Oh joy

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Originally posted by Spiff

there's so damn much of the country that's uninhabited that people will probably get sick of trying to find the major cities anyway :)

But really, lets face it, only Sydney could be considered major ;)

(Come on! I was kidding again!) :D
I'm not getting into any Brisbane v Sydney arguments, so stop trying to start one :)

Yeah, if any country is going to attack Australia in the current political climate, it's bound to be Indonesia - largest Muslim population in the world, innit? The anti-Islam sentiment around the world has thankfully died down quite a bit now though, I think.
Originally posted by Koichi
Give em a break spawny, they have alot to contend with up there, foreign tourists,hot weather,lotsa bogans.They probably have their hands full trying to do the place up a bit for when the bombs arrive.

I guess they figure there's no point bombing Goulburn back to the stoneage, seeing as it's already there ;)
Originally posted by Mark

I guess they figure there's no point bombing Goulburn back to the stoneage, seeing as it's already there ;)

Goulburn has 3 thing that brisbane will never have.

1>A big fuckin concrete sheep

2>A lighthouse on a hill that is about 300km from the coast (we were just getting ready 60 years ago for the melting of the polar ice caps)

3>and this is the big one,voted by ralph magazineThe third sleaziest night club in australia.

beat that brisbane:D

Thats big sheep,all hail the extremely large concrete sheep with a building attached to the side.


The Goulburn war memorial/lighthouse, a beacon to all ship's coming down the highway from Sydney. It actually does have a light on the top that goes round and round.

unfortunatly there are no pictures of Flamingo's or as it more affectionatly known,the dirty bird. The tourist page doesn't see this establisment as a selling point.why?no one knows.

I'm Koichi and this is my city :D
Man, you Aussies are easy to rile! :D You asked for it, you got it, She Wolf puts on her war helmet (the pretty pink one) after removing her funny hat, momentarily.

Note: I will always use Sodom, not the true spelling of his name, as it was originally penned by the first President George Herbert Walker Bush, as suits the madman. No apologies there.

Okay, I can't quote everyone here, but I'll try to respond to some of the comments that require it. Some answers overlap, as I took them in the order the original statement was posted from you guys.

1. Spiffy, you post in Spawny's journal, so I understand you have a sense of humor. However, this topic really wasn't funny to any American.

2. That is correct - there were 67 countries in the WTC, unless that number changed from early November. This did affect the entire globe.

3. America is seen as an imperialistic country. That is pure bullshit. Actually, American citizens are the most altruistic (giving) people in the world. We give away billions of dollars every year in aid to damn near every country on this planet. My tax dollars are spent to help other countries to feed, clothe and enable their people to take care of themselves, and it is money well spent. We, as a nation, are grateful that we have been blessed with the abundance that we have and our desire to help others is overwhelming.

4. Our political system is pretty fucked-up - no doubt there. Frankly, if I could, I'd fire the whole lot of Congress and get some fresh blood in there. However, I voted for President Bush and his father, and would do so again, in a heartbeat. Can you imagine how Al Gore would have handled this situation? "Okay now, they didn't mean to hurt us, so we'll give them one more chance." It's because of Clinton and Gore that Bin Laden was able to do what he did. Gore was as much of an idiot as Clinton, whom he enabled to be the asshole he was. And, Spawn, I can't believe Neil actually put Clinton down as his most admired person - must have been for the Lewinskys. (Oooh, I could make this long, but I won't.)

5. So, someone crashed two planes into our most visible icons of economic freedom, tried to assasinate our president with another plane and wiped out a large part of our Pentagon with another. We have enough weapons to wipe out the entire Middle East and make it uninhabitable for a half a billion years. Yet, we choose to send in lesser weapons and ground troops into Afghanistan to avoid hurting innocent civilians there (and their neighbors) and we drop food so they won't starve to death. Seems like we've tried to be more humanitarian with those moves than Bin Laden was to us. (All on our dime, mind you.)

6. The wargame that Bush is playing right now is more a war of words. Sodom, as well as most of that region of the world, thinks that Americans are weak. Bush is trying to tell the asshole that WE ARE NOT WEAK, and we will do what is necessary to protect OUR world (U.S.) and other innocent countries, whilst he waves his middle finger at him. So, like, don't fuck with us because the next time we fight, it will be the last. Do you understand? It is truly "The Art of War."

7. I disagree with you Spawny on the approval rating statement. People here are fed up with the past 8 years of other countries walking all over America, while Clinton turned a blind eye (or should I say he was busy having fun in his pants). Remember, the WTC was bombed once before and also an American Embassy by Bin Laden (or so it is believed.) Clinton did nothing of significance. People want to show our muscle, and this is the most important part - SO MAYBE IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN. It's the "fear us" mentality, so we can be left in peace to live our lives. He has an 80 (to 90) percent approval rating, that means people from all parties, races and religions have come together here - if they didn't like or believe in him, believe me, they wouldn't unite - American's can't shut up, regardless of whether it's wartime or not.

8. Hahaha, Jon Schaffer. Sorry, I couldn't help that one, even if it is true. And you were correct Spawn, to call me on that one.

9. Our political system is screwed up (did I already say that?) Weapons being sold to anyone outside this country is sick. But, the average American can't control that. And, that was Clinton for you. Obviously, there was no thought involved in that decision whatsoever.

10. The American government is the most immoral when it comes to world affairs and meddling with other countries? No, that was CLINTON's regime and, in my opinion, most of the Democratic party. Bush happens to have the respect of most people in this country because he isn't the same immoral man that Dickhead was. His family is big on morals. And, no one outside our country has the right to judge Americans, or we will start judging you. And, by the way, when you see a serious wrong in the world, do you turn away, even if those being wronged are begging for your help? Americans (as a culture) have big hearts - OFTEN, that is what's involved, not immorality. We would like the whole world to live in freedom - now is that so immoral? No, the correct word is naive.

11. Right now, attacking Bush IS attacking America, as his 80% approval rating states clearly. You're listening to too much propaganda - the "axis of evil" statement was perhaps too religion-based for most people. However, the message was directed to Sodom and NO ONE ELSE. It's too bad everyone is caught up in the 3 little words used and not the intent of the message, which is "you fuck with us, you die." And that's not imperialistic, it's survival.

12. Those "policemen of the world" and "center of the universe" statements sound like jealousy. If America or our allies are threatened, we will defend. It's not a matter of ego, it's a matter of the belief in right or wrong and survival. As I mentioned in #10, do you turn your back while other countries murder your friends? I would hope not!!

And No, I am not a naive American. My eyes are wide open to what this country does, and the foolish mistakes they make.

My intentions in this posting are not to solve anything, as that can't be done in this forum. It is simply to give you one American's perspective.

That said, I will also put back on my funny hat. :headbang: :headbang:
Thank you Spawny for reminding me of that.
A couple of quick notes, because I'm going to work shortly.

Originally posted by She Wolf
Note: I will always use Sodom, not the true spelling of his name, as it was originally penned by the first President George Herbert Walker Bush, as suits the madman. No apologies there.

Well, ain't that just super. I'm sure he's going insane with rage right now :)

1. Spiffy, you post in Spawny's journal, so I understand you have a sense of humor. However, this topic really wasn't funny to any American.

To be honest, I really don't care. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was trying to show what a crackpot Bush is.

6. The wargame that Bush is playing right now is more a war of words. Sodom, as well as most of that region of the world, thinks that Americans are weak. Bush is trying to tell the asshole that WE ARE NOT WEAK, and we will do what is necessary to protect OUR world (U.S.) and other innocent countries, whilst he waves his middle finger at him. So, like, don't fuck with us because the next time we fight, it will be the last. Do you understand? It is truly "The Art of War."

And it will do more harm than good in the long run. We've already had North Korea and Iran express dismay at the comments - NK said, to put it bluntly, "Dem's fightin' words!".

9. Our political system is screwed up (did I already say that?) Weapons being sold to anyone outside this country is sick. But, the average American can't control that. And, that was Clinton for you. Obviously, there was no thought involved in that decision whatsoever.

You mean Clinton is the only president responsible for selling arms overseas? That's news to me.

12. Those "policemen of the world" and "center of the universe" statements sound like jealousy. If America or our allies are threatened, we will defend. It's not a matter of ego, it's a matter of the belief in right or wrong and survival. As I mentioned in #10, do you turn your back while other countries murder your friends? I would hope not!!

It's got nothing to do with jealousy, it's being sick of turning on the news for years and when hearing there's a crisis overseas, that the Americans have stuck their nose into it and sending in troops. That breeds a lot of contempt for the American government - not the people, the government.

My intentions in this posting are not to solve anything, as that can't be done in this forum. It is simply to give you one American's perspective.

Likewise - I'm trying to give a foreigner's perspective. I'm not anti-American - Kevin Spacey rules, for example, and he's American. I'm no expert on the whole thing, and I don't claim to be, but the way Bush is acting is very concerning. I was filled with as much shock and sorrow as the next person when I saw what happened to the WTC, but that doesn't mean I have to condone everything our American allies do. Just because I disagree Bush's politics, does that mean that I'm anti-American and insulting every flag-waving patriot your country has to offer? Hell no.

Time for work.
Besides, America gave us the best band ever! (Iced Earth of course) Though they did give us the Backstreet Boys too, but noones perfect ;) :)

As the great Spawny says.... Dont worry be happy! :D

(Ive also said some quote about hermaphrodites that people seemed to laugh at as well, but I cant remember what it was, so move along, nothing to see here :) )
Originally posted by Spiff
Well, ain't that just super. I'm sure he's going insane with rage right now :)

**Hahaha, GOOD, and we haven't? He's a coward anyway.

To be honest, I really don't care. I wasn't trying to be funny, I was trying to show what a crackpot Bush is.

**He isn't. And it isn't fair to judge him when the game hasn't been played out. It is so easy to judge Spiffy, and so hard to withhold judgment until this man has been given a chance. So far MOST of the leaders in the rest of the world agree - that's good enough for me. You're not going to get everyone in the same boat.

And it will do more harm than good in the long run. We've already had North Korea and Iran express dismay at the comments - NK said, to put it bluntly, "Dem's fightin' words!".

**So is blocking weapons inspectors from entering their depots, but we've put up with it for a long time. Like I said, Bush's dad should have finished the job. And Iran, that's a hoot. *LOL* In the 1970's I had a bumper sticker, due to the games Iran played, that said "Piss on Iran". We don't want to go there.

You mean Clinton is the only president responsible for selling arms overseas? That's news to me.

**No, but he's been president for the last 8 of 9 years, that is a long time, most of which have been embroiled in scandal after scandal, instead of doing his JOB. Read George Stephanopolous' book (he was Clinton's top advisor.)

It's got nothing to do with jealousy, it's being sick of turning on the news for years and when hearing there's a crisis overseas, that the Americans have stuck their nose into it and sending in troops. That breeds a lot of contempt for the American government - not the people, the government.

**When you're the only "superpower" in the world, everyone wants to take you down. That's why there's always something happening here, from the Aussie perspective. I'm sorry if your news stations report only American news, there is far more happening in the world than us. And, we aren't responsible for your news reporters.

Likewise - I'm trying to give a foreigner's perspective. I'm not anti-American - Kevin Spacey rules, for example, and he's American. I'm no expert on the whole thing, and I don't claim to be, but the way Bush is acting is very concerning. I was filled with as much shock and sorrow as the next person when I saw what happened to the WTC, but that doesn't mean I have to condone everything our American allies do. Just because I disagree Bush's politics, does that mean that I'm anti-American and insulting every flag-waving patriot your country has to offer? Hell no.

**Your perspective is noted respectfully. Of course the way Bush is acting is very concerning - he is acting like a true leader should act: strong, decisive, honest, true and moral. People aren't used to that. I don't know how old you are, but I've seen many presidents come and go and I can tell you that it's been hell with Clinton in office for every aspect except the vanished economy (and he claims responsibility for that too - yeah right, any economist knows that is false - he actually tried to kill it with his stupidity - but that's not for this forum.) Even if you disagree with our President's choices, calling someone a "crackpot" is really uncalled for.

**In RESPECT to everyone else in this forum, I am choosing to avoid this topic like the plague. And Spiffy, I hold no ill feelings for your opinions. Peace out!

Originally posted by spawn
Besides, America gave us the best band ever! (Iced Earth of course) Though they did give us the Backstreet Boys too, but noones perfect ;) :)

As the great Spawny says.... Dont worry be happy! :D

(Ive also said some quote about hermaphrodites that people seemed to laugh at as well, but I cant remember what it was, so move along, nothing to see here :) )

Ahhhhhh, and you're the wisest of us all Spawny. You sure you're not like an 80 year old man or something? As I said to you before, being able to see through a pile of shit to what really matters, is a gift. It really doesn't matter what we think, because none of us can control what happens anyway. So, don't worry and be happy is a great motto (geeeeeeeee, I've heard that somewhere before.) *LOL* :D :headbang: (although I haven't heard the hermaphrodite thingo before, hmmmmmmmm, when you remember, keep it to yourself!) hahaha ;0

You know what my favorite Aussie import is? Mel Gibson - man you know how to make them down there. He's what every woman wants - don't you know it? Yes, yes, yes!
Originally posted by She Wolf

Ahhhhhh, and you're the wisest of us all Spawny. You sure you're not like an 80 year old man or something? As I said to you before, being able to see through a pile of shit to what really matters, is a gift. It really doesn't matter what we think, because none of us can control what happens anyway. So, don't worry and be happy is a great motto (geeeeeeeee, I've heard that somewhere before.) *LOL* :D :headbang: (although I haven't heard the hermaphrodite thingo before, hmmmmmmmm, when you remember, keep it to yourself!) hahaha ;0

You know what my favorite Aussie import is? Mel Gibson - man you know how to make them down there. He's what every woman wants - don't you know it? Yes, yes, yes!

But its not helpful seeing THROUGH the pile of shit when you are IN it! :D

Actually, I didnt think the hermaphrodite thing was THAT funny myself as I was being somewhat serious when I wrote it, but everyone else seemingly nearly fell over with laughter, I was a bit mystified, but hey, whatever makes people happy! :D Ill have to find it and reprint it in all its glory! ;)

Mel Gibson, Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce, Heath Ledger, some other bloke I dont remember the name of, WHERE does it end? DAMN, we are a good looking country! We could take over the world just by sending those guys in first to seduce all the women! :D
The women here are much better though! :headbang: Except the nasty mean ones, they arent so good, but they will never experience the wondrous Spawny! :cry: <-- The nasty mean ones upon hearing my bold announcement :D
(The hermaphrodites here are best left to their own devices id say :lol: )
Originally posted by spawn

But its not helpful seeing THROUGH the pile of shit when you are IN it! :D

Mel Gibson, Russel Crowe, Guy Pearce, Heath Ledger, some other bloke I dont remember the name of, WHERE does it end? DAMN, we are a good looking country! We could take over the world just by sending those guys in first to seduce all the women! :D

It is if you have x-ray vision - okay, that was stupid. :D

That's right, Spawn, keep naming them. I can take it. Just make sure to send me a few, first thing in the morning. Yeah, I forget about cutie Russel (don't know Pearce or Ledger - but I will before day's end!) (She Wolf sighs deeply, as she remembers she's married.) :cry: :cry: :lol::cry: :cry:
Okay, I'm back so soon!

I just came from "heathbaby.com", "the site with bite!" Come on ladies, that is so tacky! Okay, Heath doesn't impress She Wolf, he's not her type.

However, Guy Pearce is another hottie from downunder! You can send him right on over anytime folks. I promise to send him back in used condition! (gasp!) :lol: :D :heh: :heh: :heh: :yow: :devil:
Boy this is a very serious thread.
The only input I can give is another Aussie import is Dame Edna soon to be appearing in Ally McBeal - so my wife told me.
Just to give another nationalities response to this thread (it's only fair really ;)) I have to agree completely with Spiff and Mark. I'm blessed with having many different news sources at my fingertips and I believe that helps when forming my opinions. And I have to say that having Bush in charge of such a powerful nation is one of the most frightening things in the world right now.

As for jealousy, erm, no, afraid not. I have no interest in what goes on in the US as such, rather what happens to the planet that I inhabit, and as has already been mentioned it is rather unfortunate when powerful countries decide they know whats best for the world.

Oooh, fun thread. :lol:
Originally posted by dreamwatch
Just to give another nationalities response to this thread (it's only fair really ;)) I have to agree completely with Spiff and Mark. I'm blessed with having many different news sources at my fingertips and I believe that helps when forming my opinions. And I have to say that having Bush in charge of such a powerful nation is one of the most frightening things in the world right now.

As for jealousy, erm, no, afraid not. I have no interest in what goes on in the US as such, rather what happens to the planet that I inhabit, and as has already been mentioned it is rather unfortunate when powerful countries decide they know whats best for the world.

Oooh, fun thread. :lol:

Okay, under the circumstances, Spawny, I'm sure you'll understand if I change my mind and respond to this post?
(She Wolf sighs and she removes her funny hat one last time and puts on the pretty pink war helmet)

First, I don't know how another Aussie's viewpoint is of any value here. Find me someone from another country, and it may have more meaning. Or even another American with a different perspective. It's just redundant and really NOT fair, even though you think so, as it's now become a gang bang. :D

Second, I'm glad you're frightened of Bush. Yes, you read that right. He is the Commander in Chief of our armed forces and fear is a weapon. If other countries have any hatred or "evil" (that word's been around since the beginning of time and everyone is scared shitless of it, funny) ideas against the U.S., then they SHOULD fear him. He is no lunatic - anyone who knows anything about war - and yes, the U.S. is at war - knows that psyching out your opponent is essential. (Read "The Art of War") Sometimes, it's even the only way to avoid continuing conflict.

Third, it matters not to me how many different news sources you have available to you. You can't understand the U.S. culture unless you live here. As I mentioned before, we are a very philanthropic nation. We don't just trot into countries sticking our noses into other nations problems, unless WE ARE ASKED TO HELP, usually because of human suffering and oppression. Since WW2, the U.S. has felt a responsibility to PROTECT the innocents in the rest of the world. And not everyone in America agrees when we do aid another country. But, please note that the U.S. didn't want to get involved in WW2 either, however if we didn't, perhaps Hitler would be reigning the world today - your world as well. Jeez, I hope you're not Jewish.

So, as I said, everyone wants to take down the Man on the top of the hill. It's easy to JUDGE what you would do in any given situation, but find yourself in it and you would be open to all options. No, we aren't perfect, but neither are you. And, in this situation, it's really unfortunate that the ones that are supposed to be our friends are tearing us down because they don't agree with us. Do you do that with your Aussie friends?

One thing I like about Metal music, is the recurring theme of "judge not lest ye be judged yourself." Pretty ironic that we're even having this discussion, don't you think? - as America's President has been judged, condemned and massacred here by Australians, and the game isn't even near completed. And you are doing exactly what you've accused us of doing - you're sticking your noses in our business. Hmmmmmmm, seems a tad on the hypocritical side. :D

Oh, and by the way, not a one of you have offered any positive suggestions, just complaints. What exactly would you expect our president to do? He's inherited problems from previous administrations and has to work with the crap that has been dealt him.

She Wolf's funny hat is back on, PERMANENTLY on this thread, so go ahead an gang bang all you want, as it matters not!
Originally posted by She Wolf
First, I don't know how another Aussie's viewpoint is of any value here. Find me someone from another country, and it may have more meaning. Or even another American with a different perspective. It's just redundant and really NOT fair, even though you think so, as it's now become a gang bang. :D

Psst... Dreamwatch is English. She just lives in Australia - can't you tell by the accent?

I've officially retired from this thread because it's just too frustrating trying to have an argument with a Republican :)
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