Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

According to Winamp (yes, I still use Winamp) my music playlist clocks in at 1110 hours long, which means if I left my playlist going from first to last song it would be around 46 days of continuous music. Excellent. Let's put this bloated beast on shuffle and see which 20 songs it selects...

Clannad OST - Roaring Tides II (2004) - beautiful instrumental track

Dream Evil - By My Side (2003) - classic heavy power metal. Actually one of the first PM bands I heard and whose albums I bought. For those unfamiliar, this band is the brainchild of the guru himself Fredrik Nordstrom, who plays rhythm guitar for the band to this day

Miley Cyrus - See You Again (2007) - :D the pinnacle of pop

Skyfire - Shadow Creator (2004) - Solid MDM from the mid-2000s. Skyfire resisted putting metalcore into their sound and instead went more in the COB direction of adding in keyboards. Anyway, Spectral is a cool album

Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 (2022) - OK I don't even remember downloading this :D absolutey mental track, but kind of fun. @Xpyro125 this might be an interesting one for you to check out as far as Japanese MDM bands are concerned.

Freedom Call - Cradle of Angels (2016) - Meh, Freedom Call have far better songs. An OK ballad but nothing special.

Nuclear Blast Allstars - Dysfunctional Hours (2007) - I remember this one! Featuring our favourite hipster hamster on vocals. Still sounds more like Come Clarity Anders than ASOP Anders on this track. All songs for this album (Out of the Dark) were written by Peter Wichers, so we're actually technically hearing an In Flames/Soilwork collab of sorts here. My favourite track from this compilation overall is 'The Overshadowing' featuring Christian Alvestam of Scar Symmetry. Awesome song.

Iron Saviour - Titans of Our Time (2002) - energetic heavy/power metal with a ridiculously bombastic chorus. <3

Linkin Park - Runaway (2000) - well, everybody my age had a Linkin Park phase at some point

Night In Gales - Towards the Twilight (1997) - classic MDM in the vein of old school IF, ATG, DT. Criminally underrated band

Demi Lovato - Heart Attack (2013) - I mean, it's a catchy song. What?

Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (1990) - I'm not a huge Pantera fan, but this one is great.

Rod Stewart - Faith of the Heart (1998) - For the record this is the only Rod Stewart song on my playlist... from memory because it was the opening song to Star Trek: Enterprise :D I like it. Big Rod doing the UK proud.

Passenger - Just the Same (2003) - Some people liked Passenger, some people thought it was garbage. I thought it was a fun little project. This was one of my favourites off their one and only album. Back when Anders' clean vocals sounded somewhat natural.

Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7 (2003) - Hate Crew Deathroll is a fantastic album, probably my favourite from COB. This track is just pure melodic overdose, but one of my top COB songs

Shoji Meguro / Persona 5 - The Whims of Fate (2017) - Takes me right back to the Casino section of Persona 5. Cool, funky, jazzy track. A good game becomes a great game with an awesome soundtrack, and Persona 5's is one of the best

Dragonforce - Give Me the Night (2012) - Good old Dragonforce. From the first album after their original singer left - Marc Hudson did a fantastic job stepping into those shoes and this was actually, imo, better than anything they'd released since 2004.

Insomnium - Song of the Storm (2002) - Everyone always tells me Insomnium are the greatest, so let's listen and see. I mean... it's OK? Vocals are the weakest part of the track by some distance for me. Instrumentally it's nice enough, albeit nothing mindblowing.

Power Quest - Bound for Glory (2021) - well, if you like Power Quest, and I do, then this is great.

In Flames - Zombie Inc. (1999) - Finishing with a legendary classic from our boys, well played Winamp. "Boring" according to Slave.

Well that was fun. Pretty much sums up my music taste in all honestly. MDM/Power Metal heavy, with some instrumental anime/game OSTs and stupid pop music thrown in every so often. That's just how I like it.
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Just the Same is a kickass track. As for Zombie Inc, I wouldn't go as far as Slave and say it's boring, but it's not one of my favorites off Colony. That clean part in the middle is hard to beat, though.

Been working on some music lately, just wrapped up a song last night. Seven and a half minutes long -- extra pretentious. :D
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According to Winamp (yes, I still use Winamp) my music playlist clocks in at 1110 hours long, which means if I left my playlist going from first to last song it would be around 46 days of continuous music. Excellent. Let's put this bloated beast on shuffle and see which 20 songs it selects...

Clannad OST - Roaring Tides II (2004) - beautiful instrumental track

Dream Evil - By My Side (2003) - classic heavy power metal. Actually one of the first PM bands I heard and whose albums I bought. For those unfamiliar, this band is the brainchild of the guru himself Fredrik Nordstrom, who plays rhythm guitar for the band to this day

Miley Cyrus - See You Again (2007) - :D the pinnacle of pop

Skyfire - Shadow Creator (2004) - Solid MDM from the mid-2000s. Skyfire resisted putting metalcore into their sound and instead went more in the COB direction of adding in keyboards. Anyway, Spectral is a cool album

Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 (2022) - OK I don't even remember downloading this :D absolutey mental track, but kind of fun. @Xpyro125 this might be an interesting one for you to check out as far as Japanese MDM bands are concerned.

Freedom Call - Cradle of Angels (2016) - Meh, Freedom Call have far better songs. An OK ballad but nothing special.

Nuclear Blast Allstars - Dysfunctional Hours (2007) - I remember this one! Featuring our favourite hipster hamster on vocals. Still sounds more like Come Clarity Anders than ASOP Anders on this track. All songs for this album (Out of the Dark) were written by Peter Wichers, so we're actually technically hearing an In Flames/Soilwork collab of sorts here. My favourite track from this compilation overall is 'The Overshadowing' featuring Christian Alvestam of Scar Symmetry. Awesome song.

Iron Saviour - Titans of Our Time (2002) - energetic heavy/power metal with a ridiculously bombastic chorus. <3

Linkin Park - Runaway (2000) - well, everybody my age had a Linkin Park phase at some point

Night In Gales - Towards the Twilight (1997) - classic MDM in the vein of old school IF, ATG, DT. Criminally underrated band

Demi Lovato - Heart Attack (2013) - I mean, it's a catchy song. What?

Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (1990) - I'm not a huge Pantera fan, but this one is great.

Rod Stewart - Faith of the Heart (1998) - For the record this is the only Rod Stewart song on my playlist... from memory because it was the opening song to Star Trek: Enterprise :D I like it. Big Rod doing the UK proud.

Passenger - Just the Same (2003) - Some people liked Passenger, some people thought it was garbage. I thought it was a fun little project. This was one of my favourites off their one and only album. Back when Anders' clean vocals sounded somewhat natural.

Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7 (2003) - Hate Crew Deathroll is a fantastic album, probably my favourite from COB. This track is just pure melodic overdose, but one of my top COB songs

Shoji Meguro / Persona 5 - The Whims of Fate (2017) - Takes me right back to the Casino section of Persona 5. Cool, funky, jazzy track. A good game becomes a great game with an awesome soundtrack, and Persona 5's is one of the best

Dragonforce - Give Me the Night (2012) - Good old Dragonforce. From the first album after their original singer left - Marc Hudson did a fantastic job stepping into those shoes and this was actually, imo, better than anything they'd released since 2004.

Insomnium - Song of the Storm (2002) - Everyone always tells me Insomnium are the greatest, so let's listen and see. I mean... it's OK? Vocals are the weakest part of the track by some distance for me. Instrumentally it's nice enough, albeit nothing mindblowing.

Power Quest - Bound for Glory (2021) - well, if you like Power Quest, and I do, then this is great.

In Flames - Zombie Inc. (1999) - Finishing with a legendary classic from our boys, well played Winamp. "Boring" according to Slave.

Well that was fun. Pretty much sums up my music taste in all honestly. MDM/Power Metal heavy, with some instrumental anime/game OSTs and stupid pop music thrown in every so often. That's just how I like it.

I've had a few people recommend me Imperial Circus now, I probably should check it out.

Loved "Dysfunctional Hours" back in the day, I gotta listen to it again

Shit, I still quite like LP, but that's just because I think the musicianship and passion holds up incredibly well. They may not be too technical or heavy, but I really don't think they need that. Listening to a bunch of their demos really goes to show how great they are. That being said, fuck their last album.

Passenger's fucking awesome, I wish we got that fabled second album Anders said would happen.

Try Above the Weeping World or Winter's Gate first. I genuinely think those are two of the best melodeath albums there are. I haven't listened to too much from Insomnium, especially not from AtWW-adjacent albums in terms of release, but I still love them all the same.

"Zombie Inc." is one of my favorite IF songs period. Absolutely phenomenal through and through.
Just the Same is a kickass track. As for Zombie Inc, I wouldn't go as far as Slave and say it's boring, but it's not one of my favorites off Colony. That clean part in the middle is hard to beat, though.

Been working on some music lately, just wrapped up a song last night. Seven and a half minutes long -- extra pretentious. :D

Not gonna lie, hearing someone else talk about making music makes me a lot more confident in talking about that sort of thing here. No real melodeath on my end, so I probably won't share anything publicly here.
According to Winamp (yes, I still use Winamp) my music playlist clocks in at 1110 hours long, which means if I left my playlist going from first to last song it would be around 46 days of continuous music. Excellent. Let's put this bloated beast on shuffle and see which 20 songs it selects...

Clannad OST - Roaring Tides II (2004) - beautiful instrumental track

Dream Evil - By My Side (2003) - classic heavy power metal. Actually one of the first PM bands I heard and whose albums I bought. For those unfamiliar, this band is the brainchild of the guru himself Fredrik Nordstrom, who plays rhythm guitar for the band to this day

Miley Cyrus - See You Again (2007) - :D the pinnacle of pop

Skyfire - Shadow Creator (2004) - Solid MDM from the mid-2000s. Skyfire resisted putting metalcore into their sound and instead went more in the COB direction of adding in keyboards. Anyway, Spectral is a cool album

Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 (2022) - OK I don't even remember downloading this :D absolutey mental track, but kind of fun. @Xpyro125 this might be an interesting one for you to check out as far as Japanese MDM bands are concerned.

Freedom Call - Cradle of Angels (2016) - Meh, Freedom Call have far better songs. An OK ballad but nothing special.

Nuclear Blast Allstars - Dysfunctional Hours (2007) - I remember this one! Featuring our favourite hipster hamster on vocals. Still sounds more like Come Clarity Anders than ASOP Anders on this track. All songs for this album (Out of the Dark) were written by Peter Wichers, so we're actually technically hearing an In Flames/Soilwork collab of sorts here. My favourite track from this compilation overall is 'The Overshadowing' featuring Christian Alvestam of Scar Symmetry. Awesome song.

Iron Saviour - Titans of Our Time (2002) - energetic heavy/power metal with a ridiculously bombastic chorus. <3

Linkin Park - Runaway (2000) - well, everybody my age had a Linkin Park phase at some point

Night In Gales - Towards the Twilight (1997) - classic MDM in the vein of old school IF, ATG, DT. Criminally underrated band

Demi Lovato - Heart Attack (2013) - I mean, it's a catchy song. What?

Pantera - Cowboys From Hell (1990) - I'm not a huge Pantera fan, but this one is great.

Rod Stewart - Faith of the Heart (1998) - For the record this is the only Rod Stewart song on my playlist... from memory because it was the opening song to Star Trek: Enterprise :D I like it. Big Rod doing the UK proud.

Passenger - Just the Same (2003) - Some people liked Passenger, some people thought it was garbage. I thought it was a fun little project. This was one of my favourites off their one and only album. Back when Anders' clean vocals sounded somewhat natural.

Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7 (2003) - Hate Crew Deathroll is a fantastic album, probably my favourite from COB. This track is just pure melodic overdose, but one of my top COB songs

Shoji Meguro / Persona 5 - The Whims of Fate (2017) - Takes me right back to the Casino section of Persona 5. Cool, funky, jazzy track. A good game becomes a great game with an awesome soundtrack, and Persona 5's is one of the best

Dragonforce - Give Me the Night (2012) - Good old Dragonforce. From the first album after their original singer left - Marc Hudson did a fantastic job stepping into those shoes and this was actually, imo, better than anything they'd released since 2004.

Insomnium - Song of the Storm (2002) - Everyone always tells me Insomnium are the greatest, so let's listen and see. I mean... it's OK? Vocals are the weakest part of the track by some distance for me. Instrumentally it's nice enough, albeit nothing mindblowing.

Power Quest - Bound for Glory (2021) - well, if you like Power Quest, and I do, then this is great.

In Flames - Zombie Inc. (1999) - Finishing with a legendary classic from our boys, well played Winamp. "Boring" according to Slave.

Well that was fun. Pretty much sums up my music taste in all honestly. MDM/Power Metal heavy, with some instrumental anime/game OSTs and stupid pop music thrown in every so often. That's just how I like it.

winamp Winamp WINAMP! It really whips the llama's ass.

I still use it too. :D
Almost 10,000 tracks on this current list and this is what I got:

Insomnium - "Shades of Deep Green"
Avatar - "Sky Burial"
Death - "Living Monstrosity"
Chimaira - "The Dehumanizing Process"
Heaven Shall Burn - "To Harvest the Storm"
Dark Tranquillity - "Time Out of Place"
Charon - "If"
Killswitch Engage - "To the Sons of Man"
Metallica - "One (live)"
Kamelot - "Interlude (Omen)"
Blind Guardian - "Time, What is Time? (live)"
Sentenced - "Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (live)"
Type O Negative - "Black No. 1 (radio edit)"
Pantera - Walk
Hypocrisy - "The Final Chapter"
As I Lay Dying - "Anger and Apathy"
Into Eternity - "Prelude to Woe"
Machine Head - "Seasons Wither"
Nevermore - "Crystal Ship"
Sabaton - "Attero Dominatus"
Almost 10,000 tracks on this current list and this is what I got:

Insomnium - "Shades of Deep Green"
Avatar - "Sky Burial"
Death - "Living Monstrosity"
Chimaira - "The Dehumanizing Process"
Heaven Shall Burn - "To Harvest the Storm"
Dark Tranquillity - "Time Out of Place"
Charon - "If"
Killswitch Engage - "To the Sons of Man"
Metallica - "One (live)"
Kamelot - "Interlude (Omen)"
Blind Guardian - "Time, What is Time? (live)"
Sentenced - "Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (live)"
Type O Negative - "Black No. 1 (radio edit)"
Pantera - Walk
Hypocrisy - "The Final Chapter"
As I Lay Dying - "Anger and Apathy"
Into Eternity - "Prelude to Woe"
Machine Head - "Seasons Wither"
Nevermore - "Crystal Ship"
Sabaton - "Attero Dominatus"

"Time Out of Place" is such an underrated song, really glad to see someone else listening to it.
winamp Winamp WINAMP! It really whips the llama's ass.

I still use it too. :D

My man :cool: to be honest I just like that it has a really clean and simple design, plus I can edit tag information easily.

Almost 10,000 tracks on this current list and this is what I got:

Insomnium - "Shades of Deep Green"
Avatar - "Sky Burial"
Death - "Living Monstrosity"
Chimaira - "The Dehumanizing Process"
Heaven Shall Burn - "To Harvest the Storm"
Dark Tranquillity - "Time Out of Place"
Charon - "If"
Killswitch Engage - "To the Sons of Man"
Metallica - "One (live)"
Kamelot - "Interlude (Omen)"
Blind Guardian - "Time, What is Time? (live)"
Sentenced - "Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (live)"
Type O Negative - "Black No. 1 (radio edit)"
Pantera - Walk
Hypocrisy - "The Final Chapter"
As I Lay Dying - "Anger and Apathy"
Into Eternity - "Prelude to Woe"
Machine Head - "Seasons Wither"
Nevermore - "Crystal Ship"
Sabaton - "Attero Dominatus"

Pretty sure I have every one of those bands on my playlist, except maybe Avatar? When I get home I'm going to check and see how many of these songs I have.
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So yeah, I don't have all of the songs there, but the only bands I have nothing for are Avatar and Charon.

Antigone takes me back. I bought that album randomly whilst visiting my then-gf in the good old US of A back in 2004. Can't remember what made me pick it up as I'm pretty sure I hadn't heard of HSB up until that point, but I listened to the album the whole way through when we got back and had chills at the end. The unrelenting brutality of the album bookended with a beautiful instrumental was nicely done.
I’m actually not a big Avatar fan at all honestly. I just happen to have one album on this playlist for some reason. Probably my resistance to delete mp3s :D

HSB is a really good band. Antigone was my introduction to them as well way back when it was released. I don’t even remember how I stumbled upon them but it’s such a good album.

Charon was a small band, I’m not surprised you don’t have any of their stuff. If you didn’t know, JP is the vocalist, who also sang on the first Poisonblack album. Decent stuff.
I’m actually not a big Avatar fan at all honestly. I just happen to have one album on this playlist for some reason. Probably my resistance to delete mp3s :D

HSB is a really good band. Antigone was my introduction to them as well way back when it was released. I don’t even remember how I stumbled upon them but it’s such a good album.

Charon was a small band, I’m not surprised you don’t have any of their stuff. If you didn’t know, JP is the vocalist, who also sang on the first Poisonblack album. Decent stuff.

I listened to a couple of Avatar songs on YouTube and yeah, not really my thing either... oh well. I'm definitely the same way with mp3's... sometimes random shuffle will play a track that I downloaded in like, 2006, and it's the first time I've heard it :D

I'll check Charon out... I note they haven't released anything since 2005 though. Any album in particular you'd recommend? From what I read the first album has a bit of death metal mixed in, whereas everything else is more straight gothic metal...

Where in the US of A were you at?

At the time I was in New Haven, Connecticut. Lovely place, but it was in the middle of a ridiculous heatwave so time outside was limited. We found other things to occupy our time anyway... thank goodness for most US homes having air conditioning :D

Since then I've been to Florida twice, and most recently LA back in 2013. Always enjoyed visiting the States, although the flags hanging outside all of the houses gave me a chuckle. England doesn't quite have that same sense of patriotism. Also in New Haven every house legally was entitled to a large plot of land, so they all had huge gardens, which was impressive. A lot of swimming pools too.
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Next random 10...

Thompson Twins - Doctor! Doctor!

Pain of Salvation - Disco Queen (wtf is this :D)

Shuki Levy - Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors (Opening Theme, Extended)

Fall Out Boy - This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race

Into Eternity - Splintered Visions

In Flames - Dead Eternity

Chieco Kawabe - Sakura Kiss

Nevermore - The Heart Collector

Hi-sCoool! Seha Girls - セハガガガンバッちゃう!!

ABC - Ask a Thousand Times

Well... that was a lot more random and strange than yesterday :D to my earlier point regarding mp3's, I didn't even know I had Pain of Salvation songs on this playlist. I downloaded these tracks in 2008.

More like typical Finnish GM.

Maybe I though of Sentenced because of Poisonblack (leaded by Ville Laihiala and with the singer of Charon doing the vocals in the first album).
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Poisonblack. I own this album but had not listened to it for a long time. And now I think that this song sounds a lot like Type 0 Negative.
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Yeah Charon sound like what I'd expect from Finnish goth metal, albeit a little more upbeat than Poisonblack - who I do like but not to the point where I'd listen to them that often, as gothic metal isn't one of my favourite genres. I like some of the melancholic melodies but on the whole prefer my music to have a little more energy.

Also vocalist for Charon is enjoying himself in that music video :D 'yeah I'm going to lay down whilst these two blonde chicks are all over me', 'sure thing bro'.