
Norther had an alright album back in the day (I enjoyed Dreams of Endless War) but now they are just a faggy emo band.
They bore me. Bodom clones ftl.

Maybe your ears are penises but Norther is not a Bodom clone. Sure, they have that typical "finnish melodic" sound, but they're no way like COB. Bands like Kalmah, Emperanon, Bodom and Firewind may sound alike but they have a different sound 'cause, you know what? They are not the same people and they do different music. Maybe they have some similar influences but that doesn't mean they're copycats. Their influences (Norther, that is) are the same as Alexi Laiho's ('cause I assume you mean they have the same general sound and guitar solos) so, sure, they have the "somewhat" the same sound, but they're a light-year away.


Saying this, I don't like Norther, they're not my type and I only defent them 'cause you made a bad judgement (but can a judgement be bad? That's another question...)