Now Playing Thread

TheUnforgiven said:
jeez get that stick out of your ass...if you read the post carefully I didnt say "they are magical band" I said "to me they lost that Agalloch magic" I was merely refering to their loss of folk influences like saut so eloquently pointed out.

youre still a knob afaics
NineFeetUnderground said:
thats odd...i dont remember saying they couldnt/shouldnt be anyones favorite band. just questioning the use of the word "magical" in conjunction with them. the band uses simple acoustic stuff, and simple cliched electric stuff with merely ok vocals. yes i thought the new album was decent, but by no means do i think theyre a "magical" band. thats just absurd.

yeah i kind of pulled that favorite band shit out of thin air in the midst of my ramble, but i think in questioning their "magic," you're indirectly putting down whoever happens to feel that they are "magical." i think that agalloch has been filling a void and making music that people can be passionate about. they aren't the most complicated or original band and even derivative and transparent when it comes to their influences, but i don't think there's another band that i could easily put next to agalloch and call them their contemporaries. i think that can be "magical" (im really sick of saying "magical") to some people, and justifiably so.
yea, you couldnt call anyone agalloch's contemporaries...because agalloch missed the fuckin boat by about 8 years. look, this is turning into what looks like im bashing agalloch and calling them "shit". im not...i just think think theyre just an "alright" metal band...who seem to set the world on fire for people who dont know better.
NineFeetUnderground said:
yea, you couldnt call anyone agalloch's contemporaries...because agalloch missed the fuckin boat by about 8 years. look, this is turning into what looks like im bashing agalloch and calling them "shit". im not...i just think think theyre just an "alright" metal band...who seem to set the world on fire for people who dont know better.

it's not as if agalloch are bringing absolutely nothing new to the table though. even if we transported them back in time i think they still have something that sets them apart. i think we can definitly agree that agalloch aren't really going to be an important metal band in the long run, but it's nice to see someone picking up the flag that ulver left behind with bergtatt and kveldssanger and move it forward a step or two. i guess what i'm saying is, maybe they aren't a milestone, but they're definitly a part of the path between milestones.