Branwen 100% woman May 26, 2004 146 0 16 Jun 30, 2004 #6,641 A: very ... I' don't know... poetic maybe is the right word. Not my favourite though. Q: How old is Ethereal Sage?
A: very ... I' don't know... poetic maybe is the right word. Not my favourite though. Q: How old is Ethereal Sage?
Human Desert Pirun Morsian Nov 28, 2002 5,163 81 48 Helsinki, Finland Jun 30, 2004 #6,642 A: 25 I think..Not sure though. Q: How's my hair today?
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Jun 30, 2004 #6,643 A: take and send a picture and i'll tell you Q: what's up with idari's hair?
Human Desert Pirun Morsian Nov 28, 2002 5,163 81 48 Helsinki, Finland Jun 30, 2004 #6,644 A: Nothing, it was just a random question I have two plaits right now ^_^ Q: Do you like plaits?
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,645 A: Yes. Q: Do you like (hair) buns?
rahvin keeper of the flame Oct 10, 2001 17,571 245 63 47 safe but not far from the city Jun 30, 2004 #6,646 A: it depends on the person wearing her hair this way, there's no set rule. Q: do i look better with shorter hair?
A: it depends on the person wearing her hair this way, there's no set rule. Q: do i look better with shorter hair?
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jun 30, 2004 #6,647 i only know you with 3mm haircut, so the answer would be, NO favourite dessert?
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Jun 30, 2004 #6,648 A: Lemon sorbet. Q: Favourite starter??
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jun 30, 2004 #6,649 kickstarter that wasn't what he meant, right? was it about sports?
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,650 a: i think he meant appetizers. q: do you have an appetizer with every meal?
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jun 30, 2004 #6,651 ah i see... no i don't, i don't take proper meals, usually i stand while eating, so there's really no point in taking an appetizer before. what do you recycle? glass? paper? metal? plastic? organic stuff?
ah i see... no i don't, i don't take proper meals, usually i stand while eating, so there's really no point in taking an appetizer before. what do you recycle? glass? paper? metal? plastic? organic stuff?
Kovenant84 T-369 days Jan 11, 2002 3,359 29 48 40 My kingdom, desolate Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,652 usually glass, paper, metal and plastic. the rules in the city get wacky sometimes though. skip any meals consistently? which one? ~kov.
usually glass, paper, metal and plastic. the rules in the city get wacky sometimes though. skip any meals consistently? which one? ~kov.
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,653 A: Breakfast on weekends...too busy sleeping Q: Are you double jointed?
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,654 A: No. Q: Do you enjoy cracking your knuckles?
OnyxDragon98 ABCD Feb 24, 2004 488 0 16 36 Jun 30, 2004 #6,655 A: No Q: What can you crack other than your knuckles?
Ethereal Sage Mind Of Out Sight Of Out Dec 30, 2001 8,624 36 48 In a cacoon Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,656 A: My back. Q: Do you like the proportion of various parts of your body in relation to other parts of your body?
A: My back. Q: Do you like the proportion of various parts of your body in relation to other parts of your body?
Caelestia rawr Feb 8, 2003 6,279 628 113 43 svarga Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,657 A: Generally, yes. I could stand to lose some weight. Q: You?
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham Jun 30, 2004 #6,658 A: No. My body is not right. Q: What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your window??
M Malaclypse Active Member Oct 18, 2001 5,408 112 63 Jun 30, 2004 #6,659 trees. only trees. birds ocassionally. if i hang out of the window, i can see glass containers and cars, yay. you?
trees. only trees. birds ocassionally. if i hang out of the window, i can see glass containers and cars, yay. you?
Child of Time Voice of reason Feb 1, 2002 1,819 14 38 40 Gothenburg, Sweden Visit site Jun 30, 2004 #6,660 A: A road. Q: Are you having fun?