Never played the Saints Row games, but yeah, going back to 2002 for an IF track is a bit strange to say the least. Particularly as they've picked some pretty heavy tracks on the NB station to surround it withbased on the general track selection it feels like something from TJR/Whoracle would have been more appropriate... but Cloud Connected is still a cool track nonetheless.
I've enjoyed all of them well enough, though I prefer the more grounded tone of the earlier installments. The reboot's getting absolutely slaughtered by critics and fans alike for a number of things, so I'm really worried about it. As much as I want to get it (If nothing else, to drive around and destroy everything I can with "Cloud Connected" blasting on the radio), it's an Epic exclusive until sometime next year, so I guess I'll go fuck myself.
Interesting. I never thought about CC as being one of their most popular songs. Probably because, though I like it, it has never been in my top.
Interesting. I never thought about CC as being one of their most popular songs. Probably because, though I like it, it has never been in my top.
GTA V is the closest I've come to that kind of game... playing it in VR is something else. I can't really play it on flat screen anymore, as the VR experience is just so much cooler.