Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: I don't have a ringtone, i always have it on vibration.

Q: Will you get me a new cellphone?
A: Yes, being tOotally GriM and /\/3cr0 is inseparably connected with the very essence of teh baby elephant.

Q: Do you prefer order or chaos? Justify.
A: Probably order, but not to the point where people are being controlled or having to conform to roles... just where everyone can voice opinions and be at one with each other in a sharing environment. I wouldnt last ten minutes ina truly chaotic environment.

Q: If you walked an old lady across the road and she offered you a fair some of pocket money for your efforts would you take it?
A: No, i'd feel disgraced if i'd take it, and odd/offended if i'd been offered it. It's not an act you choose to do in order to get something back, a thanks and a smile are more than rewarding.

Q: What makes it so hard for people to peacefully coexist and cooperate in an environment?
A. too many people want power and money...and are assholes at it out for their own gain. Also they see things in one view so everyone else seems to be in the wrong. Or they just like to blow things up...

Q Same question?
A : There is not enough love in this world - I'm not talking about the love between parents and children or the in love girlfriend/boyfriend thing -
But ' love as wishing of good to another person ' -

Q : Whatever happened to peace, love and understanding?
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