they still make console exclusive games for some reason, like The Last Of Us and God of War and even worse you have different companies releasing exclusively for PS4 or Xbox which is even worse, as if everyone has both consoles lol. But those type of games you're talking about obviously is fine playing on consoles, most of them are great single-player story-based games. But if you're playing any sort of shooter or online games, most of those people are casual gamers/bad players in my eyes, which is fine, not everyone wants to be hardcore, or have the time to be. I have played The Witcher 3 as well, but I wouldn't fucking touch it if I couldn't play it on my PC with Mouse and Keyboard, no fucking way lol.

I haven't touched any VR stuff yet, I'll probably wait many years until I touch it, there's not really any content good enough yet, and techonology needs to be improve as well. Plus I don't have any space to play a VR yet, but I can see stuff maybe in like a decade, the possibilites are really cool, there could be insanely immersive games and environments created, but I think it will take many years from now.
Today's hardcore gamers seem to be the squeakers playing fortnait.

I agree with the console exclusivity thing. They're doing this just to sell shit. And I agree about the pc console comparative. Anyone with brains would rather spend their money in a good computer over any console. The problem is still the same. The games.
VR is great right now, but most people can't afford it or they don't have the space for it, so there's a lot of criticism based on jealousy/misinformation.

Soon you'll be able to play XBOX games on your PC, so as long as you have a decent graphics card that's one less console to worry about!
Well, you can get a PS1 emulator and play those :D otherwise it probably isn't happening. Nintendo and Microsoft have been working together recently though, so Switch games could end up on the PC at some point.
Nintendo wants to sell consoles so I don't see this happening. Any game from ps3 or ps4 should run in an average pc without any problem.
Yeah consoles are like a decade if not more behind PC when it comes to performance/graphics, and consoles will never catch up. That's why it's sad they still mainly release those type of games on console when you can get so much more out of them on PC. Last console I had was probably PS2 or a GameCube, since I discovered Counter Strike and some other games back in 2002~ I've never really touched consoles since apart from some classic Tekken 3, Super Mario Party and Super Smash Bros: Melee. My brother has a PS4 but he ONLY plays FIFA for some reason, I've been trying to get him into playing some cool single player stuff like God of War but he isn't interested at all.
They don't make money on pcs. This is why. You can have a decent gaming computer that'll last for ten years, lowering the graphics as time passes, snd that can upgrade at your wil. Instead, they're selling us 1/4 of that every five years.

Then PS will sell the same game remastered for every new generation at the price of a new gen game.

And now I see hiw some games take 50 to 100 gb or the console hard drive, when they're released on blu ray. That's frankly a fraud.

There's no way that I'll buy a console just to play one game.
Well tbh if you have a computer that lasts 10 years then you're playing very old games, if you buy a high-end PC nowadays, which I've done the last 15 years, I usually upgrade every 4-5 years to a new one. Depends what you play, and if u are satisfied with medium graphics, or if u want to be able to maximize all settings on all games you play, like I prefer. But do they really make that much on consoles though? Consoles last even longer, since they don't even release new ones that often, didnt PS4 come out in like 2013 or some shit? And no one has heard anything about PS5 yet either...Plus a PS4/Xbox costs what, like 400~ dollars? A high-end PC costs anywhere from 2-4k dollar, and then u have accessories like mouse, keyboard, monitors, headsets etc, I think there's no way consoles outsell PC parts, just an above average graphics card cost the same as Xbox/PS4.

But if you're talking about strictly selling games, then console outsell PC yes, but there's more than double people playing games on PC than on consoles roughly also. By the way talking about consoles, I think PS4 is vastly more popular than Xbox? When I googled about selling games etc looked like PS4 blows xbox out of the water in sales.
I'm talking, of course, about not playing with the graphics on full. That's what many people does. My intention now is to buy a very good motherboard and cpu, so that I'll just need to upgrade memory and gpu on the next years.

Ps is more popular because it has better exclusives. Have in mind also that any game for xbox is almost always also a game for pc. And the prices are similar.

Sales. Ps4 has sold more than 90 million copies. Switch more than 32 milion. That's a lot. Having in mind that they do not compete on the computer world. You build your own computer as I do and many other people. So that's money that they'll never see.

Ps5 is supposed to be announced anytime soon. And there are also the upgrades from any generation of consoles. Which makes some people having more than one console from the same generation.
Can't believe how wrong you can be on this whole PC vs consoles :D

Yeah I know, sadly they still make console exclusive games for some reason, like The Last Of Us and God of War and even worse you have different companies releasing exclusively for PS4 or Xbox which is even worse, as if everyone has both consoles lol. But those type of games you're talking about obviously is fine playing on consoles, most of them are great single-player story-based games. But if you're playing any sort of shooter or online games, most of those people are casual gamers/bad players in my eyes, which is fine, not everyone wants to be hardcore, or have the time to be. I have played The Witcher 3 as well, but I wouldn't fucking touch it if I couldn't play it on my PC with Mouse and Keyboard, no fucking way lol.
First of all, most of PC players are casual gamers, that is easily a fact. Just think of Sims 4 having more than 200 mln players monthly.
Second, I wonder if you'd win gamepad vs gamepad, calling them casual gamers. There are some really good FPS players using gamepad, but it is nothing but that precise as mouse. I'd probably kick your ass using mouse, but still I prefer playing those god awful consoles, you mustard race believer :D

Most importantly, why people buy consoles? Because it is easy, it is comfortable, because it has local multi. I get that you want to be a super killer, but it's just so much more fun in front of 50" TV, half-lying on your couch. People spend 8h in front of their monitors on the office chairs already, so they don't really want to alt-tab to CS 1.6. So they either go Candy Crush (most of people), or God of War, which is really fine.

From developer's perspective, why would you do exclusive?
First of all, Sony/MS pay good money for exclusive, so no need to worry about sales. It is easier creating game just for one console, because if it works, it works, you don't have to do ray tracing, while making sure Voodoo fx will still handle anti aliasing.
And most important, why not go PC? Because the piracy stats are awful.

PC games aren't that profitable. There are about 90 mln on PS4, most of exclusives are first party, so if you hit a big exclusive, you hit it big time, like Detroit did. Can't really blame consoles. My suggestion, just force yourself, buy a gamepad, play Halo 2 on PC, get to know it. You don't always need to be best sniper, sometimes it's good enough to be a fast God of War.
That's what I'm saying, most casual ''gamers'' are found on consoles, and consoles is often bought for a whole family to use.
When we're talking hardcore gamers playing online games, they are all on PC. I understand the reason why the exlucives, but I still doubt that it wouldn't be profitable in the long run by releasing multi platform. Many console exclusives have released on PC later on due to demand, like Dark Souls series for example.

Also, assuming people like to win when playing online games, I don't know why you'd prefer to play on a console where the skill-level of people are a fucking tenth of the skill of people playing PC, and that is with garbage aim-assist included. There will never be a world where a console player would win in any type of shooter game vs PC.

PC will always be master race on online games, that's a fact. Also you'd have no chance vs me on a FPS game regardless if you're using mouse or console lol, I've hardcore played FPS since I was 10 years old. There is plenty of casuals playing PC yes, but I personally don't include people playing Sims or Farmville as being gamers. I know nowadays they're trying to twist the statistics like claiming 50% of gamers are females, when everyone who plays online games know the ratio is more like 80-20 or even 90-10. It's only when you include stuff like Candy Crush you get those pseudo-statistics.

I have no plans on getting a console because I prefer competative online games almost all of the time when I play, I have no real desire for a single player game at the moment. Maybe in the far distant future if I become more casual then who knows, but for now my realm is PC. Don't get me wrong consoles can be fun, I spent many years when I was younger playing a lot of N64 and PS1-PS2, and I have many fun memories playing stuff like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Tekken 3 but it's nowhere as immersive and entertaining as PC gaming for me. And there's almost no games who have FOV sliders either on consoles.

The only positive with consoles I guess, are that there's almost no cheaters on the online games, but then again, why would you play online games on a controller over Mouse + Keyboard lol. Also maybe I'm wrong but don't you have to pay to play online games with PS4 and Xbox?

Then we have the mobile market, which is fucking HUGE especially in China. That's why Blizzard sold out with the Diablo Immortal for Mobile, it's so fucking huge in Asia that regardless the outrage in North America & Europe it'll still be worth for them due to high sale numbers. But on the negative side they are rapidly losing their reputation when they pull those moves.

I don't even know if my points made good sense, but the main thing I mean to say is that if you are casual and/or poor then you most likely play your video games on a console or mobile. If you're more of a real gamer, you play on PC. There's a reason all big E-sport games are played on PC and the scene there is so much bigger than on console. I only really know of Fighting games & Call of Duty when it comes to the console scene, but the prize pools there are just straight up laughable garbage when you compare it to PC prize pools on the biggest tournaments.
I prefer single player games. I playe them once and once again through the different difficulty levels. Trying to complete then 100% is also a challenge.

I don't like online games and I don't like shooters, though I understand why people likes them.

I'm more the uncharted, elder scrolls gamer type.
Ok mate, so you're obviously confused.
Hardcore gamer =/= online player.
Casual gamer =/= single player.

Most "casual" gamers are found on PC... because, as you have already noticed, the amount of players is bigger on PC games, so it's just a matter of simple statistics. When it comes to the skill level, sure, no console player will win against PC player... unless they use mouse and keyboard? Which is possible since quite a while now. It's not a matter of skill, but a matter of hardware. Do you really think those mythical console players do not know how to use a mouse? I'm a darn sharp-shooter when it comes to my mouse, since I've been playing starting as a 7 year old, but still I prefer my console, just because of the comfort it gives me. Which is exactly why would I play on gamepad - because it's fun. I don't need that kind of precision after 8h of work, I need fun and relax, which doesn't make me a casual. Why would you even call a casual someone who can easily go through Cuphead? :D

So yeah, what you say kind of makes sense, but only when related to e-sport. For me gaming is much more than that. MOBA games are relatively new, so before that it was mostly FPS, sport and fighting games, two of them played mostly on consoles. E-sport grew just recently, but there is no reason to call people who have been playing for 15 years casual gamers, just because they did not catch this online hype train.

And those "real gamers" mostly on PC, don't make me laugh. Real gamers steal their games? I do tend to think that real gamers play more games than narrow themselves down to couple of online shooters. If you have seen the horrors of This War of Mine, lost friends in Gears of War, experienced Vanishing of Ethan Carther and saved Ori and the Blind Forest, you are probably much more of a gamer than the hot chick on twitch having nice stats in some Fortnite.

When it comes to exclusives, Dark Souls was a multiplatform right from the start - on both Xbox and PS4 - so it's easier to release it on PC later on, especially since Xbox has such a PC-like architecture. It's kind of a "nothing to lose" situation, depending on how it was developed. On the other hand, there is Rockstar Games, having some beef with PC's since GTA III.
And when it comes to the discussion of consoles stopping graphical progress - why would you care as a trve hardcore gamer? It's not like you need more polygons on enemy's face to kill him. Progress made by consoles is huge in terms of minimizing hardware and dealing with heat issues. Of course they won't catch up, until they will use cloud in probably next 10 years, but it's not like consoles are blocking anything. After Xbox One X release it wasn't a big deal for many companies (Rockstar, CD Project, Turn 10) to release 4K texture package and enhancing additional modes (60FPS vs 4K). We are simply at that advanced level, it's just hard for graphics to make games as beautiful as you believe they should be, which only best companies can afford. And most of those best companies tend to create console games as well, or exclusively, like Rockstar, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, because it's profitable.

I prefer single player games. I playe them once and once again through the different difficulty levels. Trying to complete then 100% is also a challenge.

I don't like online games and I don't like shooters, though I understand why people likes them.

I'm more the uncharted, elder scrolls gamer type.
High-five! I liked CS and Enemy Territory couple of years ago (ok, more than a decade), but I'm having much more fun in a story-driven games. I'm super happy that in terms of scenario games finally caught up and are capable of giving as a true narration, which is so much morre immersive than a movie or a book, since we can actually take part in the events. In last 3 or 4 years I became a big fan of "walking simulators", which are kind of basic adventure games, with just little true game mechanics, focused on story and graphical experience. My favourite ones are Vanishing of Ethan Carther, Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch.
Maybe I'm just old, but how do adults find the time to become "hardcore"/"competitive" gamers? I've barely got enough time to sneak in a few hours a week on gaming. Obviously when I was a kid/at university I had more time to kill, but with a full-time job, family commitments, housework, etc... I'm not sure how people find the time unless they're unemployed.
I still need to end skyrim. Started zelda. Finished Mario tenis cart and plaued for the 3th time the entire uncharted saga. As you said, it's like being part of a movie. A good experience. Next will be dragon quest xi. What remains of Edith finch i need to buy it because everyone says it's an amazing experience.

Sadly I don't have that much time when at home to play due to children trying to stole the gamepads from my hands. Children are really annoying when it comes to playing games.
Ok mate, so you're obviously confused.
Hardcore gamer =/= online player.
Casual gamer =/= single player.
I was just giving my opinion. Gamer nowadays is a much more broad description than it used to be, but for those who lives and breathes games whether it's single player or online you can differentiate between a ''gamer'' and a real gamer easily. I'm much more hardcore so for me there's a huge difference between what's casual and hardcore.
For me, casual means that you most likely aren't playing competatively online. Doesn't mean you're not putting the hours in on whatever platform you're on, it's just that you play your games in a more casual and laid-back way (console games while half-laying in your couch for example).
I simply just prefer winning against a person rather than winning against AI, because I think it's much more rewarding, and also because I'm good at the games.

It's like you said about yourself, you want fun and relax, then to me that's a casual gamer, basically like watching TV but playing a game. Nothing wrong with that at all. When I feel that way rarely, I'll throw in some Witcher 3 at times. But mostly for me it's serious gaming or not game at all. If I don't want to play serious then I most likely just watch some shows or surf the web rather than playing something more laid-back. It's just my personality.
Talking about Esports, if you're talking MOBAs then yes it's relatively new, like a bit under a decade, but FPS isn't anywhere new on PC. You've had Quake and CS tourneys for 2 decades, although Quake has kind of died, CS is stronger than ever though.
Maybe I'm just old, but how do adults find the time to become "hardcore"/"competitive" gamers? I've barely got enough time to sneak in a few hours a week on gaming. Obviously when I was a kid/at university I had more time to kill, but with a full-time job, family commitments, housework, etc... I'm not sure how people find the time unless they're unemployed.
Well if you have both family, fulltime job and other commitments then obviously you'd find it very hard apart from maybe weekends here and there, but unless you don't have kids and a GF/Wife it shouldn't be hard finding anything from like 3-5hours to play stuff, assuming you want to play stuff. It's all about prioritizing your free time.
I understand the piracy thing. When, instead of a full game, they sell an incomplete one with four dlcs and you end up paying 100€ or even more it's natural to not want to pay for this.

This is why I won't buy or play ganes like assassins creed. I feel it's a fraud.

But well developed full games, I will always buy them.
Maybe I'm just old, but how do adults find the time to become "hardcore"/"competitive" gamers? I've barely got enough time to sneak in a few hours a week on gaming. Obviously when I was a kid/at university I had more time to kill, but with a full-time job, family commitments, housework, etc... I'm not sure how people find the time unless they're unemployed.
I usually play or watch tv dtarting 23:00 till 1:00. That's my only free time for this. Unless I'm too tired.
It's like you said about yourself, you want fun and relax, then to me that's a casual gamer
To me a casual gamer is one that plays from time to time. If you spent hours playing in a single playet game then there's no way that you might be called casual. I know people that spends 5-6 hours a day doing this. And they buy almost everything that's relrased.

There's this guy that ended dark souks without receiving one single hit. There's no way to call him casual.

And there are ais and ais. Many are easy to deffeat but there are others hard as guck. Just the same as playing against other people.
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