Now Playing Thread

Forest of Åsatrú said:
This is a new name. I used to post under the alias "Aleister" and I have been a member since 2002. But whatever. This is getting boring.I didn't mean to damage your pride because you have a weakness for pop bands. I know you're probably selfconcious about it, especially on a metal forum, but you need to learn to live with your ailment. It's all right, it really is. Just be calm and remember your mommy still loves you no matter what. ok? Great.

p.s. Nice job playing that age thing, that hurt (so bad.) Now, I believe it says member since MAY 2005. I might be mistaken.

NP: A Perfect Circle - Fiddle and the Drum

i liked certain "pop" bands before i liked metal, and i will continue to like such uncool "pop" bands like the beatles, simon and garfunkel and stevie wonder long after i stop listening to metal. As for being self concious, YOU are the one who CANT admit to liking something because it might be "simple" or "popular" on a metal forum. grow up...plz...kthx.
Listen. We all know that frozen custard has got to be one of the least metal foods in existance. I'm sure if you had asked Garm to sign while he was eating like some entrails of the damned he would have gladly obliged. You've got to consider these things.
^ lol i love the look i get from people when i wear my bathory goat shirt around. My friend was like BATHORD!!! lol another guy thought it was a megadeth shirt :0

title track of this album is my favorite king crimson song
deliverance said:
r0l0, that's where you got yer avy! haha, i only heard 3 KC albums, which is that? i'll check 'er out.
haha yeah. it's "In Wake of Poseidon", their second album. the title track is great but the other songs are okay compared to the stuff on the more popular albums.