Clad in shadows
Anyone hear of Ne Obliviscaris? Google Play said they were similar to Be'Lakor. Pretty good, in my opinion. Only two albums. Can anyone recommend any other progressive metal bands like these two?
After everything that is on the main thread, you put this here? Is PSVR worth it? I'm just worried that Sony will do with this what they've done with the PSP/PS Vita/PS Move: make some nice games for the first year and then forget about it.
I was always scared playing Dead Space with surround sound so I can imagine what VR would be like for horror games. I'll probably pick it up after the new year.Gotta try and keep the non-gay bro thread alive
Man, PSVR... so worth it. It's incredible. I've been a VR advocate since Oculus first started kicking up a fuss in 2010, so maybe I'm a little bias, but everyone who tries it is absolutely blown away. My dad has one (he actually got his before me) and my manager at work got one after I kept gushing about it
I wouldn't worry about VR being treated as a gimmick. I'm pretty sure it's here to stay. First couple of years will be a little slow, for sure, but once the second gen comes out I think things will really take off. In the meantime us early adopters will donate enough money to keep the wave going
Seriously though, if you haven't tried VR, you've gotta find a way. One of my favourite games at the moment is Pinball FX2. It's so weird to be able to crouch and actually look at the coin slots on the table, then stand back up and start to play. Little things like that just bring a whole new dimension to gaming.
Resident Evil is one of those games that will divide players, though. It's awesome, but do you want to spend hours being scared half to death? Because that is what will happen. I kept telling myself earlier that I was wearing a headset in my living room, but my heart was still pounding as I played it. The immersion is very real and beyond anything I've ever experienced.
15 years ago you would have been paying hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for this kind of hardware. The fact it's here now for less than $500 is just beautiful. If you're at all interested, I'd say go for it. I doubt you'll regret it. That said, if you feel able to wait then in a couple of years the experience will likely be even better. But hey, you might get hit by a bus tomorrow, so... carpe diem?
Probably a desperate virgin unable to talk to women in real life."You have a beautiful body and it looks greatI'm envious of the first person who will ever get to lay eyes on you!"
Okay lets fill this bro thread with more bro stuff. Any of you guys watching "soccer" ?(I dont like this word actually, its football isnt it?)
Yes, unless you're in the states it's definitely football.
I'm watching plenty of it as alwaysas anybody who read the first couple of pages of this thread knows, I'm Rovers Til I die