Now Playing Thread

Artillery-Out of trash
saut said:
i know you liked aatg. even if agalloch isn't "magical" in and of themselves, i can see how someone could get attached to agalloch and invent that magic. in any case, agalloch is doing a decent job at filling that folk-metal niche that hasn't been filled by a quality band (afaik) since ulver released bergtatt, altho ashes has definitly moved away from a lot of the folk tendencies. i think that's why a lot of people who fell in love with the mantle are having harsh reactions to ashes, which is really a much more focused and less cliched album. they miss that "magical" folky atmosphere that was such a big part of the mantle's success.

eh i guess i kinda got away from my point.. i dont think calling any of agalloch's albums magical is completely unjustified, as you make it out to be. while agalloch might just be a reflection of ulver, empyrium, and misc post rock, they're doing a better job of it than any other band today (can't think of any that are so heavily influenced by all of those).

that's kind of a long, rambling response to a typical off-the-cuff nfu remark, but i wanted to stick up for a decent band that doesn't not deserve to be someone's favorite.

thats odd...i dont remember saying they couldnt/shouldnt be anyones favorite band. just questioning the use of the word "magical" in conjunction with them. the band uses simple acoustic stuff, and simple cliched electric stuff with merely ok vocals. yes i thought the new album was decent, but by no means do i think theyre a "magical" band. thats just absurd.
jeez get that stick out of your ass...if you read the post carefully I didnt say "they are magical band" I said "to me they lost that Agalloch magic" I was merely refering to their loss of folk influences like saut so eloquently pointed out.