Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.


If you marry her, you ca acquire double nationality and become a fellow member of the EU again.
Yeah, although I think I'd be moving to Finland rather than her moving here... better stock up on some winter coats.
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Yep, that's Insomnium alright.

Meanwhile I'm listening to this.

It's so 80s that it downgraded my PC back to DOS.
Man, I literally heard every single part of this song on their last album alone. I can't believe what happened to this band, their shit filter used to be set really high. Nowadays they are recycling themselves over and over.
I liked the previous album. A lot. This song is not bad. Has that melancholic vibe. But it doesn't look as if they put too much efort into it. The music and lyrics could have been far better. I also think that is due to the fact that Ville Friman is not being part of the creative process.

Looks like someone finally created an Amaranthe clone without the male vocals. At least the band name is accurate "Metal Lite". Could also be called Amaranthlite and be acceptable.

Looks like someone finally created an Amaranthe clone without the male vocals. At least the band name is accurate "Metal Lite". Could also be called Amaranthlite and be acceptable.

Boob Metal
Skimmed through in 5 seconds, done.
New Bodom song, the Alexi band

Maybe the best Bodom song since Follow the Reaper album? Definitely back to the roots. Mix of old school era Bodom, Dissection, and Kalmah, with some of the newer Bodom style there as well. A little bit of the rock and roll flourishes there in the solo but mostly kept to a minimum. In other words a metal song, not just dressed up rock.

Ive tried to get into all their stuff since 2003 without much success, was never a fan of the party attitude image they shifted to with Hate Crew Deathroll. I’m kind of allergic to the whole drug addict, alcoholic image that they embraced. But this song sounds great to me.

Sounds like Alexi was back in full swing musically when he died, really a shame.

Drugs and alcohol are bad, okay guys?
That track is pretty solid!

I liked HCD a lot, but could never get into anything that came after it.

As their April Fools gimmick Metal Archives have changed all of their band's profile pictures to cats. Iced Earth...


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I struggle to get excited about new ATG as I know it's going to sound almost identical to old ATG. I know we bash IF for their inability to stick to a specific path, but it does at least make each release somewhat interesting - even if it is just morbid curiosity. I will probably check out the new ATG album but I can't say I'm especially hyped for it.
I struggle to get excited about new ATG as I know it's going to sound almost identical to old ATG. I know we bash IF for their inability to stick to a specific path, but it does at least make each release somewhat interesting - even if it is just morbid curiosity. I will probably check out the new ATG album but I can't say I'm especially hyped for it.

Well well well.. So you finally understand..

Disagree guys. Every ATG sounds different and the last album really doesn’t sound like SOTS to me at all. When you say old ATG I guess you mean SOTS and Terminal Spirit Disease. Because the last album didn’t sound like the Red In The Sky is Ours at all. Or With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness.

I wish the last album would have sounded like one of those, I would have liked it better. Only got into 2 of the songs but maybe someday. I didn’t appreciate The Red... until maybe 15 years after I heard it the first time. But between the latest two albums, the 2015 comeback was a lot better to me.