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yea, i bet he would have signed it if it was blood inside. Still thats pretty rediculous... Whatever, i doubt i will ever get the chance to meet him anyway so him being an asshole doesn't really matter.

lol for frozen custard
Either way, if you're going to be a person who relies on his fans, you should probably be a little nicer. My cousin is a very large man. He must have big balls or have Assburger syndrome.

np: Vader - We Wait
Pseud0 said:
yea, i bet he would have signed it if it was blood inside. Still thats pretty rediculous...
yeah maybe he doesn't want to sign the ulver metal albums since he appears to want to be detached from the whole metal scene now (or so I've heard). regardless, it's a pretty lame thing to do and if that happened to me I probably wouldn't support the artist anymore...
to clarify the garm situation....

Rygg has many times now stated his dislike for the metal scene...the black metal scene even more specifically. he wishes to not be related or grouped in with the people involved, or in the history. he sees his previous albums under that tag as decent efforts among that style, but will not ever make that type of music again, and has no wish whatsoever to be reminded of it much as it is. he hates black metal fans, and the scene...citing that they are stupid and ignorant, and wishes to deal with them or be seen as one whatsoever.

should answer the issue about not signing nattens madrigal. and if your cousin is really so big and tough...he should probably stop crying that he didnt get his album signed. :p
Taste has nothing to do with it. it's pop-culture music filth. It belongs in the garbage along with most other rubbish being released nowadays. And my cousin wasn't crying, he was in a bloodlust kind of attitude. Damn, what reading comprehension we have!!

And regardless of whether Garm still likes metal, that gives him no excuse to be rude. Just more individualist assholes dwelling on such bullshit as capitalistic ideas and Ayn Rand BS. He's a lame asshole for doing that. You're just too ashamed to admit it because you're a fanboy to a artist that hates you. lol @ you. He does make good music, but he is an egotistical asshole. Just how it is. :tickled:
Forest of Åsatrú said:
Taste has nothing to do with it. it's pop-culture music filth. It belongs in the garbage along with most other rubbish being released nowadays. And my cousin wasn't crying, he was in a bloodlust kind of attitude. Damn, what reading comprehension we have!!

And regardless of whether Garm still likes metal, that gives him no excuse to be rude. Just more individualist assholes dwelling on such bullshit as capitalistic ideas and Ayn Rand BS. He's a lame asshole for doing that. You're just too ashamed to admit it because you're a fanboy to a artist that hates you. lol @ you. He does make good music, but he is an egotistical asshole. Just how it is. :tickled:

taste has everything to do with it. only some ignorant music nazi who thinks bands like disillusion and novembre are good would lump every mainstream band into a big pile like that, saying its all worthless. youre not versed and you just dont know very much...thats all this is really is.

and for the record, he doesnt hate me not a metalhead. nor am i the fanboy...i wasnt the beligerant meathead moron stalking someone trying to get an autograph while they were trying to eat their ice cream in peace. and you wonder why he might not have obliged? :err:
Damn dude, just shut up. I've told you how it is, now just shut up. You're making an issue out of a stupid thing. He dissed a fan=asshole. Interpol=shit. All you had to say was "That's just your opinion," but no, you had to be overly analytical and presumptuous. Just let it go. Breathe... be cool.... :cool:
Forest of Åsatrú said:
Damn dude, just shut up. I've told you how it is, now just shut up. You're making an issue out of a stupid thing. He dissed a fan=asshole. Interpol=shit. All you had to say was "That's just your opinion," but no, you had to be overly analytical and presumptuous. Just let it go. Breathe... be cool.... :cool:

ah yes...forgive me. perhaps its just horribly ignorant and stupid people that gets my blood boiling. i really should learn to deal with it on my own than try to explain your short comings to you, since obviously youre not grasping any of this.

now go play with something shiny, or visit the cockpit...tell them you just had your 8th birthday.

edit: Forest of Asatru's join date : june 2005
This is a new name. I used to post under the alias "Aleister" and I have been a member since 2002. But whatever. This is getting boring.I didn't mean to damage your pride because you have a weakness for pop bands. I know you're probably selfconcious about it, especially on a metal forum, but you need to learn to live with your ailment. It's all right, it really is. Just be calm and remember your mommy still loves you no matter what. ok? Great.

p.s. Nice job playing that age thing, that hurt (so bad.) Now, I believe it says member since MAY 2005. I might be mistaken.

NP: A Perfect Circle - Fiddle and the Drum