Official Question-Answer Thread

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I'm not sure what's funnier, the bluntness of the statement, or the presence of the ever-hilarious British word 'trousers' in it.

Q: If the possibility existed of your body being put into complete (and safe) stasis for dozens of years, would you go through it and awaken to see the future? Though, the catch would be that you had to do it now or never (within a year)
yeah i would, nothing interesting going on right now, maybe in 10 years time.

how long since you cleaned your keyboard/mouse properly? they contain more microbiological life than on your toilet seat or a doorbell.
As a matter of fact, I did so for my computer at the university right before leaving.

Malaclypse said:
..or a doorbell
Well.. considering that keyboard keys are like dozens of doorbells, and they get hit by fingers a lot more often ..I believe it :P

Q: a) What do you believe will happen after you die?
b) What would you like to happen after you die?
a: my body dissolves and is distributed among microbial lifeforms
b: i enter a time loop while having an orgasm

A: It will be dipped in chocolate and will be preserved that way.

Q: Did you brush your teeth today?
A: It sure is!

Q: What's your most Dark Tranquillity song that's the last song on the album?
A: My most last DT song, ...of Melancholy Burning is. Be could also On Your Time, but not today.

Q: What are you doing right now/tomorrow, if you're not at Tuska?
A: In an hour i'm leaving for an island. I've done the trip 3 times before, and it's not very exciting. The most depressing part about it is when i'm supposedly trying to save my already damned soul. :p

Q: Would you rather go to the island instead of me?

edit: good thing you posted the same question, wolf :p
A: Probably the one at Calaway Park in Calgary, Alberta. Of what I can remember...

Q: Are you attracted to opposites or do you tend to go for the ones who have alot of the same interests as you?
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