Oh man :(

My grandma died yesterday, really suddenly. It's so weird that Isabel's grandpa died yesterday as well :(. I was so close to her. I went with my whole family yesterday afternoon to be with my grandpa. It's just so sad. They were born on the same street in Queens, and were next-door neighbors their entire lives, and then they got married, they were married for 54 years. That's INSANE. And still so in love, I'd never seen anything like that. I know death is just a natural thing, but she was so healthy :( I don't care how childish it "is" to be so upset about a grandparent dying (after all so many people never even met their grandparents), and I am lucky to have been close to all of mine, but damn, this sucks.

I don't know, they were inseparable. Ahh she was only 72, which by today's standards isn't that old :( damn. Well R.I.P. Marilyn Morrison!
For you as well, sorry to hear that. 72 may not be that old by today's standards, but from what you write, she seems to have had a full and happy life, and that's what counts, isn't it?

Yep. I think you're right. Losing someone you love from your life is heart-breaking, but it's a process of life, it springs up, lives and dies. Given how transient this entire ride is, spending as much of it as contented with your lot as you can be seems like a pretty good life. She seems lucky to have had a husband who loved and cared for her over 50+ years, and even more lucky to have had a family that cares for her too.

Feel better, Jennifer, for the tumultuous ride rumbles onwards, unthinking and relentless.

On a side note, sincerest hugs from Scotland. :)
My sincere condolence, Jennifer. I lost my grandma not so far ago too, so I know how you feel.
Again, bereavement's always a shit. Really sorry to hear that. Then again, it's good to hear they were together and in love for so long; much like my own grandparents before my grandfather died suddenly. Nonetheless, *hugs*.