Okay. So fuck. My study in Finland next year. Fuck.


Apr 15, 2004
Towards Vikingity
Since I couldn't find the Helsinki Road-Call thread, I will announce here that:

Next year I will be studying in Jyväskylä.
I have some things to take care of before I can actually go, but at least I've made up my mind, and I hope the rest will all prove to be formalities.

I will keep you up to date of the developments, whether you like it or not.

Plans so far:

- Getting an appointment with the lady at my university for the application and official bullshit

- Scotland from Juli 27 - August 1

- To Wacken with the Hardcore Highland Bevvy Connaiseurs

- To Finland somewhere around August 20

- Starting classes on September 5

- Degrading Finland into a diabolical pie of gory madness, with a destructive and alcohol-abusive icing.

Ps: My sincere apologies to all the disappointed Swedes for my the rigorous annihilation of the studying-in-Lund-plans (R.I.P). I still love you.
Heavenscent said:
- Scotland from Juli 27 - August 1

Someone shoulda told you by now. Ryanair has made the new flight scheduals and aren't flying to wacken from scotland. I'm going via sweden and chris and co going via england.
-Gavin- said:
Someone shoulda told you by now. Ryanair has made the new flight scheduals and aren't flying to wacken from scotland. I'm going via sweden and chris and co going via england.

They're not??! Fucking homo's.
I'll have to figure out something. Could you pm me on your route, the costs, and the dates?
Fact is, I will be in Scotland that long weekend nonetheless, since the drum & pipe band is visiting the clan.
Okay. So fuck Ryanair..
It's cool, i have relatives in Finland so i have a good reason to go visit :) also, a good friend of mine has his girlfriend in Finland, so that's reason no.2. If I need a reason no.3 I guess that will be visiting you then.
Uh, I don't mean to be rude, but why do are you keeping us informed about your "plans"? Are you assuming we are interested or whats the point?
dude you gotta say fuck more if you wanna go to Finland

this thread should be : Fuck! Okay Fuck so Fuck. fuck my fucking fuck study in mother fucking Finland next fucking year. Idontgiveaflyingfuckmotherfuckers FUCK!
Jesse- said:
Uh, I don't mean to be rude, but why do are you keeping us informed about your "plans"? Are you assuming we are interested or whats the point?

the 10+ posts say yes, yes the people are interesred.

Good luck on your travels.