Now Playing Thread

lol looks like no one got my fallout boy slam. Probably picked the wrong one, my mind flooded with them and it was fairly hard to choose.
Iron & Wine random B-sides. Then Enslaved- Below the lights.
anyone else a fan of mahavishnu orchestra?

Yes. One of the most amazing bands ever!!! I remember when the "Inner Mounting Flame" came out in 1970, and I could'nt stop playing it for about six months. Then "Birds of Fire" floored me, and then the live "Between Nothingness and Eternity". After that album, they sort of went downhill for me.:heh:
^Yeah you got me listening to Kind of Blue earlier, I almost always go to that when I want Miles as well. But I was thinking of Bitches and had forgotten aspects of it, it had been so long. On the Bjork as well ey, I did Post before. That thread about her a little while back got me listening to her more again.

Deathspell Omega- Kenose, just did Fas before this. Pretty typical bm iyam, nothing special. In all seriousness though I am concerned I will be so excited when they announce the next release I may have a heart attack reading the news. So when it is announced and if don't post anymore, iz bicaus iM ded!