Official petition to ban NAD from the Royal Carnage forum

Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Seriously, he's becoming way too powerful. We must end this before it grows out of our control. . . Who's with me???
Claws of Perdition said:
Im going to have to charge some of you guys with High E-treason. You will be put to death on the eve of the coming sabbath. On this day you will Hung, Drawn and quartered, and your heads shall be placed upon the bonnet of my car.
hahaha I think the best part is that I know there are several people here thinking "finally, I hate that dude." :Spin:

EDIT: signed
Conspicuously Absent said:
haha, who could hate the NADatar besides douchebags like amp-guy and cluelessrecordstore-lady

what about colonel klink?

Colonel Klink! Did you get my letters?
I'm not actually Colonel Klink, I'm just assuming his form.
Hehehe, did you know Hogan had tunnels all over your camp??