Oh joy

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Originally posted by Spiff

We should sever ties with this lunatic ASAP. He'll probably go down in history as the most trigger-happy president the USA has had.

That sounds like terrorist talk to me, boy. You got something to hide?

Just for the record, Mr Bush, Brisbane is in the NORTH of Australia. Go bomb the bejeezus out of them. Us Southern states are friendly, and are with you 100% (and pansy arse pussies who are scared of maniacs with more bombs than us :D)
Originally posted by phlogiston

That sounds like terrorist talk to me, boy. You got something to hide?

Just for the record, Mr Bush, Brisbane is in the NORTH of Australia. Go bomb the bejeezus out of them. Us Southern states are friendly, and are with you 100% (and pansy arse pussies who are scared of maniacs with more bombs than us :D)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Im behind you 100 percent Mr President sir! Bomb anyone/everyone as long as its not us!

(On a serious note, why do we need shit like Saddam in the world? They should have killed him before, so do it now, the guy is nuts, and he will only bring harm sooner or later)
Originally posted by phlogiston

Just for the record, Mr Bush, Brisbane is in the NORTH of Australia. Go bomb the bejeezus out of them.

Just for the record again, Brisbane already looks like a barren, desolate wasteland ;)

(Come on, laugh! I was only kidding!)
Originally posted by phlogiston

Just for the record, Mr Bush, Brisbane is in the NORTH of Australia. Go bomb the bejeezus out of them.

Just one more thing, DONT bomb Wet n Wild, Dreamworld or Seaworld. They rock!

That is all. Honest.
Originally posted by spawn

Just for the record again, Brisbane already looks like a barren, desolate wasteland ;)

(Come on, laugh! I was only kidding!)

I thought it was 'kin hilarious. Those Northerners are probably still working it out ;)

Tell ya what, it's a good thing they're not Kiwi's as well, otherwise they'd really be for it. Hang on.....
Originally posted by phlogiston

I thought it was 'kin hilarious. Those Northerners are probably still working it out ;)

Tell ya what, it's a good thing they're not Kiwi's as well, otherwise they'd really be for it. Hang on.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Im not to sure if they even have electricity up there, I think they have to get in a giant wheel and run around a bit to generate some, thats probably what they are doing now. Maybe. ;)
Give em a break spawny, they have alot to contend with up there, foreign tourists,hot weather,lotsa bogans.They probably have their hands full trying to do the place up a bit for when the bombs arrive.

Anyway Brisbane has more bombs then the usa,you should see how many people up there drive Falcons.
Originally posted by spawn
On a serious note, why do we need shit like Saddam in the world? They should have killed him before, so do it now, the guy is nuts, and he will only bring harm sooner or later

Shit like Saddam wouldn't be where he is now if it wasn't for the Americans helping him out in the first place ;) Same with Bin Laden (who the yanks helped kick the Ruskis out of Afghanistan).

What goes around comes around ;)
Originally posted by Spiff

We should sever ties with this lunatic ASAP. He'll probably go down in history as the most trigger-happy president the USA has had.

Ahem, you have an American Republican in your presence, Spiffy. First of all, Bush should definitely finish the job his father started, especially if that madman is playing with nuclear and chemical weapons. He has continuously refused to keep up his end of the agreement on allowing weapons inspectors access to his cache - he is obviously hiding something. Second of all, the last I heard, Australia was behind Bush after Sept. 11 - am I incorrect in this? If so, proof to back that up would be appreciated. Third, in order to destroy his enemy, Sodom (intentional misspelling) is willing to, and has, murdered his own innocent people so he could take out a few American soldiers. The dick is mad as a hatter. And, yeah, unfortunately, we have made many mistakes letting this asshole get away with everything he has, but we're all human, after all.

Bush also currently has the highest approval rate of any recent president, and probably most or all American presidents ever (he did have the highest approval rate of all time just a month ago, so I'm not sure if that has changed much, if at all.) And he sure beats blow-job Bill - ya know, the guy who was too busy getting head to actually use his head.

Other countries don't understand what America is going through right now. If it was your country, you would certainly blow away anyone that threatened it. :bah: :err: :mad: :( And NO, we don't want Australia, as it belongs to our "friends".

Usually my posts are not so serious, however, this post you made was very disrespectful to our country and most Americans take that very serious after losing close to 3,000 of our beloved countrymen and our symbols of economic and political freedom.

One last note to Iced Earth fans, Jon Schaffer is a Republican and voted for Bush in the last election.
Originally posted by She Wolf

Usually my posts are not so serious, however, this post you made was very disrespectful to our country and most Americans take that very serious after losing close to 3,000 of our beloved countrymen and our symbols of economic and political freedom.

You fail to mention that Australians also lost some of their countrymen on that day. You're not alone in this, and I wonder if Bush is conferring with other nation's leaders about his actions before bringing a world war into play.
Originally posted by She Wolf

Third, in order to destroy his enemy, Sodom (intentional misspelling) is willing to, and has, murdered his own innocent people so he could take out a few American soldiers.

And of course, that's worse than us killing his own innocent people.

Originally posted by She Wolf

Other countries don't understand what America is going through right now. If it was your country, you would certainly blow away anyone that threatened it.

No we wouldn't, we don't have the firepower :D That's why we love America. They'll do our pounding for us (when it suits them, that is. e.g. Timor - Aus: "Please help us". US: "No, I think you've got the situation well in hand, and we don't want to step on any toes in your region)

Originally posted by She Wolf

Usually my posts are not so serious, however, this post you made was very disrespectful to our country and most Americans take that very serious after losing close to 3,000 of our beloved countrymen and our symbols of economic and political freedom.
Not all of those 3,000 were Americans, remember. A fair number of Aussies were in there, along with people from most other countries. This didn't just touch America, it touched the world. Search back on this BB back to last Sept to get a touch of the feeling that was around here.
Originally posted by She Wolf

Other countries don't understand what America is going through right now. If it was your country, you would certainly blow away anyone that threatened it. :bah: :err: :mad: :( And NO, we don't want Australia, as it belongs to our "friends".

Usually my posts are not so serious, however, this post you made was very disrespectful to our country and most Americans take that very serious after losing close to 3,000 of our beloved countrymen and our symbols of economic and political freedom.

One last note to Iced Earth fans, Jon Schaffer is a Republican and voted for Bush in the last election.

Well, Ill get serious for a minute too (just a minute mind you, ill go back to being funny Spawn in a minute :)

* If someone crashed a plane into a building here and attacked us, we couldnt do squat about it really, we have a military and everything, but we dont have the resources to do what the USA can do! All we could do would be go to the UN and ask for help, which probably wouldnt be too forthcoming as its essentially going after a terrorist organisation, which is extremely hard to do (but I hope America succeeds in eradicating the pricks off the face of the Earth)

* Lots of Americans lost their lives, but so did plenty of other people from all kinds of countries across the world, apparently the WTC had a huge cross section of nationalities working there (dont quote me, I dont know the exact breakdown or anything)

* I think the approval rating has everything to do with the situation and not necessarily the man, it wouldnt matter who it was, as the people would rally around whoever is in charge when something terrible like that happens.

* Jon is a god among men, a veritable deity, but who he votes for doesnt mean anything to me, im only concerned with his music mostly! I do know he is VERY patriotic though, you only have to look at some of his songs to see that! Nothing wrong with that either of course! :) :D

Noone here is hates the american people (as far as I know) its just that standing from the outside looking in gives you a different perspective sometimes, thats all :)

On a side note, play nice please people :D

*Spawn takes off his serious hat and puts his funny hat back on*
Putting my serious hat back on for a sec:
When people say that Americans sold arms to them and all that kind of thing, thats wrong, the GOVERNMENT sold arms, the people of America didnt. The American government is the most powerful on Earth, and can pretty much do whatever it likes with impunity, and when they dont inform the American people, its hardly the peoples fault is it? Im sure if they said "Hey we are gonna sell loads of bombs and guns to Iraq" that the whole nation would at once ask them what the HELL they are thinking...... So its not the American peoples fault Saddam has guns, it was who was in power at the time of the weapons being sold to him, theres a difference!

Anyway, dont worry be happy :D Go on! Be HAPPY! :) ....... Come on.... please? Awww :cry:
Well, of course. But if the American government sold arms to Iraq (which they did to combat so they'd have a partner against Iran, who the yanks helped out during the gulf war so they'd have someone against Iraq, and ... etc;)), then they can hardly bitch when Iraq develops weapons based on that technology, can they?

Yes, the American government is the most powerful in the world, but they're also one of the most immoral (IMO) when it comes to world affairs and meddling with how other countries are run (see Cambodia for a lovely example).
A couple of points to make:

1. I wasn't attacking America or its people, I was attacking George W. Bush for being a lunatic. Commentators all over the world have said that he sounds like he's lost it, especially with the "axis of evil" comments the other day.

2. Anyone who is president would have a high approval rating after what happened last year, doesn't mean he's a smart guy who knows what he's doing. Approval ratings almost always go up in times of war.

3. I don't have anything against America or its people (much), but I do have a problem with the country being the policemen of the world, jumping into foreign conflicts that have little (on the surface) to do with them. I have a problem with America thinking it's the center of the universe too. The fact that Americans can be so egotistical and cocky is why so many people don't like them... and a lot of people don't. As Roy & HG said (and I can't remember the exact quote), we quite like Americans individually, but en masse... that's another matter entirely.

4. I can't think of much else to say at the moment.

Bottom line is, George Bush isn't going to be making any friends with the games he's playing, except for the right-wing fanatics that are lapping up everything he's dishing out.
Oh, and another thing. Nobody (to my knowledge) has attacked Australia since World War II, when the Japanese bombed Darwin and snuck into Sydney Harbour - not really up on my local WW2 history, though, so any corrections to this info is appreciated :)

So, almost 60 years since an attack from a foreign country is pretty damn good. We're too far away for anyone to really care about, and there's so damn much of the country that's uninhabited that people will probably get sick of trying to find the major cities anyway :)
Originally posted by Spiff
We're too far away for anyone to really care about, and there's so damn much of the country that's uninhabited that people will probably get sick of trying to find the major cities anyway :)

Give indonesia a reason and they'll try and beat us up.
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