Off Topic Fun - Onomatopoeia


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Is anyone else here as fascinated by onomatopoeia as I am? I find it absolutely fun to use. However, I like to make up my own. (For those of you who don't know, onomatopoeia is the aspect of English in which the word used sounds like the action it is describing. Ex. 'plop' or 'honk.')

For example, my friend was driving me to his house when some asshole driver passed us, straining his engine as he did so. How did I describe the sound?


And so you have the sound of a car passing you.

Can you guys make up your own onomatopoeia? Try it, it's good fun. Yes, I know, I am friggen' crazy. :goggly:
What's really great is when you make the onomatopoeia reinforce a theme or mood, and use it all through with the other sound devices and the passage will become an onomatopeia.
(ex. Egar Allen Poe - The Bells)
Try this if any of you are in some karate class or something. Make a feint and make the sound you would as if you were to strike the opponent. Sometimes you can catch a guy and make him offguard so you have a free hit.

Onomatopoeia (kind of) in action.
haha Zonk... that's classic. I need to start using that, i'm not sure in what context.. but that's just funny... Zonk! yeah you try not smiling when you hear that! Zow is a good one too.
Ha! Anyone remember Family Guy?

Announcer: Okay, Mike, the world is "onomatopoeia"...
Mike Tyson: Uh..."C"?
Announcer: No, I'm sorry, that's incorrect.