Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

It is indeed weird. I have the TJR artwork T-Shirt, and it says ''Eternal grinning jester masque'', makes no real sense, because I don't think the lyrics was used in TJR and then re-used in Coerced Coexistence. I do know that some of the older lyrics are either wrong, or Anders is skipping some letters here and there. Probably the latter. There is also some weird shit on Dial-595-Escape lyrics, the last lyrics of the song isn't even spoken/screamed/sung or anything.
"Try to remove obstacles as they appear" my master said
"Don't look too far, you'll stumble before you're even there"

That "missing" lyric in the song has always bothered me. I feel like there is another song that has something like that on STYE...but I can't remember. Found it. It's from Borders and Shading: "I deny any reminisce of us / I’m on a new mission / I find myself in the future / a trace of the past cannot be found."

Also, the chorus of Dead Alone confused me a bit before. "The cold worms and me / we are alright / we are free / the dead light inside / fuel to new seed / new world I hide." I don't understand why he wrote "new world I hide" but then just sings the whispered "we are alright, we are free" part again at the end of the chorus.
I think he was just drunk. Kind of reads as a song about gay sex, if you analyse it whilst taking LSD.

Sorry for taking over a year to reply. :D
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This thread was created to be separate from the music, though. Hence "off-topic".

Btw, non-gay isn't anti-homosexual, it's more like "no homo". A88 and I are bros, but we chill with hoes. No offence meant to the girls, of course.

I still want to know where 600k views came from. The thread is only 6 pages long :D in comparison, the current main thread only has 55k views, the SC thread has 218k and the SOAPF thread 276k.

It's undeniable, bros get views. :cool:
600K view? People like the "gay" part it seems.

This forum was fun once, eh?
The SOAPF pre-album thread was pretty fun, from memory :D SC was kinda fun until the album dropped, then the fun ended.

The Battles thread... well, it's been interesting? :D
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Yes, SOAPF was the fun one. Even when album was out. Beards, bros and all that stuff.

It's a cool little place where 10 or so random people gather every 2-3 years for a few rounds of traditional IF bashing/worship and some offtopic madness.

Sadly, we'll prob never have a beer together, and our common interest has gone to being shitty pop-rock wannabe metal. But hey, that's life.

When next album appears in a few years, we'll be even older, interests will change, maybe this forum stops working...
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Yes, SOAPF was the fun one. Even when album was out. Beards, bros and all that stuff.

It's a cool little place where 10 or so random people gather every 2-3 years for a few rounds of traditional IF bashing/worship and some offtopic madness.

Sadly, we'll prob never have a beer together, and our common interest has gone to being shitty pop-rock wannabe metal. But hey, that's life.

When next album appears in a few years, we'll be even older, interests will change, maybe this forum stops working...

I've never seen a forum quite like this one, where more or less the same people keep coming back every couple of years to throw down, then pretty much disband until the next album :D it's cool, but unusual. No idea how long it'll last, but as long as In Flames keep releasing albums and Ultimate Metal exists, I guess this place will be here. I can't imagine contributing on facebook, instagram, twitter or whatever.

I think you would have had to have been around for the SOAPF album thread to really understand this one, so I can see why some would be like wtf :D it was a moment in time for sure. If you or any of the other regulars visit the UK, beers can most certainly be arranged :cool: we'll drink so much that the day after we'll feel like shit... but at least we'll feel something.
So it seems that the IF thread here on Ultimate Metal is pretty much one of the only active ones? The others seem pretty much dead.

Yeah we could say that. I see some post on the other threads but they're not about the bands, just other topics. I guess we're the only ones.
Forums are where true men (and a few women) throw down. The children can have their fun on this new social media nonsense... we are alright, we are free.
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