North American Union (A much broader agenda)

yep, of course it's a nice country ( "Finland is the most cleanest and greenest country in the world." = FUCKING TRUE!) and the politics and politicans :P seem to work better than in most of the other countries but I'm still of the opinion that you have to experience a country to rate it.

i do agree actually, maybe once you're there you may not live the overall feeling, or something like that
yeah, what if you realise you don't like the country but you 've already moved to it?
i can tell you : you're fucked!
I can tell you one thing, good luck moving to finland and trying to find a job :lol: They hate foreigners :p
really? one shop assistent started talking to me in german after she realised that i'm from germany. and most of the people were really nice, I just felt sorry for the finnish nazis, being envious of my origin.
vegans are homossexuals, so are hippies, and idealists.... and strangely true, so are feminists
and so was Hitler and he hated foreigners too, so everyone is gay lolnirvana,i 'm off
I can tell you one thing, good luck moving to finland and trying to find a job :lol: They hate foreigners :p

Not true, we just hate foreigners that use our social security system without paying taxes :p. And Russians.

But I know lot of (working) foreigners and they like the safety, nature, small distances, work culture and woman. But most of them have lots of trouble with dark winters (if you are used to live under sun there is good change that you get depressed during the winter) and low salary compared to other countries (which pays off if you raise your kids here because all schools are free and health care is affordable).

Wanting to move here because of good music/hot guys is just stupid. They are not that hot, trust me. Guys are same drunken idiots everywhere.
^Only that in Finland everyone is SLIGHTLY more drunk :lol: Yeah, that is the exact reason we hate some foreigners.

@Snowy: You CAN and are right to rate a country even though you do not live or even have visited the place, BUT only on a theoretical level (as how everything works like the justice system,healthcare etc etc) but you can't rate it in how it works practically and how it would feel and affect you. In can only say if the countrys got the right idea.

it is the country with less corruption in the world
the schools from kindergarten to post graduation are some of the best
Social/healthcare/Labour things actually works
"According to the large survey of Reader's Digest Finland is the most cleanest and greenest country in the world."
"Also the world's 2nd best quality of natural water was in Finland."
and all the finnish persons i've talk to, were incredible nice to me

i'm not saying the best place ever, but its definitly a very good place to be.

I can't disagree on that my country has a great system. Especially me having a chronic disease i appreciate meds are almost free. If they weren't i would literally live in a trailer or be crippled. Also when i go to a hospital or to get treatments and shit i always remember that i actually don't pay for this shit. Only shit thing with Finland is that we are in the fucking European Union. That shit is retarded! They sit and fucking discuss there that we have to rename fuckin brand of butter or that our cucumbers can be sold even though they are bent! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!? Also, they are always making new laws that are simply retarded that you can prove will not work in 5 years and will cost them double the money to get the shit straight. I'm telling you, Norwegians were smart in not going into this shit.
@Snowy: You CAN and are right to rate a country even though you do not live or even have visited the place, BUT only on a theoretical level (as how everything works like the justice system,healthcare etc etc) but you can't rate it in how it works practically and how it would feel and affect you. In can only say if the countrys got the right idea.

this is what i mean my fav fag. Of course you can say : I wouldn't feel comfortable in China cause of the laws, or Finnland is great cause of the nature or the Netherlands are so cool cause the sell weed in shops or the hell cause it's freaking warm inside!
But you can say : LOLMG I wantz to live in (insert country), it's the world most important and best place although i even can't find it on a map.
ouh fuck off i'm tired of this topic, you already gotwhat i mean, i think
Not true, we just hate foreigners that use our social security system without paying taxes :p. And Russians.

But I know lot of (working) foreigners and they like the safety, nature, small distances, work culture and woman. But most of them have lots of trouble with dark winters (if you are used to live under sun there is good change that you get depressed during the winter) and low salary compared to other countries (which pays off if you raise your kids here because all schools are free and health care is affordable).

Wanting to move here because of good music/hot guys is just stupid. They are not that hot, trust me. Guys are same drunken idiots everywhere.

Really? cause i know a couple of blokes who live in Finland, and atleast one of them is denied workers permit(don't know details about the other guy) because he doesn't contribute to the country, regardless if he actually wants to. He keeps telling them that he cant give anything back, pay taxes etc, unless he gets a workers permit, but they just turn him away :p And no, he's not black :lol:
I think work permit requires valid employment contract, and work permit rules are same in all EU countries (work permit is not required for EU citizens, Scandinavians, students, refugees, persons married to Finn etc.). So easy solution is to marry a Finn :lol:
this is what i mean my fav fag. Of course you can say : I wouldn't feel comfortable in China cause of the laws, or Finnland is great cause of the nature or the Netherlands are so cool cause the sell weed in shops or the hell cause it's freaking warm inside!
But you can say : LOLMG I wantz to live in (insert country), it's the world most important and best place although i even can't find it on a map.
ouh fuck off i'm tired of this topic, you already gotwhat i mean, i think

Yeah you are right about this. 100%!