okay, okay, funny picture thread


i don't see any vomit... i'm disappointed
No, I think he vomited very little on that occasion. Also, it was probably clear anyway. I didn't throw up but if I did it would probably had been black, courtesy of FUCKING HOT Jägermeister (black-ish bottle lying in the fucking sun when it's 30 degrees Celsius outside = TEH YUM YUM YUM)
Hot Jäg!? :ill:

4 degrees farenheit is the only way to drink Jägermeister! Nothing more, nothing less!
It was fairly awful. But better than warm beer, much better. But it was hot as fuck, it was too hot to hold the bottle in your hands for extended periods of time.
Heh. I've been told it has rained pretty much every time, except last year... Well, it did rain, but very little, Not enough to even make any puddles. But in exchange, it was FUCKING EXCRUCIATINGLY HOT.