Now, Diabolical


Feb 28, 2006
Tell me if this is spam, I haven't been on in ages :)
However, I've listened to the album, and I actually liked it.

Satyricon is one of the only BM bands that doesn't give much of a shit about what people think of them (i.e. no corpse paint, selling out etc.) and so I've respect for that. The drumming is dull sometimes.. but you've gotta say that they're decent musicians with a good outlook on the world. I liked Volcano and Nemesis Divina, however, for obvious reasons.

I'm digging it, which suprised me because I couldnt get into Volcanno, resulting in me selling my copy a couple of years ago. People say the two albums are similar, maybe I dont remember Volcanno that well. The difference to me is I actually want to hear Now Diabolical whereas everytime I put on Volcanno I just wanted to turn it off.

I can hear some old school thrash influence in this too which is cool (it isnt thrash but there is influence if that makes sense).

Many obviously want another shredding Nemesis D but its not gonna happen. Prior to ND Satyricon were not shredding then either. Now Diabolical suits me just fine.
I still need to check this out. I like "Volcano" quite a bit.

Another calling Frost boring? Hmm, I'll have to listen to this album.