Now Playing Thread

Botfly said:
it's ok, nothing I haven't really heard before, but it would be nice if they had the guys incredible clean vocals somewhere.

actually, you would be hard pressed to find something that sounds just like the first 2 soilwork albums...even today.

maybe if you have filled your record collection with a bunch of gothenburg rip off metalcore BEFORE you checked out soilwork. but had you heard chainheart or steelbath when they came out...they wouldnt have been something you heard least not in that particular form.
NineFeetUnderground said:
actually, you would be hard pressed to find something that sounds just like the first 2 soilwork albums...even today.

maybe if you have filled your record collection with a bunch of gothenburg rip off metalcore BEFORE you checked out soilwork. but had you heard chainheart or steelbath when they came out...they wouldnt have been something you heard least not in that particular form.

Botfly said:
I think I'm going to cut down on the sarcasm, it's come to the point people can't tell anymore. :erk:'s kind of hard to tell on an internet forum.especially since you said you didn't think SS was anything special..who knows maybe you like the newer soilwork better. yes, there are people out there like that, it's crazy.
Botfly said:
I think I'm going to cut down on the sarcasm, it's come to the point people can't tell anymore. :erk:

to be honest, i thought you were being sarcastic at first...but then i realized that what you were saying wasnt very far from the truth in some ways. if you didnt know WOULD think soilwork were unoriginal...and many people who are fans of the newer material complain that there isnt clean vocals in the old ones. *shrug*
NineFeetUnderground said:
actually, you would be hard pressed to find something that sounds just like the first 2 soilwork albums...even today.

maybe if you have filled your record collection with a bunch of gothenburg rip off metalcore BEFORE you checked out soilwork. but had you heard chainheart or steelbath when they came out...they wouldnt have been something you heard least not in that particular form.

EDIT: It's not that, I just couldn't tolerate growling through THIS entire CD. In Flames - Jester Race was better, but with the dual guitar sound used so much, and not much variety in the songs, it got boring.

For the record, the album was good, and his clean vocals are decent, but not incredible. Soilwork was also the first metal band I was introduced to. If not for them, I wouldn't be an Opeth fan. It's just that listening to them now, after listening to alot of different stuff, have grown kind of stale. I feel bad for spoiling my ears.

and "As We Speak" has to be their best song.

this is really what I meant to say
Immortal - at the heart of winter which makes me go :mad:

well its the closest thing to a corpsepaint-laden smiley there is :p
immortal are kvlt they are ridiculously kvlt.......and the music fits aswell, unlike burzum, the fast burzum really sucks but cool

np Immortal - Beyond th enorth waves