NR - now reading

Yow..sounds pretty dry, Naf..
NR: I think the title's Not without my daughter by Betty Mahmood... about a woman who goes with her daughter & iranian husband to Iran and then is kept there against her will. It's good, but it also kinda annoys me since she is immediately prejudiced against the country and doesn't even try to see anything positive with it, she just hates it right away... Ok so it's understandable considering what she went through, but still...
A collection of short stories by Akutagawa Ryonosuke (hope I got it right :) ) called "The Essential Akutagawa."

Also reading William Gibson's Sprawl series from the begging for about the (N+1)th time... currently in the middle of Neuromancer. I just don't get tired of this stuff... plus, now I've got them all on my PDA which is cool as hell ;-)
Thomas Mann-The Buddennbrok
F.M. Dostoievski-The idiot
Uslar Pietri-The other america(an essay about latin america)
The forest of hours - Kerstin Eckman <--- v. good
The mysteries of Udolpho - Ann Radcliffe
From a Buick 8 - Stephen King
Vampyre - Polidori
Teach yourself philosophy - some dude