Kenneth R.
thats fine since i'll be in england for 9 months.J-Dubya 777 said:Maybe Maiden can punish us like PoS has, and not play here.
Their loss...

thats fine since i'll be in england for 9 months.J-Dubya 777 said:Maybe Maiden can punish us like PoS has, and not play here.
Their loss...
lady_space said:It's supposed to be about the people who paid for the tickets, not whether you're bosom buddies.![]()
Ruthven said:I could not agree more.
Pellaz said:Harmless last-gig-on-the-tour practical jokes are common (TSO in Atlanta, anyone?), but THIS is wayyyyyy beyond the pale.
Agreed !! I love Maiden and all, but if they don't want to tour the USA than so be it.J-Dubya 777 said:Maybe Maiden can punish us like PoS has, and not play here.
Their loss...
13ShadesofGray said:Amen my brutha! Harmless... DT putting friggin' baby powder on Zonder's drums, and double-sided sticky tape on Alder's mic stand... followed up by the infamous "Stonehenge" retaliation. THAT is the way musician's should diss is eachother. In jest... not maliciously. What happened to Maiden was not justifiable, by any stretch. Opinions aside, each side felt it appropriate to do what they did. SAD. Another media stunt at someone's personal expense... Even more sad.
Let's not forget what kind of children this "mother" raised... Cover your face and throw eggs at an icon? Absolutely appalling... They are all so out of touch with reality it's almost funny, in some sad, sick, perveted way. And the fact that Kelly is revered, to a certain degree, by today's youth speaks volumes to me.
I'm SO tired of the values and morals that television and the media are instilling in today's youth. I work my ass off to raise my son to be a decent, honorable young man... I hope my influence will be enough to withstand the negative character influences of those I have no control over. Those who I see on a daily basis being influenced not by their parents, but by the new and convenient babysitter: The media in all its disgusting glory. His peers. It's pretty sad when people are actually surprised to see a child who is kind. I'm damn proud to be the parent of a surprising little dude.
DarkTide said:This kind of shit sucks, but I don't feel real bad for Bruce Dickinson. He's been slagging the USA and the American metal fans all year long. He's already threatened to never tour here again prior to this incident. This dude has profitted millions from this country, and still he doesn't have a good thing to say about it, or it's music fans. I think he's a big fucking hypocrite. He's making big dough working Ozzfest I'd think, and apperently he's been bashing it too. The guy is a prick, but that dumb shit Sharon should have been professional enough to let them finish up the tour and then be done with them.
BlindPanzer said:Sharon Osbourne posted a statement at
It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf. He has had no respect for the American audience he has been playing for, stating in an interview, "When you do the 'hits' tour here [in the U.S.], the audience is smug, and there's a sense of self-satisfaction, like, 'We got what we wanted I'm looking at an audience that is self-satisfied and happy and fat, and getting what it wants and isn't prepared to get off its ass.."
QUOTE]1. Bruce has every right to show his own patriotism. reality check Sharon, Ozzy is british. have you converted your citizenship? if people are offended because we aren't shouting AMERICA WOOO every 2 seconds then they SHOULD be offended, because they are blind to reality. and as for Bruce's comment on the audience: amen.!
BlindPanzer said:Sharon Osbourne posted a statement at
It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf. He has had no respect for the American audience he has been playing for, stating in an interview, "When you do the 'hits' tour here [in the U.S.], the audience is smug, and there's a sense of self-satisfaction, like, 'We got what we wanted I'm looking at an audience that is self-satisfied and happy and fat, and getting what it wants and isn't prepared to get off its ass.."
QUOTE]1. Bruce has every right to show his own patriotism. reality check Sharon, Ozzy is british. have you converted your citizenship? if people are offended because we aren't shouting AMERICA WOOO every 2 seconds then they SHOULD be offended, because they are blind to reality. and as for Bruce's comment on the audience: amen.!
rottingflesh said:I have always heard that Bruce is a dick but I don't know that first hand...
But wow, Sharon was out of line as well unless he did something really bad behind the scenes i guess....