Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: Quite alot actually... I start worrying about all the reasons wh ythey could be late then I get in to a trance where Im just like "they are gonna arrive now... they are gonna arrive now" and I start counting down from ten and stuff... Pretty wierd.

Q: What thing could someone say to you that would really piss you off right now?
a: I remember you from another forum :D
q: How often do you go out with friends (I mean living, flesh-and-blood-friends)?
a: does lunching with colleagues every weekday count? they are friends.

q: when someone you don't know all that well asks you for your opinion on something he's done, and in your opinion it erm... sucks, would you be honest and blunt, sugarcoat it or lie?
A: Honest and blunt. Sugarcoating and lying are terrible things to do to someone.

Q: Don't you wish people would label albums as .mpc albums before you download them?
A: i'd rather not venture an opinion: if i'm wrong it will sound offensive, and if i'm right it might make the situation quite uncomfortable.
A2: because she's a nice girl with solid moral values and a limited hard drive space.

Q: how was the party, li?
A: You didn't show up so I didn't go. Nah, I'm not going. I'm busy this week with work anyway (excuuuuuses).

Q: Which would rather learn to play: didgeridoo or tanbura?
A: Didgeridoo.

Q: Ever wished you could wear a kilt and play a bagpipe?
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