Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

Anyone hear of Ne Obliviscaris? Google Play said they were similar to Be'Lakor. Pretty good, in my opinion. Only two albums. Can anyone recommend any other progressive metal bands like these two?
Be'Lakor is extremely good. Stone's Reach and Of Breath And Bone are the best albums imo. Ne Obliviscaris is pretty good, but they don't really sound alike at all in my opinion. Ne Obliviscaris has a lot of violin, clean vocals whereas Be'Lakor is all deep growls. Generally their music doesn't sound that close to each other while both being good.
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Vessels is really good album too. Yeah, I didn't think they sounded that similar but I guess because they are both progressive (melodic) death metal maybe? I like In Mourning too. Any others in that vein of progressive?
Stone's Reach has some seriously epic riffs and songs.

New Evergrey song. Not bad.

Just played the new Resident Evil demo on PSVR. Nearly shit myself. That is all.
After everything that is on the main thread, you put this here? Is PSVR worth it? I'm just worried that Sony will do with this what they've done with the PSP/PS Vita/PS Move: make some nice games for the first year and then forget about it.
After everything that is on the main thread, you put this here? Is PSVR worth it? I'm just worried that Sony will do with this what they've done with the PSP/PS Vita/PS Move: make some nice games for the first year and then forget about it.

Gotta try and keep the non-gay bro thread alive :D

Man, PSVR... so worth it. It's incredible. I've been a VR advocate since Oculus first started kicking up a fuss in 2010, so maybe I'm a little bias, but everyone who tries it is absolutely blown away. My dad has one (he actually got his before me) and my manager at work got one after I kept gushing about it :D

I wouldn't worry about VR being treated as a gimmick. I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. First couple of years will be a little slow, for sure, but once the second gen comes out I think things will really take off. In the meantime us early adopters will donate enough money to keep the wave going :cool:

Seriously though, if you haven't tried VR, you've gotta find a way. One of my favourite games at the moment is Pinball FX2. It's so weird to be able to crouch and actually look at the coin slots on the table, then stand back up and start to play. Little things like that just bring a whole new dimension to gaming.

Resident Evil is one of those games that will divide players, though. It's awesome, but do you want to spend hours being scared half to death? Because that is what will happen. I kept telling myself earlier that I was wearing a headset in my living room, but my heart was still pounding as I played it. The immersion is very real and beyond anything I've ever experienced.

15 years ago you would have been paying hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for this kind of hardware. The fact it's here now for less than $500 is just beautiful. If you're at all interested, I'd say go for it. I doubt you'll regret it. That said, if you feel able to wait then in a couple of years the experience will likely be even better. But hey, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow, so... carpe diem?
Gotta try and keep the non-gay bro thread alive :D

Man, PSVR... so worth it. It's incredible. I've been a VR advocate since Oculus first started kicking up a fuss in 2010, so maybe I'm a little bias, but everyone who tries it is absolutely blown away. My dad has one (he actually got his before me) and my manager at work got one after I kept gushing about it :D

I wouldn't worry about VR being treated as a gimmick. I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. First couple of years will be a little slow, for sure, but once the second gen comes out I think things will really take off. In the meantime us early adopters will donate enough money to keep the wave going :cool:

Seriously though, if you haven't tried VR, you've gotta find a way. One of my favourite games at the moment is Pinball FX2. It's so weird to be able to crouch and actually look at the coin slots on the table, then stand back up and start to play. Little things like that just bring a whole new dimension to gaming.

Resident Evil is one of those games that will divide players, though. It's awesome, but do you want to spend hours being scared half to death? Because that is what will happen. I kept telling myself earlier that I was wearing a headset in my living room, but my heart was still pounding as I played it. The immersion is very real and beyond anything I've ever experienced.

15 years ago you would have been paying hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for this kind of hardware. The fact it's here now for less than $500 is just beautiful. If you're at all interested, I'd say go for it. I doubt you'll regret it. That said, if you feel able to wait then in a couple of years the experience will likely be even better. But hey, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow, so... carpe diem?
I was always scared playing Dead Space with surround sound so I can imagine what VR would be like for horror games. I'll probably pick it up after the new year.
I uploaded a couple of videos for you from Pinball FX2. Obviously it's playing flatscreen so you don't get the immersion, but it gives you an idea of what it's like with the headset on.

Literally the first thing I thought of when I heard those vocals was Blind Guardian :D cool song, I've never heard of the band before though. I'll have to listen to some more of their stuff.

It's funny to me how this song has the exact same opening quote as Altaria's "Prophet of Pestilence".

I guess both bands really dig Malice?
Possibly, but you can't argue with 600,000+ views :D it's the highest viewed thread in the history of the UM IF forum by some distance. Next closest is the SOAPF thread with roughly 282k ...


Hoooooooooooooooooooooly shit, this goddamn fucking excuse of a song managed to turn me into the very thing I despised: I'm bitching about new Disturbed sucking major dicks compared to old Disturbed in the Facebook comments. Too bad I was completely obliterated by a seemingly 45-50+ milf who had an unnecessarily large Disturbed logo tattooed on her tit. 'cuz she said "You're wrong". I had nothing to that.

I know these motherfuckers were never original to begin with, but at least their first few records were kinda cool, and if you liked that kind of music you could listen to their stuff easily. And NOW, NOW NOW that they rando mcover of the sound of silence earned them newfound commercial success, these motherfucking money-hungry, cocksucker, American bastards announce their newest album by saying it'll be more ballad oriented, hahahahaha. And these dumb fucking American commenters try to defend them by talking about change and how it's normal. Yeah my ass is normal you dumbfucks, they were playing the same unoriginal shit for 20 years, don't lecture me about how Disturbed this brave, artistic band. For fucks sake, even the singer's side-project band plays the same music as Disturbed, that's how fucking boring and vanilla they were.

But the absolute zinger is this new song and music video of theirs. Oh man, they did not even try to hide that they are trying to suck some dumb American dicks, oh no. So here's an American band who garnered a new audience with a cover by SImon & Garfunkel, right? The Sound of SIlence is a rather abstract, mysterious song. It could mean many things, really. Sadly, these Americans in Disturbed are way too fucking dumb to even try to write a ballad song with meaningful lyrics, so they said fuck it and made this abomination of a song. The lyrics are almost literally saying "don't drink man, drinking is not good", and the music video, ohohohohoho....OHOHOHOHO. Man, don't you fucking worry if you happen to be heavily on the autistic side of the spectrum, because this music video will be easily understood by you as well: a man comically being torn apart by the fact that his family is leaving. That's it!!!!! It almost looks like a fucking parody, but it's not!! I wish it was!! Also, compare the artistic style of the music video with their Sound of SIlence one. Yep, that's right. Now guess how many music videos like this they had before Sound of Silence. Yep, you guessed that right as well. :) :) :) :) where's the gun emoji?

And people eat it up, because alcoholism is such a fucking low hanging fruit, that you can just walk to the podium, announce that drinking booze is bad, and people will break down crying at how fucking true and real it is. DON'T YOU TELL ME THIS SONG IS SHIT, OMG, MY CAT DRANK BEER ALL THE TIME AND IT MADE ME CRY, SO THIS SONG SPEAKS TO ME ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. Well too bad, because with a brain as little as yours, you'd be better off donating your life savings to some whisky company, than wasting all of our time on social media.

Do you know what makes me even more annoyed? The incoming reviews. You know, reviewers easily shitcanned Siren Charms, because the majority of reviewers were autistic, self-made reviewers, who start every morning with shoving Lunar Strain up in their cloaca, while the few, more professional reviewers were like "meh, no one will read this anyway". But boy oh boy, we are talking about Disturbed now, an American band who sings about alcohol being bad. You know those motherfucking stars will fall like it's some cataclysm or some shit.

"I'll be honest: it made me cry. Absolutely gut-wrenching stuff." -10/10
"Now this is what I call a musical evolution!" -9/10
"I literally can't even right now....." - 10/10
"I can relate to this album. My mother drank a lot, even while she was carrying me, that's why I became the dumb motherfucker I am now. So yeah, really good record." - 10/10

I also can't wait for this abomination being performed on Fallon or Kimmel with some close-ups on crying people. I also can't wait for not listening this shitshow of an album, because all signs points towards a disaster.

edit: "Have been listening to it for 2 hours straight since I found out it was on Apple music. Cried for 30 minutes of that. This song really spoke to me in a lot of ways, and I am also very happy to have more raw vocals from David!" - this is an actual, real and upvoted comment on reddit. Lmao. I should send him Suicide Solution by Ozzy, maybe that would help solving his problems of being an alcoholic fuck AND a dumbass.
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Different topic.

There is a subreddit (on reddit, duh) called normalnudes. It's about people (mostly girls) sending nude photos of themselves, but these people are mostly average or just simply not being too sexy by beauty standards. Overweight, flat ass, no boobs, or just simply average. I never subscried to the basic gonewild subreddits, because it's all about 10/10 girls showing off their body while people jerk off in the comment section. I absolutely don't understand why would anyone want to browse those subreddits other than... you know. But this one, normalnudes, I found interesting, because on one hand, it's more real, on the other hand, it's interesting to see what some girls consider ugly or what are they self-conscious about.


The comment section is pretty shit here as well, 150% PC. You look good, you are amazing ,etc. I get that no one should write mean stuff, because it is encouraged to show yourself, no matter how flawed you are, but I don't think this attitude is helpful either. Anyway, I could live with that for now.


Just now, a 23 year old girl uploaded a close-up photo of her pussy. Seriously, all you can see is her fingers and a shaved up pussy being stretched a bit so you can see in - I guess this thread doesn't get any non-gay than this. It's all fine, many women are self-conscious about their private parts there, so it's understandable if they ask for opinions.


"You have a beautiful body and it looks great :) I'm envious of the first person who will ever get to lay eyes on you!"


But don't you worry guys, I solved the mystery. These are some of the subreddits this guy is active on:
Fishing - after politicians, fishers are the most despicable group of people that ever touched the face of the Earth.
Runescape - oh boy, the number 1 MMO for weird motherfuckers
Wisconsin - aaaand of course another stupid, dumb, dull American
Jeez, makes me realise how boring my reddit habits are when I didn't even know such sub-reddits exist :D I'm mainly just using stuff like news, askreddit, soccer, squaredcircle, PSVR, etc...

On Slave's recommendation I did take a look at the normalnudes sub and, yeah, pretty much what I expected. Full to the brim with a combination of narcissists and people with severe image issues.

You can spot the narcissists a mile off. Their bodies are obviously looking good, but they'll still post with a caption like "unsure about my body" or "still fighting to accept how I look". It's total BS. They just want the compliments to make themselves feel good. Identifying these people is easy in real life too, and it's the type of personality you want to avoid at all costs. These kind of people will suck away your self-esteem to boost their own. Total vampires. Luckily for me that personality type is a total turn off, I can barely disguise my contempt for them, let alone have any kind of relationship.

The other type of person on there I feel a bit sorry for. They obviously have quite severe self-esteem and image issues. Can you imagine posting nude pictures of yourself to a forum full of total strangers, just to get some validation? It shows an incredible lack of self-worth or dignity. I feel sad for those people. They must have some pretty big issues going on in their heads to think that's a good idea.

So thanks for the heads up Slave, but I'll stick with my boring browsing habits I think :D
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Okay lets fill this bro thread with more bro stuff. Any of you guys watching "soccer" ?(I dont like this word actually, its football isnt it?)
Okay lets fill this bro thread with more bro stuff. Any of you guys watching "soccer" ?(I dont like this word actually, its football isnt it?)

Yes, unless you're in the states it's definitely football.

I'm watching plenty of it as always :D as anybody who read the first couple of pages of this thread knows, I'm Rovers Til I die :cool:

Yes, unless you're in the states it's definitely football.

I'm watching plenty of it as always :D as anybody who read the first couple of pages of this thread knows, I'm Rovers Til I die :cool:


Cool, road to Premier League huh? I'm not really following Championship, how's your team doin this year?

And I'm a big fan of Fenerbahçe, though we're not really doing good this year. Really really bad actually. :D
