Now Playing Thread

^Yeah you got me listening to Kind of Blue earlier, I almost always go to that when I want Miles as well. But I was thinking of Bitches and had forgotten aspects of it, it had been so long. On the Bjork as well ey, I did Post before. That thread about her a little while back got me listening to her more again.

Deathspell Omega- Kenose, just did Fas before this. Pretty typical bm iyam, nothing special. In all seriousness though I am concerned I will be so excited when they announce the next release I may have a heart attack reading the news. So when it is announced and if don't post anymore, iz bicaus iM ded!

i may also have a heart attack. however im not anticipating even an announcement for at least 6 months.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls (such a fucking epic song!)
Indeed, definitely one of their best songs ever - to me.. its what i imagined Weakling would sound like if you turned off the distortion and took out the blastbeats etc..

Leviathan - Vulgar Asceticism.

Not listened to this'un for a while - it's classy as fuck.