oh shit I'm hungover thread.....

Ahhh..... nothing like a flask of bourbon, 9.5% alcohol beer, Kolsch, Harp's, Carlsburg, Red Bull & Vodka (all in multiple quantities) Amon Amarth and lap dances to empty out your wallet and get you through the night, followed by waking up on your floor with a hoagie sandwich wrapped around your head while not remembering purchasing it for good measure.

Oh yeah, and a slight headache. :cool:
the last thing i remember from last night was laying in bed cursing about danny glover :loco:

...and i called LORD_RED_DRAGON at one point last night :lol:
So sweet.

After I left here I went to a bud's apt and had a triple-shot of bourbon. I was hating myself this morning.

And I pwn3d that exam.
MajestikMøøse said:
Duff Beer for meeeeee
Duff Beer for youuuuu
I havvveeeee a Duffffff
You havveee onee tooooo
seriously, that's in the top 5. i watch that episode probably 30 times a year.

"how do you do it, Homer."
"you just take an ordinary bedsheet, and you..."

Yesterday morning was the first time I have ever thrown up in the morning, it usually happens before I go to bed.
Drinking whiskey straight from the bottle, being burned with cigarette's, people running around with no pants on, attemps to contact the dead using beer cartons and shot glasses at 4 in the morning, about 6 drinking contests, and an AGB that deserved it's own soundtrack, this night had it all. :kickass:
Suddenly you realize you were smoking, but not ultra lights—some sadist handed you a pack of Pall Mall nonfilters and you chain-smoked them like it was your full-time job, telling anyone who would listen that smoking filtered cigarettes is like drinking whiskey through a bar rag.
been there, except i bought the pack myself while sober earlier that day.