"not so well liked songs" appreciation thread


tired and rundown
Apr 3, 2002
I was looking at the favorite songs thread, and while it's impossible to reply seeing as how about a dozen songs immediately spring to mind as "best," I was noticing how there are some songs I like (I mean... really like) that people don't mention..

THE ONE BROODING WARNING for example.. maybe I glanced over it but I didn't see anyone mention that one.

so what DT songs are there that you like but nobody else seems to?

..awaits a hundred replies of "dude, that song rules!!!" and misanthrope telling me to stop spamming :lol:
hehe... well villain and i like "still moving sinews" out of tmi a lot, but last time i checked with the band both niklas and mikael mockingly denied they'd ever written any such song. :lol:
guess it's not their favourite, at the very least. and yes, i'm sure you're the only one who likes "the one bubu *ahem* brooding warning". :p

Before seeing the dwarf's reply, Still Moving Sinews really was the one that immediately came to my mind - I really can't get it, why people don't like it as much as I (and Rahvin) do. There are other songs in similar position as well, of course - but SMS really beats the shit out of most of them, IMHO.

And no, I don't know anyone who likes One Brooding Warning a lot.

Originally posted by BiatchGuy
THE ONE BROODING WARNING for example.. maybe I glanced over it but I didn't see anyone mention that one.

..awaits a hundred replies of "dude, that song rules!!!" and misanthrope telling me to stop spamming :lol:

dude, that song rules!!!

Originally posted by Villain
And no, I don't know anyone who likes One Brooding Warning a lot.

I like "The One Brooding Warning", one of the better songs on "The Gallery". I can't even recall what "Still Moving Sinews" sounds like...

Another underrated song is "Fabric", which is i.m.o. the best song on "Haven", after -of course- "At Loss For Words", anyone else digs "Fabric"??
razorfever??????I love this song,very underrated,full of aggression and melodies,ahh one of their best songs!!!!
the distorted first seconds,you dont know whats that and whoam the fast blood ripping guitars and the killer drums kick you down on the ground and you think :whats that???razorfever burns...!!!

what I love is on our time,the most bombastic song DT ever wrote but everyone says his or her favorite songs on projector are therein or undocontrol or nether novas,these osng are cool but on your time is so different and great from all other DT songs,hard fast ,mikael sings like a god and this song is so perfect,why does nobody mention this song ?
Originally posted by storken
Yeah, I know you knewed that too. But still I had to reply ;)

Razorfever is also a very great song, yup.
And so is On your Time.. A favourite on Projector, indeed.
So you knew I knew you knew, didn't you??? :loco:

I roger Razorfever, can't say anything 'bout On Your Time, don't know by heart how that song goes, must check it out...
wow, this thread got a lot of replies.

yeah, I dig "Midway Through Infinity" too.. I like the riff..

"At Loss For Words" and "Fabric" kick ass too, those were like the last songs on Haven I got into.. that whole album's great IMO.
What the hell?! Obviously you guys skipped my list because I mentioned One Brooding Warning and Razor Fever as my top choices from their respective albums... and yes I also love Still Moving Sinews... what is not to like?
As for my least favorite it would be Emptier Still or A Day To End.