Official Question-Answer Thread

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Images of sleep. Or of the future, but short term... like getting the chance to hang out with a friend I haven't seen in a while, or something to that effect.

If one thing could happen right now that would (at least temporarily) ease all your worries and cares, what would it be?

A: No, though ive been told its really good, whenever i do come across him i dont know which of his books to read, for a good first impression

Q: do you listen when people recommend good books, and do they usually recommend good stuff?
A: i usually don't listen, but the only merit the seriously off-topic board has ever had is that someone (bigbronco, i think) there recommended george martin's a song of ice and fire to me, and it's absolutely fantastic.

Q: do you actually listen to any suggestion at all?
A: Yes, but it usually takes me a while to act on something, if I choose to.

Q: When you decide to do something that you can do straight away, do you actually do it straight away or wait a while for whatever reason?
a: in normal conditions, basically by thinking of money and people i can make proud. in extreme conditions, by thinking of what the consequences would be if i didn't act. in awkward conditions, by drinking.

q: what's an extreme condition in your life?
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