Official Question-Answer Thread

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I would get rid of the necessity, yes.
But I would still sleep whenever I did feel like sleeping for sheer pleasure ..which I surely would do in a regular basis.

Q: If you were a computer accessory, what would you be?
And what would your name be?
A: Is a digital camera counted as a computer accessory these days? If so i'd be one of them, get to see the sights :) (edit: oh, i forgot the name... uhhh... i hate naming things... uhhh... ummm... i give up)

Q: How long do you think it'll be before rahvin gets a good night's sleep?
A: I'd be more worried about him getting sleep period, rather than a good night of it. But to guess, another 2 days.

Q: Do Oompah-Loompahs have a unique generic structure? Are there relative generic offspurts, such as Woompah-Loompahs? Moompah-Loompahs?
A: i don't think so. i'm usually very controlled in my verbal utterances. it's possibly my being too controlled that originates some problems, such as people insisting i don't mean what i say - as apparently it's not expressed with a passion - or assuming it's an elaborate mockery. mind you, sometimes it is.

Q: you?
A: The pencil monster makes its rounds once a week, devouring all pencils and the occasional pen.

Q: Can you make music by clicking your tongue (no going off-key!)?
A: Yes. I have lots of talents with my mouth.

Q: Does your parents understand you?
A: I can waggle my ears and roll one sie of my tongue. That's it.

Q: What do you think you're most likely to die of? :p
A: Waaay too much masturbation.

Q: What 2 color combination goes well together?
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