North American Union (A much broader agenda)



Actually what they want to do is implant a chip in people and when you own money, they take it out of your account. That is how money will be....:lol:
I strongly suggest all you to learn the difference between NAFTA and this North American Union New Order. There isn't going to be a universal north american currency, aren't going to remove borders, nor are we going to get rid of our constitutions. When you include Alex Jones and his fanatics in a video, your whole argument is falsified :lol: As far as Lou Dobbs, it is all speculation on his part. The Security and Prosperity Partnership is part of NAFTA. That does not mean it will replace these treaties and create a "New Order".
Joe, quit acting like you know all about politics and world affairs. You don't. And you don't need to continuously bash Americans and generalize. Let people like Chris say whatever, no matter how ill-informed. He doesn't represent the whole American populace :lol:
ugh, is this some kind of nightmare coming true ?? the USA and Mexico with Canada ? what the hell...

Now I understand why Québec really needs to become a separate country.
ugh, is this some kind of nightmare coming true ?? the USA and Mexico with Canada ? what the hell...

Now I understand why Québec really needs to become a separate country.

The Quebec seperatist movement is much older than any North American Union talk, and has nothing to do with any of it. So no, you don't understand, yet comment on it as if you do.

Finland is waiting. GTFO.