Oh joy

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Originally posted by Bucko
Boy this is a very serious thread.
The only input I can give is another Aussie import is Dame Edna soon to be appearing in Ally McBeal - so my wife told me.

We need more Bucko in this thread! :lol: :D
She Wolf: Would it be possible for you to make your posts shorter? i get so bored reading them,summerize them if you can, for my sake,or i'll start paying you out about the words Sodom and Gang Bang.
Originally posted by spawn


I told you I can be a pissy She Wolf when I wanted to be - but NOOOOOOOOO, you didn't believe me. :lol: :D :lol:

You (and others) were never criticized in any of my posts, Spawn. I apologize to those innocent bystanders. But, Americans have been dished quite a lot of sh## lately without any positive support, it's all just lip service. Everyone's a critic, very few have solutions. It wears on you after a while.
:devil: :yow: :OMG: :heh: :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Koichi
She Wolf: Would it be possible for you to make your posts shorter? i get so bored reading them,summerize them if you can, for my sake,or i'll start paying you out about the words Sodom and Gang Bang.

Perhaps the topics brought up could be a little less insulting to Americans - I didn't bring this up. I don't know what you mean by "paying you out", but I assume it's an insult. It's your choice to read them, now isn't it?

Is that short enough for you? :lol:
Originally posted by Koichi
She Wolf: Would it be possible for you to make your posts shorter? i get so bored reading them,summerize them if you can, for my sake,or i'll start paying you out about the words Sodom and Gang Bang.

Just play some Devy or Mr Bungle while you read to keep your slack ass goulburnwevegotalighthousethatnevergetsused eyes open :lol:

You really shouldnt have mentioned gang bang when Koichi is around, I just knew he would be the first to mention something about it :lol: :lol: :lol:

Btw, im gonna see if that amorphis cd is there today :D

She Wolf, I dunno if youy were being pissy, I dont recall you calling anyone any names or anything :) Except poor ol Saddam of course :lol:
Originally posted by Spiff

Psst... Dreamwatch is English. She just lives in Australia - can't you tell by the accent?

I've officially retired from this thread because it's just too frustrating trying to have an argument with a Republican :)

For some reason, my post didn't hit the board in response to this, so here I go again: :lol:

Okay, you got me there. :lol: She is English and her perspective is a welcome addition. However, the last I heard, Tony Blair (England) was the U.S.'s and Bush's biggest supporter. However, she also gets her information from Australia, not the U.S. or even England.

Spiffy, you have that comment on Republican's incorrect. It is AMERICAN'S that are fed up (remember that 80-90% approval rate is almost the ENTIRE population) because we've been slammed, largely due to politics, not right or wrong or war tactics.

And, I did try to stop this thread once before, but Dreamwatch joined the party late. As an American, I believe it is my duty to educate and inform - what you do with that information is entirely your choice. :cool: :err: :cool:
Originally posted by spawn

You really shouldnt have mentioned gang bang when Koichi is around, I just knew he would be the first to mention something about it :lol: :lol: :lol:

She Wolf, I dunno if you were being pissy, I dont recall you calling anyone any names or anything :) Except poor ol Saddam of course :lol:

:lol: :D :cool: Yeah, I noticed that he capitalized Gang Bang - there obviously is something I don't know here. (hehe) Wanna share?

No, I would never call anyone names (even if I'm tempted.) Not too cool. That Sodom joke is very old here, dating to the Gulf War.

I don't like being serious, but now you guys know something today that you didn't know yesterday, whatever that may be. Oh yeah, Spawny also knows that I type 100 words per minute, so I say what I think, no need for shortening.
:D :D ;) :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :loco:
Originally posted by phlogiston
I'm not one to stop beating a dead horse. :D

Well, it's not. I thought we'd just been through that.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: It's easy to paraphrase and more difficult to come back with an intelligent response. And, just like anyone else here, I'm entitled to my opinion.
Originally posted by She Wolf

:lol: :D :cool: Yeah, I noticed that he capitalized Gang Bang - there obviously is something I don't know here. (hehe) Wanna share?

No, I would never call anyone names (even if I'm tempted.) Not too cool. That Sodom joke is very old here, dating to the Gulf War.

I don't like being serious, but now you guys know something today that you didn't know yesterday, whatever that may be. Oh yeah, Spawny also knows that I type 100 words per minute, so I say what I think, no need for shortening.
:D :D ;) :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :loco:

Dont worry, as you will get to know, Koichi isnt one to mince words, so when gang bang was mentioned, I was a little afraid at what he would come out with ;) I think that wanna share bit you added is asking for trouble too considering what we were talking about :lol:
Anyway, Koichi was alarmingly subdued in the response, but I think he was too busy concentrating trying to send me positive vibes so I would buy the Amiorphis cd, which I did!

100 words a minute... I still cant get my head around that... thats so fast!
Originally posted by spawn

Dont worry, as you will get to know, Koichi isnt one to mince words, so when gang bang was mentioned, I was a little afraid at what he would come out with ;) I think that wanna share bit you added is asking for trouble too considering what we were talking about :lol:

Hahaha! That's why all the smilie faces and the hehe - that was my point exactly - it was too tempting!
Originally posted by She Wolf
Okay, you got me there. :lol: She is English and her perspective is a welcome addition. However, the last I heard, Tony Blair (England) was the U.S.'s and Bush's biggest supporter. However, she also gets her information from Australia, not the U.S. or even England.

There you go with your assumptions again. We get our news from: CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS, Reuters (via Yahoo), BBC (both online and world services), as well as the highly-respected news services of the Australian ABC. Just because some nations can't see beyond their own boundaries when it comes to news services, doesn't mean none of us can.
I was set to never post to this thread again, to concentrate on other things like starting a family and playing stickball with the kids down the street, but then I read this...

Originally posted by She Wolf
As an American, I believe it is my duty to educate and inform - what you do with that information is entirely your choice.

Ladies and gentlemen, this would have to be one of the most arrogant comments I've read on this board. I don't need to be educated and informed by anyone, be they Australian, English, South African, Chilean, Fijian, Polish, Dutch, Finnish, Egyptian, Vietnamese or Bosnian, and ESPECIALLY American. She Wolf, it is not your duty to educate and inform me - it is, however, your duty to respect the opinions of the other people on this board and not force your ridiculous dogma down our throats. Being an American does not make you in any way a better person than the rest of us, and so you have no right to talk down to us in the way that you do.

And I mean that in the nicest possible way :)
Originally posted by Mark

as well as the highly-respected news services of the Australian ABC.

The others id agree with, but the abc is one of the most one sided places you will ever find!

Now, I do declare this thread officially goddamn closed, find something else to argue about dammit :lol:

And remember, play nice :)
I'm just quite impressed that a thread I started has reached 54 posts (now 55 with this one). Sure beats the ones I started where I was actually trying to *say* something!
Originally posted by spawn
The others id agree with, but the abc is one of the most one sided places you will ever find!

Not when it comes to international news, it ain't! It's the training ground for some of the best journos in the Aussie media (Ray Martin not withstanding;)).

And yes, I too declare this thread closed - and I'm closing it to prove it :p
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