oh shit I'm hungover thread.....

ugh :ill:

played a show last night with teh Dagger, everyone had fun, people liked it...then was up til 5:30 drinking beers with the hellthrashers, we were at a party and they had blondie or some shit on, we put on pig destroyer and got wasted...also going to start a death/grind band with this one dude and a kickass drummer guy with deformed hands

all in all a successful night
Jesus ... it's almost 6pm Sunday .. and I am still feelign the effects of alcohol from last night ... did not help that I woke up at freaking 10am and spent the whole day at the Motorcycle show in Manhattan walking around ... some pics are a coming.
Yeah I don't feel so hot today. Gatorade is helping. Going to bland practice in a bit, haha.
you sould tell your bandmates you are quitting ... got a paid offer from a touring band ... just to piss them off