Now Playing Thread

Metallica- Death Magnetic, not entirely sure why I am giving it another chance, but oh well. If this album were say 10-15 minutes shorter cutting pieces out of almost all of the songs it could actually be quite good. All this Ne O talk makes me what the EP, so I'll probably spin that next.
^^You reaaaally want to see the eevile part of me, don't you?
Lol your joke reminds me of this:

i dont see whats so special about deathspell omega, all the songs on sound like typical black metal nonsense

lmao you may not appreciate DSO for whatever reason, but calling them typical black metal nonsense is outrageous. another failure opinion brought to you by Vuashke.
^He must just want a bite, surely he can't be serious. If he is then he either hasn't ever listened to bm let alone a typical bm band and dso. It's like saying Floyd are a Garage Rock band. Or Esoteric are a death metal band.
Boards of Canada- Music Has The Right To Children, then Led Zeppelin- Houses of the Holy.