Official Question-Answer Thread

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A: Oh yeaaah!

Q: Heard of the band Savatage?
A to Ethereal: Heard of them, haven't heard them.
A to Wolfman: Havent even heard of them

Q to Ethereal: How close was my prediction for your ten pin bowling efforts?
Q to others: Best music DVD?
A:@Yayo: I bowled much she-ite...152, 117 and 140...didn't see any limbs broken...better luck with your predictions next time ;)
Best music DVD is a toss-up between Opeth's Lamentations and Dead Can Dance's Toward the Within

Q: Same question
A: Killer website.

Q: Are you a flirt?
A: Mountain-hiking. Much more interesting than water.

Q: Rather go to a tropical island or some snow-covered mountains?
A: Snow-covered mountains. Lived most of my life in tropics and I like to ski/snow-board and I would love to sit in front of a fire with someone special.

Q: Would you rather go to a small, remote community or super-technological city for hoildays?
Tropical island...I see enough snow as it is. Not that I mind, but I'd still rather go to some nice little island to do nothing but sleep in a hammock, read some books and have the occasional drink.

What song are those lyrics in Rusty's sig from?
A: Tenhi - Kuolleesi Jokeen. Amazing song, would be my favourite on the album if the other 10 weren't just as corking.

Q: Why is the cricket starting late?
well one of my clas mates has been forever disturbed by witnessing a woman with a leg growth deficiancy have her legs stretched by a spiritual healer. Also my teacher in the lesson mentioned that her mothers life companion who is totally crippled went from being completely crippled to walking in an hour of spiritual healing. two days later he was dancing. I saw a demon once and it scared the shit out of me. It was standing on my shelf and it looked at me and then dived through a worm hole that opened up. Id just got into bed when it happened. Scary shit. Im not crazy... it really happened.

Q: You?
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