Now EATing thread...

Well it's not a fashion thing for me. Although it seems contradictory that I am against eating animals, but I'm not a vegan, theres only so much you can do at once. The veggie thing was only recently for me. And I'm happy with that just now. It's not really like I had to change my diet much anyway: My dads a veggie, so we only really bought soya mince etc in instead, which i actually always thought tasted better anyway. And I have'nt bought fast food burgers for years, cause, well, they taste like shit.
if the cap doest fit dont wear it. :)
im not against this and not agains ppl who do, just see that except ones doing it for real health reason or religion, lots do it as a trend.
and i dont get this "killing animals is bad" thing, !in case its not cruel and painful!.. cos even animals kill animals and humans are just omnivorous animals.. and why killing a carrot? poor carrots. :( It's just a desperate way to think people are somehting special, above the world and life, and having a nervous system which can cause pain (which is nothing special just electrcitiy) is a sacred pro thing and that. We are nothing more than a carrot, imo.
Dora said:
if the cap doest fit dont wear it. :)
im not against this and not agains ppl who do, just see that except ones doing it for real health reason or religion, lots do it as a trend.
and i dont get this "killing animals is bad" thing, !in case its not cruel and painful!.. cos even animals kill animals and humans are just omnivorous animals.. and why killing a carrot? poor carrots. :( It's just a desperate way to think people are somehting special, above the world and life, and having a nervous system which can cause pain (which is nothing special just electrcitiy) is a sacred pro thing and that. We are nothing more than a carrot, imo.

I am more than a carrot, and I can prove it!
Dora said:
if the cap doest fit dont wear it. :)
im not against this and not agains ppl who do, just see that except ones doing it for real health reason or religion, lots do it as a trend.
and i dont get this "killing animals is bad" thing, !in case its not cruel and painful!.. cos even animals kill animals and humans are just omnivorous animals.. and why killing a carrot? poor carrots. :( It's just a desperate way to think people are somehting special, above the world and life, and having a nervous system which can cause pain (which is nothing special just electrcitiy) is a sacred pro thing and that. We are nothing more than a carrot, imo.

Hmmmm, yeah. But in modern day western society humans don't actually need to eat meat. hey can survive perfectly well without it. I'm not saying I think everyone should become veggie because of this, cause theres no point in doing it if you don't believe strongly. But basically: I think the conditions animals are kept in in slaughterhouses is wrong beyond belief and don't want to be responsible for a death which could have been easily prevented. I know this usually brings on the "but they get killed anyway" arguement, but, the more veggies = the less demand. It's also a slighty selfish thing for my own conscience(sp?) as well.
its ok. it would be more fair the way it was, as a good clean fight. let animals have a chance. hunting a mammoth and that. its all bad because of that misterious black rectangle prism fallen down.. :)
i think if someone wants to be a veggie then fair play to them

but "But in modern day western society humans don't actually need to eat meat. hey can survive perfectly well without it."

theres lots of things we can do without (cds telly chocolate buttons etc) but we dont. Plus i like meat and im damn sure its good for us, we've been eating the stuff since the year zip. As for the ever see the way animals kill each other?? its not very nice. i blame childrens telly for convincing us that all animals are 'ickle and cute and half human. THEY'RE DINNER!!! :lol:
Bambi said:
theres lots of things we can do without (cds telly chocolate buttons etc) but we dont.

You have a fair point there. But I still feel thatthis is one thing I'd rather live without. Due to the circumstances of the killing, which I'll get onto in a minute...

Bambi said:
As for the ever see the way animals kill each other?? its not very nice. i blame childrens telly for convincing us that all animals are 'ickle and cute and half human. THEY'RE DINNER!!! :lol:

Aaah, yes, but the violence of the death is not the main point I'm trying to make, sorry if i confused you. They animals in slaughterhouses generally get their throats cut, which isn't quite getting torn apart by another animal. However:In the wild it's a kill or be killed thing. Here, we round up thousands upon thousands of defenceless animals (or breed them to be defenceless) keep them in cramped, unhygienic(sp?), frightening conditions. Many of them die from diseases which are so quickly speard through the places where they're kept due to the lack of space and hygiene (sp? yes I am a dumbass). Then they are hung upside down along a big assembly line and their throats are cut. Can you imagine going through this yorself?
have you ever thought about how it feels for an audio cd jewel case to be crashed on the way from the post? mine was cracked. thousands of kilometers long without any pain releiver! and finally the worst, ugliest thing: I threw it away. :erk:
kittie_bread said:
You have a fair point there. But I still feel thatthis is one thing I'd rather live without. Due to the circumstances of the killing, which I'll get onto in a minute...

Aaah, yes, but the violence of the death is not the main point I'm trying to make, sorry if i confused you. They animals in slaughterhouses generally get their throats cut, which isn't quite getting torn apart by another animal. However:In the wild it's a kill or be killed thing. Here, we round up thousands upon thousands of defenceless animals (or breed them to be defenceless) keep them in cramped, unhygienic(sp?), frightening conditions. Many of them die from diseases which are so quickly speard through the places where they're kept due to the lack of space and hygiene (sp? yes I am a dumbass). Then they are hung upside down along a big assembly line and their throats are cut. Can you imagine going through this yorself?

i totally agree with you
also, the amount of soy usedto feed 1 cow, can feed several people. and there are still people starving on this planet

mind you, i am not a veggie myself
i wonder whether we eat the stress the animals have felt during the whole process of being bread and killed in its meat. if it affects us.

nor am i a veggie -

no thanks!