Oh Dear...


Something in My Eye
Jan 12, 2009
Dying Fetus is opening for Hatebreed and Chimaira on the 17th of August at the Ventura Theatre.....

What kind of sick and demented person would allow this to happen? Is this the harmonious marriage of brutal death metal and metalcore? Does this mean that the next Dying Fetus album will be...DEATHCORE!?!
no, it means dying fetus is trying to get deathcore fans to listen to death metal. suffocation did the same thing recently with whitechapel. its a calculated move. though im not sure what they will gain from it. dying fetus are boring as fuck live and they dont jump around nearly enough to capture the attention of these deathcore kids
no, it means dying fetus is trying to get deathcore fans to listen to death metal. suffocation did the same thing recently with whitechapel. its a calculated move. though im not sure what they will gain from it. dying fetus are boring as fuck live and they dont jump around nearly enough to capture the attention of these deathcore kids

Good point, but would deathcore kids really go see Hatebreed? The notion I've gotten from that scene is that they are still very elitist and think they are above nu-metal and metalcore in every sense (much like us real death metal fans :D)
fuck this is a travesty... Dying Fetus SHITS ALL OVER these gay ass bands. it should be the other way around!
A shitty band opening for two other shitty bands. Oh dear.


GR is right on this one. As shitty as Hatebreed is, they have a pretty decent following. DF is definitely trying to grab some fans that are closer to making the move to actual death metal than say, metal fans listening to Dragonforce and Trivium.
A shitty band opening for two other shitty bands. Oh dear.

honestly, i wasnt a dying fetus fan until i saw them live. worth seeing for sure!

haha and also on the matter, they were a surprise opener for GWAR when i saw them. thats not a likely line up either. but, there it was. and it was awesome. dying fetus just seems to play whenever they can. which is cool in my book.:kickass:

I don't understand why people just decide to just start a pointless thread out of the blue with no significance either.

I don't understand why people just decide to post such a pointless arrogant comment out of the blue with no significance either
Good point, but would deathcore kids really go see Hatebreed? The notion I've gotten from that scene is that they are still very elitist and think they are above nu-metal and metalcore in every sense (much like us real death metal fans :D)

meh, doesnt matter what the audience is, as long as its new. they'll get a handfull of new fans for sure.

I don't understand why people just decide to just start a pointless thread out of the blue with no significance either.

Didnt you leave in a tantrum and say you'd never post in GMD again or Mr Admin could ban you?

I cant seem to find the posts... so I assume you deleted them.
Hatebreed used to be cool so so so long ago...They have become pretty insignificant...At least there still belting out Hardcore, might be generic and bad but it's not Deathcore...which is the worst genre of all time.

And didn't the old Dying Fetus drummer join Chimaira at one point? and then quit? Maybe they are all friends.