nyc 2/23 setlist

i really enjoyed the show and the setlist, only one thing i would have changed, or maybe 2....instead of leper affinity...funeral portrait,and instead of deliverance i would have wanted masters apprentices....but i still loved the show and loved meeting the guys after the show....great down to earth guys...
Maybe I should post a little bit about the experience.

Ok, here goes: First of all, im not a big fan of Orchid, so UTWM wasnt a big thing for me. I still enjoyed it live, but it just wasnt one of those songs I like. The vocals were a little low in the song, but I think they sorted it out by the 2nd or 3rd song. I was also initially shocked at how well Axe filled in for Lopez, it was fucking amazing. I really didnt notice any mistakes, and he did all the beats exactly how I remembered them on the cd. Totally incredible, if I didnt know what Lopez looked like, I would have thought it was him.

Then when he announced that they were going to move on to Morningrise, I was really wondering what song they were going to play. I didnt really expect BRI, but everybody kept shouting while he was trying to talk. It was really annoying. So then he finally snnounces that they are going to play TNATSW and I am quite susprised. It is my favorite song on the album, and I remembered vaguely that he said that he never played this song nor would he ever. I was very happy and it went over really well. Too bad the song evokes bad memories, I would love for them to play that every damn time I saw them. It would be like DotF, it would be a staple song.

The Amen Corner was good live too, but I kind of wanted them to play When. But it was still excellent and they played it really good. White Cluster was definitely a hit song, sounded great.

I loved how they went from The Leper Affinity right into A Fair Judgement. The transition was so smooth that it took me a few seconds to notice that they went right into it.

Deliverance rocked live, I see why it is usually their encore song. I just loved how heavy it was, and this was the frist song that I started to violently headbang to. Before I was headbanging, but this song is j9ust so damn heavy that it makes you want to headbang like crazy.

Windowpane ruled, it is one of my favorite songs off of Damnation. I just love the intro to that song. I have heard this same complaint before, but I think that Axe was a little too aggressive on the drums. He didnt tone it down enough for it to be a gentle song, but that is just a trivial complaint. I have a very high respect for being so generous to Opeth to take on a full tour as a substitute drummer. As we all know now, he messed up the solo a little bit, but it still kicked ass. I love the wise ass comment that he made about not fucking up the solo, and then someone shouted out that he was a liar and all that. It was funny and I loved it.

Now Closure was incredible. It wasnt one of the top songs of the night as far as heaviness goes, but I was awed by how good it was. I didnt really know what they were playing, as I havent listened to Damnation in a while and its not one of my favorites off of the album, but live it was incredible. The keyboard parts and the feedback or whatever he was doing with the guitar parts were really cool.

Ghost of Perdition! One of the best live Opeth songs. As soon as they kicked in with it you just knew it was going to be one of those songs that go over so well in a live situation. It was so heavy and great. I also headbanged like hell during this song. It was my friends favorite Opeth song, so I was glad that he got his wish.

They then continued to play another song off of Ghost Reveries called Baying of the Hounds. Now I thought that this song would be a good live song, as it is one of my favorites off of Ghost Reveries, but I just didnt like it that much. It sounded generic in comparison to Ghost of Perdition. It was still a good song, but there were no enjoyable hooks in the song that made it an enjoyable live song. The only enjoyable parts of the song were the awesome growling vocals (BAYING OFA THE HOUNDSSSS), and the drumming. I just lover the vocals in this song, and they were great live, but the song just isnt that good of a live song. This was my least favorite song of the night, but I still enjoyed it, even though it sounds like I didnt. I just had very high expectations of how this song would sound live, and it simply didnt live up to them.

The Grand Conjuration made up for it. Definitely a live song to the core. Sounds 10000x better live than on cd, even though I like it on cd. On SOTU, I saw them play this song for the 2nd time live, and this time they did a better job. It was just so fuckin heavy, and the keyboard parts were really cool live. I love the feedback that he does with the song live, and on the cd it is turned down.

They were done with the show. The way they packed up, I was actually beginning to doubt an encore. But they just had to do one, cause nobody would have left if they didnt. So he comes back on saying they didnt plan to play an encore (and from his post on here, he really didnt), and they played Demon of the Fall. Of course they always play this song live, but i definitely see why. It goes over so great live. It was very tight and sounded great. I am sure that nobody could have complained about this song.

I was kinda surprised at how funny Mike was. At SOTU, he seemed very reserved and didnt say much. This time he was a jokester, constantly joking. I loved the Slayer bit where someone yelled out Slayer and he did something and was like "I cant play Slayer, know why? Cause they suck!" I knew it was a joke and thought it was hilarious. Then we were planning from the beginning to yell Freebird (Skynyrd) because its kind of an inside joke among us, as we try to yell Freebird at every concert we go to, and then we get the perfect opportunity when he mentions Skynyrd. So we immeditatly shout Freebird along with a few other people.

The crowd was also very disrespectful and not too energetic. I usually go to Philly concerts, and so far from what ive seen (live DVDs and personally) the Philly crowd is definitely the best. During the slow parts of certain songs people were shouting shit. Very disrespectful, the guys are putting on a show and people are being loud and obnoxious. Also all of the song name shouting and dumbass "look at me I shouted something" people was really annoying when Mike was trying to talk. I was never this annoyed with obnoxious pricks.

Overall, I had an EXCELLENT time and it was one of the best concerts ive ever seen. I was so happy with the songs they played and it was just an excellent concert experience. Sitting down was extremely nice, and im glad I was up on the balcony because of the standing in the front. I am glad I got to sit during the whole show, but had to stand during DotF because Mike told us to, and I was glad to. I dont see why the people in the front rows stood when I didnt see much headbanging (from where I was). If your just gonna stand there and watch, you might as well just sit.
mircfool said:
any tips on meeting the band afterwards from the people that did? with an 11 hour drive, im gonna have to meet them.

You are driving from Atlanta? No shit? My friend and I are leaving from Marietta Wed. afternoon - staying in Louisville that night. Seeing the Chicago and then Milwaukee show. We need to hook up - that is wild that someone else is fucking crazy enough to make that trip via car.
They then continued to play another song off of Ghost Reveries called Baying of the Hounds. Now I thought that this song would be a good live song, as it is one of my favorites off of Ghost Reveries, but I just didnt like it that much. It sounded generic in comparison to Ghost of Perdition. It was still a good song, but there were no enjoyable hooks in the song that made it an enjoyable live song. The only enjoyable parts of the song were the awesome growling vocals (BAYING OFA THE HOUNDSSSS), and the drumming. I just lover the vocals in this song, and they were great live, but the song just isnt that good of a live song. This was my least favorite song of the night, but I still enjoyed it, even though it sounds like I didnt. I just had very high expectations of how this song would sound live, and it simply didnt live up to them.

The Grand Conjuration made up for it. Definitely a live song to the core. Sounds 10000x better live than on cd, even though I like it on cd. On SOTU, I saw them play this song for the 2nd time live, and this time they did a better job. It was just so fuckin heavy, and the keyboard parts were really cool live. I love the feedback that he does with the song live, and on the cd it is turned down.

I didn't see this show, but I think the complete opposite from when I saw them. TGC was boring and worse than on the album (partially because the keyboards were so low) and Baying OWNED live.
Mikael Akerfeldt said:
Cool, no I'm not upset at all. I think the setlist was a good one and there's no way to please everyone unless we play every fucking song we ever recorded I guess.


i'm sure i wouldn't have been disappointed with this setlist if i had gone, but there is something that bothers me . . .

why aren't you guys coming to TX :cry: ?
ualaw99 said:
You are driving from Atlanta? No shit? My friend and I are leaving from Marietta Wed. afternoon - staying in Louisville that night. Seeing the Chicago and then Milwaukee show. We need to hook up - that is wild that someone else is fucking crazy enough to make that trip via car.

haha, im from marietta, and living in atlanta. we were gonna leave wednesday, but i have a test in school that day so i couldnt skip. lucky guys! then we are going to milwaukee also!!! how did you get tickets for the next show? ticketmaster wouldnt sell them to us in a store, and we decided too late to order them online. we were thinking will call if they have it. yeah, we should definitely hook up if we are doing almost the exact same thing. btw, the name is andrew, if you have aim my sn is the same as my user name on here

edit: we were gonna go to louiville that night because btbam is playing there, you guys should go check them out.
froghawk said:
I didn't see this show, but I think the complete opposite from when I saw them. TGC was boring and worse than on the album (partially because the keyboards were so low) and Baying OWNED live.

Interesting. Two different takes I guess. I still think TGC is one of the best live songs ever. It is just so good.
i think the show last night fucking ruled. it was my 6th opeth concert experience. i also got to meet a good online friend from da forum (a rofl nazi). i suppose my only qualms about the gig are what everyone else said..only 1 song (save DOTF) from the first 4 records. i was really hoping to see mist. with that said, i was very pleased with the show.

axe was excellent. i saw him with O in philly a few months back, and he's definetly improved over the last few months with the material. hats off to you martin!

the first 4 songs were fucking incredible. period. lol at people who think they got gyped of rare material because they played a couple of the songs over the last 2 months in other places...

Weeping Moon's middle section was great, nice buildup.

was pretty surprised to hear the TNATSW. thought they'd never perform that. lol mike said they never did it because he wasn't happy with the production of it (though they used to always play advent :scratches head: lol). but whatever, it was very very good. great song to keep in the set.

amen corner!?!? fuck. MAYH is my favorite album, so i was verrrrrry pleased to hear this or karma. i've been lucky to have seen AE/When at other gigs. brutallll.

highlight of the show --> white...fucking...cluster. WOW. such a powerful song. i was bashing my fist into the vacant seat in front of me, and headbanging (though i was doing this most of the gig anyhow). axe shined on this, and the guitar solos were nothing short of excellent. played flawlessly. it's a shame they're so low in the mix on the album.

leopard infinity. my favorite song from complaints here. brutal song, fuckin love it. they moved on to each album, i for some reason decided to shout out requests lol. i shouted out LA and mike was like "..nope" then..they played it lol.

fair judgement is my fav song besides the title track from Deliv. incredible fingerpicking by mike, as well as some of the bands best guitar solos. the outro is fucking epic. love how they slow it down, sounds even more evil.

i've seen Deliv performed at every O show i've attended, and i'm still not sick of seeing it. definetly in my top3 favorite songs. absolutely PERFECT live song. should never leave their setlist. lol at the ballet dancing to the song before the show. bitches dancing is cool, but they should have been naked :erk:

windowpane/closure. not only my 2 fav songs from D1 were played, but my 2 fav from D2 as well! aweeeesome. seen both already, at the damnation gig, but the closure middle was even better here. they made it a lot more interesting. i like how they 'metal' it up a bit too, in the end. it's aight if there's a messup every now and then, it means they're human ('pane solo)

GoP was greattt, already seen Baying, and it was better this time around, kick ass song. TGC was probably the song i enjoyed least, seen it twice, and though i still love the song, and it is swell live. mike mentioned how there's a video for it and i shouted out that it blows :erk: ..cause it does lol.

props to whoever shouted "heavy metal machine" that was hilarious. lol that about 99% of the crowd was clueless at that. there was mad newbs there methinks.

i think that was my last O show for a while though (so i say...).
My buddy & I flew in from Toronto to see the NYC show, and will likely hit the London show next Tuesday. We're still in NYC, leaving tomorrow.... and the more I think about it, last night's show really sticks in my mind as a top-5 concert experience for us.... just a good combo of the venue, atmo, and setlist.

It's been a great time watching Opeth grow into a world class live presence. I remember in January 2003 watching Opeth play Toronto's Opera House, and they were so nervous.. in such a short time they've gotten so much more relaxed, tighter and confident. (All that's left is hoping that Lopez gets better!)
