That's like some of the BEST news I have heard since the recent news of Ghost Reveries, etc. Honestly, I am now looking forward to the new Novembre album even MORE than Opeth's upcoming opus. Why? Novembrine Waltz may NOT be as good as Opeth's first 5 albums, but it stomps all over Deliverance easily. So far, after hearing TGC, that song doesn't surpass the BEST of NW either.
Man, I'm shocked at some of the negative feedback on Novembre. This band is one of my faves and possess MUCH talent. Sure, the recent "re-make" album sucked IMO (save for "The Dream of the Old Boats) but Classica is a damn good one. But in the end, NW is definitely the band's masterpiece as far as I'm concerned. IMO, the band shows great maturity in their songwriting here with some remarkably elegant musicianship. There's LOT's to like here, no doubt about it.
I have this feeling (I hope I'm right too) that the new album will be something magnificent - hell, it has been such a long wait it seems for new material. Their albums have gotten better upon every new release, so I have high hopes for this one. They better not fuck this one up, that's for sure. It should stay in the vein of NW, but should feature new, progressing elements to keep things interesting and not in the "same-old-same-old" approach.
Best songs by the band...hands down!
1) L'epoque Noire
2) My Starving Bambina
3) Nostalgiaplatz
4) Cold Blue Steel
5) Foto Blu Infinito (instr. - and one of the best as well - good stuff!)
Novembrine Waltz
1) Come Pierrot (all clean with simply EXCELLENT climactic ending with growls. Superb, and their best song without a doubt!)
2) Child of the Twilight
3) Venezia Dismal
4) Everasia
5) Distances (first track I ever heard by them - used to be #1)
....oh, and obviously, they are inspired by the french language somehow. It's evident in their band name as well as various song titles.