"oh, it's an ENGL?" new song!


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
yowz! this is the first thing I've recorded in almost 3 months and I just wanted to see what you guys thought of this newest bit I've whipped up called "Walking Over Your Sea" (oo oooooo, haha)


Still using the ENGL Fireball into the 1960a mic'ed with a single 57. Still using the M-Audio's stock pre's which I'm growing to dislike greatly...blah
Ah, almost forgot, I spent some more time on mic positioning and ended up uses a Boss GE-7 before hitting the amp for a clean boost.. cutting some of the lows and boosting just a bit at 800/1.6k.
I'd love to get a TS-9 and see what that does for me...

This song is a bit more stark and.. more atonal/simple almost than the last song I posted. Has a bit more of the noisey, ambient synth parts as well... Needs works but I seem to add something to it everytime I open the project.

The vocals are louder than I'd like, but I reallllly didn't feel like Exporting the same song again for the 1,001 time! :)

Drums are DFH1 with the Kick replaced almost 100% and the snare around 35%. Bass is the clean channel of my Fireball, the pitch-shifted in cubase down an octave :err:

Charlie :headbang:
I really dig that guitar tone! I've had a tough time getting something that isn't horribly fizzy out of a T75. Could you explain your mic placement and any post EQ you did on the guitars?
unreal tone man, come on now how did you really record it? lol i mean everything right down to the minute:headbang:
CJ - Fantastic work as usual holmes. I do hate what MP3'ing does to cymbals though.

I do not recall if you do the vox on your cuts as well? Some cats harshed your gig earlier for mixing vocals too low... those people can get effed in the A, imo.

Sounds wonderful.
EtherForBreakfast said:
CJ - Fantastic work as usual holmes. I do hate what MP3'ing does to cymbals though.

I do not recall if you do the vox on your cuts as well? Some cats harshed your gig earlier for mixing vocals too low... those people can get effed in the A, imo.

Sounds wonderful.

thanks bros! I do the vocals as well, yes. I understand why people would like to hear em' a bit up in the mix but... blah, I like em'.

Diskon: Mic position was about an inch away (left) from the center of the speaker, up against the grill. My go-to EQ's are the URS Classic EQ stuff, particularly the N and A series. I used the N-series on the guitars with a HP at 100 or so and a LP at 16k I believe, I dont remember exactly. I also had a boost at 180 and 1k. Aside from C4 taming some of the lower mids, that's it.

Ben: Bass is pitch-shifted guitar :headbang: I've got VintageWarmer, C4, and URS A series EQ on the bass..

appreciate it!
Yea. Have to agree. Your clips are the best on this board, hands down. Makes me look forward to finally bringing my Engl Savage 120 over from the rehearsal room to use it for recordings!

You should be making money with this ...
Once again awesome.
I check your soundclick every few weeks in anticipation of a new track :worship: , checked yesterday, now WOW...
I especially like the ambience/electronic twist, sounds very original (unlike most these days)
Great work!

Does your guitar have passives or emg's? Sounds very tight. I'm recording my Powerball right now and am working on trying to get it that tight sounding. I don't have a Boss Eq, so maybe that would help.
Wow... just wow!

Charles you magnificent son of a bitch! this sounds once again, amazing, and twisted again.. very fresh...

Your clips are indeed one of the best i hear on these boards, your guitar tone is in fact the best i have heard anywhere coming from (with all respect) just a home studio.

Is that Andy's kick?

That riff and sound at 2:03 is heaven.

Solid Charlie, SOLID!!
cheers all! all the kind words are great, thank you!

shredhead: yeah, my guitar has the stock Duncan Designed pups in it, blargh. I'm looking at getting some EMG's, but we'll see...

Bob: haha, thanks my friend! the kick is andy's just EQ'd a bit different and pitched down a bit to match the sound I was going for..

take care,