Non-metal influences/favorites

P.S. It should also be noted that the British press are EXTREMELY critical and negatively slanted alot of times, especially towards their own national artists. And all the greats....Led Zep, Iggy, Sabbath, Queen, KISS, Floyd, etc......were ALL slammed fairly often by the press and critics. Keeping that in mind, I guess I shouldn't be too bothered by what they say about us, eh? ;)
I've been getting into emo a good bit as of late. Now realize that this isn't the bullshit "emo" that most people see it as today, but real emo. Emotive hardcore, screamo, skramz, etc.

Best four bands I've come across are:

1000 Travels of Jawaharlal
The Khayembii Communique
The Fall of Boss Koala
Blackfield (going to see them in NYC next Friday!)
Porcupine Tree
Godspeed You Black Emperor
King Crimson
Hatfield and the North
Russian Circles
Loreena McKennitt
Sunny Day Real Estate
The Electric Soft Parade
The Cooper Temple Clause
Tangerine Dream
A Perfect Circle
Sigur Ros
With all of the awesome bands listed in this thread, I become angered while thinking about what's actually popular in this country. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the #1 song in the country called "I Wanna Fuck You?"

The modern day music charts are rather pathetic, I agree. When it comes to urban music I get very disappointed, particularly with rap. I actually think that rap had alot of potential to be very interesting once upon a time. There are still some artists out there who are pushing the boundaries with it and trying to take it in more interesting, musical directions but generally the really popular rap is alot of the same ol' shit. While there are groups like The Roots, Outkast, and Beastie Boys who manage to make hit records while actually creating interesting, well-constructed and thought out rap based music, they're in the minority it seems. Some other artists like Common and Wyclef Jean make some interesting bits of music here and there as well, that I've heard.

My feelings towards alot of modern day popular country music is somewhat the same....I think there's alot of talented writers and musicians in that scene, but it's a scene that's been somewhat stifled by narrow-mindedness. My love for older bands like The Byrds, Allman Bros., Blackfoot, etc., is because they took the roots of country and combined them with soul, rock, funk, etc. and created something more diverse and interesting but with it's roots still firmly planted in the south. There are still artists in country music who are doing this and making great music but I wish I could see more exploration and experimentation there. Someone once suggested that I should attempt to combine my country/southern rock influences with heavier, moodier dark metal, haha......actually if I could ever come up with a viable solution of how to pull that off and make it worthwhile, I might consider it.
Most of todays music is sculpted from the 'good ol days' anyway. Everyone can try all they want to bring the old stuff back but its not going to work. Its more a matter of taste rather than true to the roots. There were a ton of shit bands and music in the world then too. Its just easier to broadcast nowadays.
Never good at trying to compile lists, but I'll try for it's a good thread topic.I'm just going to name those musicians/bands that have been an integral part of my life: The Beatles, The Stones, Cream, Eric Burdon, The Doors, Steppenwolf, Hendrix, Allman Brothers band(Duane Allman), Albert King, Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King,Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Gram Parsons, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Roy Buchanan, Paul Butterfield, Johnny Winter, Rory Gallagher, Kim Simmonds, Elton John, Billy Joel, Jackson Browne, Jesse Colin Young, Neil Young, Steven Stills(Manassas), David Crosby, Kevin Gilbert, Nick Drake, Tim and Jeff Buckley, The Who, The Kinks, Vanilla Fudge, Alvin Lee(Ten Years After), Led Zeppelin, Queen, Thin Lizzy, Pink Floyd, Uriah Heep, Grand Funk Railroad, Janis Joplin, Z.Z. Top, Tom Petty, Chuck Berry, Kansas, Yes, Genesis, Camel, Marillion, Jethro Tull, Spocks Beard, Steve Hackett, Devin Townsend, Pain of Salvation, Gino Vanelli, White Willow, E.L.P., Porcupine Tree, Current 93, early Santana, Alice in Chains, Rush, Opeth, Enslaved, Bathory, Immortal, Judas Priest, Drudkh, Negura Bunget, Katatonia, Solitude Aeternus, Novembers Doom, My Dying Bride, Nest, Agalloch, Tyr, Summoning, Burzum, Satyricon, Melechesh, Fields of the Nephilim, Wishbone Ash, Dan Swano(Edge of Sanity, Nightingale), Sieges Even, King Crimson(Robert Fripp-Blessing of Tears). Something like that.
I'm a huge fan of a lot of newer music, but I agree that the popular stuff is mostly bunk. Menomena and The Shins are pretty popular right now though, and I think they are good bands.

There's bands that are "popular" in a sense that are very good, but in terms of like Top 20 charts sort of popular there's not much that's very interesting these days, in my opinion.
David Bowie.
Antony and the Johnsons.
The Cult.

and Radiohead.. they are sort of my favorite band and have been for a very long time.

Can't say that I like HipHop and i never really did, especially not now, where it's just image and very little music.
There's bands that are "popular" in a sense that are very good, but in terms of like Top 20 charts sort of popular there's not much that's very interesting these days, in my opinion.

Larry, I still stand fast that the music being performed and created today (Top 20 charts) especially is about the "show" and the music is secondary. I had the misfortune of seeing "RazorLight" a top 20 band do one of their songs on late night T.V. It was absolutely vomit-inducing. The lead singer and guitar player could'nt carry your guitar case, and his voice, I could sing better. He whined and practically cried through the whole song. No wonder his girlfriend left him. I do give them credit for trying.:Puke: :waah:
Some popular rock bands who I do enjoy recently are The Killers, Modest Mouse, White Stripes, The Hives. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Coldplay, The Fray....most of these bands don't have much flash to them, they just perform basic pop/rock songs that are enjoyable (to me, at least.) But all of this American Idol-sort of crap out there and the bling-bling rap and such are just useless in my eyes. I've never watched an episode of American Idol, I'm quite happy to say. Some of those people do have some talent I'll give them that. But other than that, I just disagree with alot of what that show is about.
Queen are one of my favorite bands. Quite a big influence on me, in fact. I've listened to them for a long long time....I think I got my first Queen album back around 1979, 1980....A Night At The Opera is one of those major moments in my life, where I can remember where I was when I first heard it and everything. An album like that shows so many different styles and covers so much musical really is reflective of why I think and feel the way I do towards music and how it should be done. They weren't afraid of putting something extremely heavy and dark on the same album as a ballad like "Love of my Life", and then throw something epic like "Bohemian Rhapsody" on there as well. It's an approach that you might be able to see being applied somewhat to ND's albums as well, yknow?

The influences of bands like Zeppelin, Cream, Bowie, etc., were evident in Queen's sound especially early on.....but how anyone in their right mind could just write them off as a clever clone of those bands must be something just short of retarded. The things Brian May was doing with the guitar.....from the layers of harmonies he created, to the multitude of tones he utilised and came up with, to the variety of styles he could emulate-from hard rock to old rock n roll to japanese traditional music to 1920s ragtime and so on.....I mean the man was a fucking GENIUS. It's not as if Zep, Bowie, Clapton, et al, didn't all copy and clone their influences to some degree as well. People get so wrapped up in the comparisons and the "clone" theory, and don't acknowledge the finer points....usually because these people who say shit like that have no fucking knowledge of how music is made and crafted and the finer intricacies. People like Brian May and Freddie Mercury are legends and tremendously entertaining...and at the end of the day, that's what really matters anyhow, isn't it?

I never got to see Queen either. I remember knowing people who were attending their Hot Space tour in 1982, and regrettably not being able to go with them. Obviously my regret is even greater now.

I could start another thread just waxing ecstatic about Queen, LOL.

So far on this thread I've seen some really nice artists mentioned, lots of diversity, which makes me happy. I'll keep adding tidbits as I go......I have so many different interests I don't even know where to begin!

Don't even get me started on a Wildfyr-length rant about Roy Orbison, The Beatles or KISS hahaha

Bah. My post was half quotation. Don't sell yourself short, Larry. Get started! Do The Beatles, it'll annoy the kids. ;) C'mon, I'm sure you have it in you. :)
Most of todays music is sculpted from the 'good ol days' anyway. Everyone can try all they want to bring the old stuff back but its not going to work.

Aren't you the guy that dissed downtuning in another thread here? :p Perhaps Larry or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think 'bringing back old stuff' is the sole objective of this thread, although I admit it may have become a by-product. My understanding is that we're to extol the virtues of our influences/favorites. My sincere apologies to you if dusting off an old influence/favorite of mine has caused offense to your artistic integrity.

I'm also curious to know what you mean by "its not going to work." Is there some sort of secret campaign afoot in your particular genre to stamp out benchmark works of classic rock art? Sometimes I think there's been some sort of secret campaign among radio programmers of certain major radio stations in this town to keep extreme music out of the playlists. I would imagine they have a lot of the same characteristics as the tr00 metal elitist fags. :rolleyes:

Its more a matter of taste rather than true to the roots. There were a ton of shit bands and music in the world then too. Its just easier to broadcast nowadays.

Heh, so true. :p
You´ve said tons of bands. For adding any new one, it´s difficult but I´d go with:

70´s rock/hard rock: The most you´ve talked (specially Rush, the greatest) plus Thin Lizzy, Grand Funk, Neil Young (in his rockiest side, not too much into folk), Uriah Heep, Nazareth...

American rock: Tom Petty just brilliant.

Southern rock: Blackfoot, The Outlaws, Molly Hatchet, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Raging Slab.

"New age"/Ethnic: Dead Can Dance and Loreena McKennit (she plays in Spain next week and I´ll drive 4 hours to see her).

Punk rock: Not too much. The Ramones, The Clash (first 3 albums) and Bad Religion trilogy ("No control", "Suffer" and "Against the grain")

Dark/rock/gothic/... from the 21st century: Klimt 1918 (listen "Dopoguerra" the album never U2 had the talent to compose)

Sung in Spanish: Let me recommend you a spanish rock band. Heroes del Silencio. If there´s any geman/italian in this forum maybe he´ll know them. They splitted in 1996 but they are back now and do 10 dates over 10 world in october (for instance in L.A. Forum Inglewood). Please, check "Senderos de traición" or "El espíritu del vino". I´m not too much into spanish sung bands but they´re over the top. Among the best bands fro the first part of the 90´s.

I guess I forgot millions but I´ll write them later.
Aren't you the guy that dissed downtuning in another thread here?

No i was the guy who dissed the guy for dissing downtuning because he said you cant make good riffs because of it lololol.

And anyway what on earth does that have to do with my input in the discussion.

edit: Just read your aggressive hissy. No, my point was that everything that new artists create has been taken from older artists, Its not just bands like wolfmother or the darkness that rip it straight off. Point being, why not just listen to the bands like led zepplin if you want this older vibe. theres no way in hell anyone has done it better since, and if they did, we sure as hell would know about it. Its down to personal taste at the end of the day, you may like it, you may not. but you cant dislike something simply because you dont think its 'true to the roots'. regardless of whether its pop or not. Fact is, its probably just shit.